Covet my coffee table Outdoor & Exteriors

Covet my coffee table: with Osier Belle’s Penny Camplisson

After such a beautiful week of our 7 Vignettes challenge over on Instagram earlier this month, it seemed a great time to share what’s on someone’s coffee table and we particularly love all the sentimental objects on Penny Camplisson’s.

The bowl of treats here for example, is actually a dog bowl which belonged to Oliver George Womble, her late dog who went with her everywhere. “He was such a character and I miss him terribly. I use his water bowl for snacks on my table, depending on the week and mood I’m in.

“I’m currently replenishing it with probiotic chocolate snacks that are delicious and curb my craving for the naughty stuff. It has been known to hold guacamole for dinner parties and cherries at Christmas!”

Penny is the owner of luxury outdoor furniture brand Osier Belle, and also on her coffee table is a photo of her daughter Isabella (now 22 and currently travelling around the UK with her boyfriend in a camper van!) and her mum in Paris. “I’m also very close to Mumma, she’s so funny and young-hearted. She normally comes to stay with me for at least six months of the year but it’s currently not possible.”

The zinc house holding candles is very symbolic. “Home is extremely important to me as I have moved around a lot (34 times!) and I light this with candles every night to relax and celebrate where I am in my life. It’s been a real challenge to get to where I am. My home, wherever I’ve lived, has always been my security blanket and that is why furniture design is so important and natural to me, I think.”

Penny found the pretty teacup in a market in Vienna. Her and her partner Michael were lucky enough to fit in a fabulous backpacking adventure just months prior to COVID. “The cup constantly reminds me how grateful we should be as things change beyond your control so it’s really important to live in the moment,” she adds. “I love the colours and the texture in the pottery. You can feel it has been handmade. It holds my tape measure I am forever using for work, plus my pencils and sharpener I constantly use for sketches and designs.”

For more on Osier Belle.

Covet my coffee table

Covet my coffee table: Interior designer Kathryn Bamford

I’m so jealous of today’s coffee table, belonging to interior designer and Interiors Addict contributor Kathryn Bamford. I vaguely remember a time, before kids, when I too could display so many pretty trinkets on mine. Not anymore! I digress! And will you just look at the sheer size of this one? Over to you, Kat…

My coffee table is always changing, whether it be the books and magazines which are inspiring me at the time or my latest find while hunting for homewares. To be honest, it’s all pretty flexible as it’s where we eat dinner most nights!

It really sums up my design style at home; some old, some new and some DIY. It’s my own creation. I drew up the plans and managed to score an old marble boardroom table on Gumtree from an architecture firm that was moving. I had the table top cut to size from that, a base welded, and then sprayed the frame myself. It’s always the first piece everyone comments on when they walk into the room.

I love collecting things! Whether it be on travels or a random weekend away, I always seem to pick up something I love along the way! I’m also fond of mixing these items with new and vintage pieces. It’s always a conversation starter for when guests come over and it’s a good reminder of all the places I’ve been lucky enough to have been.

When it comes to styling a coffee table, especially one that is oversized like mine, knowing where to begin can be half the battle. I like to create sections and almost form a grid. It helps give some structure and makes the whole task less intimidating. From there, I then make stacks, whether it be books, trays or magazines, and include smaller pieces on top. I find the height variance between the stacks creates smaller, more eye-catching vignettes.

I’m also a firm believer in keeping it real and practical. For us, the coffee table is the hub of our home, we use it all the time, whether it be for entertaining guests, game nights or weeknight dinners so it can’t be high maintenance. I believe form and function can coexist so if you’re going to put things on it, then use them. If you’re going to have coasters, have beautiful ones you just keep out and actually use.

I have so many pieces I love on display on the coffee table, but my favourite is this book my Yiayia (grandmother) made me. It’s full of handwritten facts about her life, family, work and everything in between. It’s such a special reminder about the special bond I have with her and just how similar we are with some things. Along with her handwritten recipe book, this would have to be one of the most prized items in my home.

Photography: Michelle Young

– Kathryn Bamford is a regular contributor, certified interiors addict and degree-qualified interior designer & stylist. You can follow her projects and adventures on Instagram @kathryn_bamford.

A look at what’s on more people’s coffee tables

Covet my coffee table Designers Expert Tips Furniture Interviews Styling

Covet my coffee table: Furniture creator Alexey Oleshov

Originally from Russia, but now based in Sydney, furniture designer Alexey Oleshov is the co-founder of – a purveyor of unique furniture, antiques and artworks. His unusual coffee table, which he is sharing with us today, is quite the talking piece due to is unique combination of antique French doors, concrete and glass.

Alexey coffee table
Alexey Oleshov

“It’s my own creation and part of the collection. This table is a handsome piece with a perfect combination of modern lines and antique spirit,” says Alexey. Featuring antique doors created in France in the 1920s, the table also sports wrought-iron curves and its many details are set under a tempered glass top that is supported by a recycled stone and concrete base. It’s quite a mix!

Alexey coffee table
Alexey’s coffee table

“It has been known to stimulate conversation. Toughened glass and dynamic lines of dry-sealed concrete carry the energy of the city; while the wood, and iron greys of the inset piece evoke the warmth of the French home from which it came,” says Alexey.

Alexey is a fan of the artist Mark Rothko

And as for what’s on top, Alexey uses the table to showcase the things that currently inspire him – most of which have a story behind them. “I usually store my perfumes on the coffee table as I like to put them on before I leave for the day,” says Alexey who is favouring two at present; Le Labo Patchouli 24 and Kirkijan.

Coffee table

The designer also likes to use the coffee table to store art books and the novels he is currently reading. “Presently, Mark Rothko’s book is giving me colour inspiration. I adore his timeless art pieces and would love to have an original of his one day.”

The Rothko tome sits alongside a book that explores the famous champagne house Veuve Clicquot and a Peter Lindbergh photographic album. “It’s a beautiful book that inspires me for its art, culture and colour. Sadly, Lindbergh passed away recently, so this collectible is now a memoir to him.”

Coffee table

As for the designer’s coffee table styling tips, he is at pains to emphasise just how important the coffee table itself is. “It’s one of the most undervalued pieces in the room – it’s incredibly important in defining an area, creating flow and providing a space for ornaments and personal items,” says Alexey.

And when it comes to updating your coffee table items, Alexey advises changing things up from season to season. “Beautiful new items will help you energise the space. By simply adding and rearranging a few pieces, you can completely change the atmosphere and mood of the room.”

For more on Alexey and | Check out our other coffee tables

Photography:  Victoria Carwin

Covet my coffee table Designers Styling

Covet My Coffee Table: Kid’s designer Little Liberty

If you’ve an interest in children’s interior design, you’ve no doubt perused the charming spaces created by Nicole Rosenberg of Little Liberty. The interior decorator found business inspiration after having three children but today we’re taking a look at one of her more adult spaces – her beloved coffee table.

Nicole Rosenberg
Nicole with her Globewest marble coffee table

“I purchased the coffee table because at just over a metre it was the perfect size for the space and I wanted something round. The look of the table is simple and elegant and fits in perfectly with the marble fire place in the room,” says Nicole who has some sage advice when choosing a coffee table.

“You definitely need to consider style and function when purchasing a coffee table! I always see coffee tables that are not the correct scale against the couch and I think that it can often make the space look smaller,” says Nicole who recommends buying your coffee table after the rug and couch is in place.

Little Liberty coffee table

“When styling a coffee table you need to be mindful of the practicalities of everyday living as well as having items that can be easily removed. One of the main things I always have on my coffee table is flowers or a plant. I absolutely love the Angus and Celeste ‘Raw’ plant stands and at the moment I have a beautiful peace lily in there which is the perfect indoor plant with its ever blooming white flowers which just keep on giving!” says Nicole.

Little Liberty coffee table

Plant aside, Nicole’s coffee table also houses her favourite tomes – a mixed bag that give some insight into her design inspirations. “A coffee table is never complete without a stack of books and three of my absolute favorites, for their content and exterior sleeves, are Kate Moss, The Kinfolk Home and The Flowers by Dr Lisa Cooper which has the most amazing floral photography!” says Nicole.

The coffee table’s other most notable item is a white monkey lamp. “I love adding in a bit of tongue and cheek with my interiors and the monkey lamp from Fenton and Fenton made by Seletti says just that!” says Nicole. Other items include a Mud Australia porcelain bowl and a Cocolux Australia marble candle. “Cocolux in my favorite candle brand with its eco-friendly coconut wax and fragrances inspired by nature all wrapped up in the most luxe fashion forward vessels,” says Nicole.

Little Liberty coffee table

Nicole’s top coffee table styling tips

  • I always have either three or five items on the coffee table – always go for odd numbers when styling!
  • You can’t go wrong with a stack of books – either all the same size or different sizes.
  • Make sure all items are at different height levels to create extra interest for the eyes.
  • Always go green or add flowers! If you don’t want to keep spending money each week on fresh flowers go for an indoor plant or find some realistic looking fake flowers.
  • Add a little humour and a touch of fun!
  • Add in one of your favourite candles.
  • Mix your textures from marble, to ceramic, to books, to florals!

For more on Little Liberty | Check out our other coffee tables

Covet my coffee table

Covet My Coffee Table: With photographer Karmen Harley

A destination photographer and self-described ‘misfit adventurer,’ Karmen Harley has had the the good fortune to travel all over the globe. From uninhabited Chilean islands to sun-drenched temples in South East Asia and African savannahs, she’s picked up many travel trinkets along the way – all great fodder for a coffee table that really tells a story.

Karmen Harley with her coffee table
Karmen with her coffee table that displays her meaningful travel trinkets

“The coffee table is a Gumtree find, it’s a huge antique copper tray with beautiful etchings and a lovely tarnished patina. It currently sits on some folding legs from an old side table,” says Karmen of her coffee table that isn’t really a coffee table at all!

“I love it because I can pick up the tray and move it to the dining table to use in the centre or I can use it with one of the many tables that we use when we are sitting outside on the verandah,” says Karmen.

Karmen Harley with dog
Karmen with her beloved dog

“On my coffee table I have some of my favourite photography books, a little bowl that we picked up in the Caribbean filled with shells, a gorgeous hand painted tea kettle that was a gift from my husband and of course a vase of fresh eucalyptus from our yard,” says Karmen.

Karmen's lounge room
Karmen’s lounge room is a botanical oasis

“My style is about mixing old with new – Gumtree finds, ebay wins, second hand gems and my travel treasures. I guess I start with a neutral base and then add pops of bright bold colour. And plants, lots of plants!” says Karmen.

Karmen loves picking native flowers from her garden
Karmen loves picking native flowers from her garden

“Growing up, my parents had a landscaping business for 30 years so being completely surrounded by plants was a way a way of life. When the house was originally built, the owners planted dozens of wattle and eucalyptus trees so when the wattle is in flower I fill the house with it as it’s so bright and welcoming!”

For more | Check out our other coffee tables

Covet my coffee table Designers Furniture Homewares Styling

Covet My Coffee Table: With designer Lorena Gaxiola

A firm believer in investing in quality products that will be cherished forever, interior and product designer Lorena Gaxiola bought her original Zanotta coffee table over 10 years ago. “Despite its age it continues to look impeccable,” explains Lorena. “I love the size, height and Carrara marble top. It is both durable and sleek, my daughter loves to use it as a mini stage!”


A place to display her travel treasures, it’s home to an ever-growing collection of design books, healing crystals, a one of a kind sculpture made with Mexican clay and relics that hark back to a transformative experience. “I have a collection of Egyptian memorabilia which inspires me daily,” says Lorena. “I once had a life regression experience that placed me back in the ancient Egyptian era, so the pieces refer to that.” For those unsure, past life regression is a hypnosis technique that help you recover what practitioners believe are memories of past lives or incarnations!

With an opinion that more is less, Lorena isn’t afraid of – as she puts it – ‘overwhelming’ her table. “I love having a lot of objects on my table. I like having items that are stackable like books to add scale, with contrasting organic shapes to add a sense of whimsy.”

Treating her coffee table like a bookshelf, she doesn’t often change the contents: “I might add flowers or crystals but generally I just pile more books onto it.” More than anything the coffee table acts as a place of expression and individuality, which is Lorena’s big tip when styling yours at home. “It doesn’t need to follow any specific rule or decor. It can be a standalone eclectic piece or a very understated piece perfect to display funky objects.”

For more on Lorena | Browse our other coffee tables

Photography: Susan Papazian


Art Covet my coffee table Interviews Styling

Covet My Coffee Table: With artist Felicia Aroney

The Sydney home of artist Felicia Aroney is Hamptons with a twist. Beautifully furnished, the walls are adorned with her own paintings and those of up and coming artists; while shelves and tables house photos and mementos. Stylish but homely, we had to take a peak inside her living room.

The two coffee tables act as the focal point of the living room; a practical place to rest a cup of tea, and also something to dress up. “They do have an important role in the room both functionally and atheistically,” says Felicia.

Bought from Lavender Hill Interiors (who she has partnered with on a series of fine art prints), Felicia stumbled upon the tables while on the hunt for some Hamptons-inspired pieces. “Incredibly, they have each been carved out of one piece of wood, so for me they are basically art. I love them because they are light enough to move around the house. I don’t like being restricted to one area. Depending on my mood or the light, my tables move with me.”

Fine Art Print by Felicia Aroney for Lavender Hill Interiors

Placed on the coffee tables are a mix of sentimental items. Worry beads bought in Greece (“I honestly feel when I touch them I’m in the Mediterranean”); a pear ornament, part of a large collection; sterling silver shoes bought from a quaint little store in Sydney; and a cookbook written by Ralph Lauren’s wife Ricky, based on the gorgeous homes they have shared over the years.

When it comes to styling, Felicia recommends keeping things fresh and changing the aesthetic with your mood. “Treasure your coffee table as your own creative space. I don’t let my kids throw their things on there, it’s my sanctuary. Every week I change it up, I don’t necessarily buy new things, I just find little treasures around the house.”

For more on Felicia Browse our other coffee tables

Photography by Susan Papazian

Covet my coffee table Designers

Covet my coffee table: with Jess Bandiera of Verandah House

This week’s coffee table belongs to Jess Bandiera, one half of award-winning interior design duo Verandah House, with her mother, Judy Elliott. Based in Brisbane, the pair favour the classic American look.

“My coffee table is the hub of my home and is a place my partner and I love to enjoy. If you come to my place, you can be guaranteed I will always have a bunch of fresh flowers and a candle burning. I love styling my coffee table with my favourite décor books. I love to add a touch of antique; this antique blue and white bowl is a favourite of mine given to me by my mother, I love its rich colour and subtle texture. I bought the glass, cowie shell candle holders from a trip to Bali and can never go past a piece of coral to add an organic touch. My little marble bowl is perfect for a little bunch of blooms or when I change it up, I add my aged terracotta pots with maiden hair ferns. The greenery is perfect for lasting colour.”

Judy Elliott and Jess Bandiera of Verandah House.

Jess chose a rustic timber coffee table from Portobello Home to add warmth and depth to her space. “I also knew this area would be used daily so I wanted something hardy and not too precious,” she says. “I love the subtle scallop edge detail underneath which adds a feminine touch to a rustic piece.”

A coffee table allows you to create a statement in a room, says Jess. “From the size, shape and finish, a coffee table can speak volumes about the style of your home and your personality. It’s the perfect place to display treasured pieces from your travels and welcome guests into an inviting space with the addition of fresh flowers and candles. I also love that you can style your coffee table based on the time of year. For Christmas, I love adding acorns into the blue and white bowl for a festive touch.”

To avoid a display of favourite trinkets looking cluttered, Jess suggests grouping them in a tray. “That way they are grounded by the tray and have purpose rather than looking bitsy or out of place.” Secondly, always add a touch of something organic, such as a piece of coral or if you have a more contemporary space, try adding a piece of agate or a geode crystal. “Boxes are a great way to fill a space and allow you to hide away remote controls.”

Jess loves changing the look and swapping things around on her coffee table. “It keeps it looking fresh and inviting. I’m often inspired to revamp it when I come home with a new coffee table book or find a new décor piece. I style my coffee table with the things I love, and that is ever-changing so it’s fun to mix things up every once in a while.”

What’s on the table and where is it from?

  • Blue and white ginger jar from Portobello Home
  • Blue and white antique plate (a gift from her mother).
  • Décor books from Book Depository
  • Glass/cowie shell candle holders bought in Bali
  • Small marble vase and large piece of coral from Verandah House
  • Small green jar with lid from an antique store

Verandah House’s next 6-week online Styling Your Home course starts on Monday 4 September and costs $199. Find out more.

More coffee tables.

Covet my coffee table Expert Tips House Tours

Covet my coffee table: with Juliet Love & Charlie Albone

Photography by Susan Papazian

This week, we’re excited to give you a glimpse of the home of interior-exterior design duo and husband and wife, Juliet Love and Charlie Albone. Juliet is a talented interior stylist and author, and husband Charlie is the award-winning landscaping guru from Selling Houses Australia. Of course, it’s no surprise their Sydney home is beautiful, but Juliet admits it’s rarely this tidy and perfect with two young boys running around!

“A coffee table anchors a room and provides a focal point, so it’s very important,” says Juliet. “It’s also somewhere to express your taste and personality.” We couldn’t agree more.

Theirs is from Nick Scali. “I chose it because we didn’t want to spend a fortune on furniture with two young boys running wild in the house, and it looks like a much more expensive designer version! When I designed our home, I wanted it to be light, bright and airy, so the glass and chrome table helps with this, allowing light to bounce off it around the room.”

On the table is a white marble and silver circular tray from Pottery Barn (“I love trays on coffee tables — they provide a dedicated space for decorative items”), a Waterford Crystal fishbowl vase (Juliet’s absolute favourite flower vessel) which was a wedding gift from a special friend, a small tiger cowrie shell which Juliet’s mum had in the house when she was a child, a brass lobster from Style My Home (“because I saw it and had to have it”), and a round gold dish from Freedom. The book is Beauty At Home by Aerin Lauder.

“I am always changing things around,” says Juliet. “It drives Charlie crazy! I keep the background neutral and add in decorative accessories. The great thing about accessories is that they aren’t as expensive as big ticket items like furniture, so you can get away with changing things up more frequently. I love flowers and cushions for a quick update.”

The stylist’s coffee table styling must-haves are elements from nature (crystal, driftwood or shells, for example), hard cover books (she’s written her own, Love Style) on subjects that interest you, flowers, a tray, and a splash of metal. We think it’s a great formula.

“Use the rules of balance for styling it,” she advises. “Take a photo from above and you’ll then be able to see whether any one element is overwhelming. Also consider vertical space and keep all decorative items fairly low; you don’t want anything to be too high or it will look odd. Also, don’t overload the surface. I’ve seen some coffee tables lately that are overflowing and therefore overwhelming to the eye. You’ll lose all impact you may have otherwise had. Place items on your coffee table as a magazine editor would curate images for a magazine: only the very best will make the cut.”

The couple recently moved back to Sydney after living on a farm in the country (which they’ve kept hold of) for a while. “It’s by the beach, so we spend a lot of time down there. When we moved in, the walls were all sponged mustard yellow, with dark mahogany built-in furniture and beige carpet. I basically just whitewashed all the walls and built-ins, put in a new limewashed timber floor, sisal rugs, and some furniture with slipcovers in white and blue, mostly navy. With Charlie traveling for work so frequently, it became too isolating being on the farm. We’re much happier back in Sydney closer to family and friends.”

The move has also prompted the couple to open a studio together in Woollahra’s Edgecliff Road, under the Inspired Exteriors banner. “It’s a great little design precinct now, with Porter’s Paints, No Chintz, Candana Bathrooms, Cameron Kimber Interiors, Sambag, Sonoma and Cotton Love Home right next door, so we’re in good company! Our design team is in the front office, and we have a separate office at the back of the block for the landscape construction team, so it is perfect for our business. We have a gorgeous little display window out front which I am having great fun decorating.”

Parents and parents-to-be will be delighted to hear that a child-friendly house doesn’t have to be a boring one! Juliet tries to strike a balance between a home that feels ‘adult’, and one that sons Leo and Hartford can enjoy and be carefree in. “I am conscious that I’ve seen a lot of homes where, once a baby arrives, all sense of personality is lost; every item taken off every surface. I don’t think it has to be that way. My mum told me that she made it very clear when I was a child what was off limits, and I steered clear of those things. I have tried to teach the boys the same thing and so far it works well! They know there are (just a few) spots in the house that they can’t make their play area. The coffee table is one of those spots. I also have a tan leather sofa that hides a multitude of sins, and armchairs and dining chairs with slip covers that I can throw in the washing machine, so the kids don’t feel like there’s nothing they can touch!

“It certainly doesn’t always look neat and tidy, in fact mostly it’s a chaotic mess! I often feel like I’m in Groundhog Day because the tidying is endless, but I also wouldn’t have it any other way. I love the way the children add laughter and fun to the house.”

Covet my coffee table Designers Expert Tips Furniture Homewares Interviews Styling

Covet My Coffee Table: With Catherine Heraghty of The Stables

With an Instagram awash with the beautiful stylings of her home, we knew we would be remiss to not peak inside the living room of Catherine Heraghty, the mind behind interior styling company The Stables.

It’s one of those spaces that oozes style but liveability, a fine line to balance, especially when you have small children and an extremely cute dog! So when it came to styling her coffee table, Catherine knew she had to keep function front of mind. “You have to consider the material it is made from, how it will be used and the shape that suits the space best. There are some gorgeous oak coffee tables with beautiful oiled finishes, but while these look gorgeous they can mark easily. This is definitely something to be aware of it you eat dinner at your coffee table or have kids that are constantly hanging all over it!”

So instead she chose the Nord coffee table from Melbourne based brand Middle of Nowhere. Painted soft grey it beautifully contrasts the timber floor, which means Catherine can avoid the hazard of rugs, a bonus when you have unsteady toddlers. However, her favourite feature is the tabletop itself. “You can actually see the texture of the timber grain through the grey paint. I am a massive fan of introducing texture to a space no matter how subtle, it’s always the small details that make the big difference for me.”

When it comes to styling, a first priority is always a fresh bunch of flowers: “I love to style with flowers as they add a certain energy to a space that accessories can’t.” Then it’s all about layering. In today’s look (Catherine admits she changes her coffee table weekly!) there’s trays of different sizes, draped ceramic beads, coasters, design magazines, plus two new purchases, a blush mug and gold vessel from Zakkia. “I just love the unusual shape of both, they will be pieces I will keep for a long time to come. When you love something it will never go out of style.”

When styling your own coffee table Catherine recommends using items that have the same colours as other elements in the room. “I tend to use an artwork as my starting point when purchasing accessories for a space. I will pull colour from the artwork and select cushions and accessories for the coffee table to complement these.” Height and depth are also important, just remember to not have the tallest object obstruct the view.

For Catherine coffee tables are more than a pretty piece to brighten up the living room, rather they are vital to the space. “I think it is one of the biggest decisions you make for a living space. The sofa is the biggest decision and the coffee table is secondary, but it supports and backs up the sofa choice. It is really crucial to get it right to give a harmonious result.” So, no pressure!

For moreBrowse our other coffee tables

Covet my coffee table Designers

Covet My Coffee Table: With interior designer James Treble

Given he’s the resident interior design expert on Channel Ten’s The Living Room, it is rather fitting that James Treble opened up his own living room to us recently for a glimpse at his coffee table styling. A regular at the Milan Furniture Fair and the International Tile and Bathroom Fair in Bologna, James uses the phrase ‘Global Traveller’ to describe both his lifestyle and personal style.

James’ living room

“I love collecting objects when I travel, as they tell a story and create conversation when people come to visit whilst reminding me of past travels. The brass seashell on my coffee table is in fact a door handle that I found in Gallipoli, Italy. I have bought a few different sets each time I’ve visited, and I use them as objects on tables while they await the perfect set of doors,” says James.

The bold brass object sits atop a marble coffee table sourced from Life Interiors. “The strong vein works well in our home providing some natural beauty and a nod to Italy which we visit every year, and the round design contrasts all the straight lines in the home. I love round and organic shapes,” says James, who lives with his Italian artist partner, Sandro Nocentini.

James’ coffee table

“My coffee table is ever changing as we usually rotate objects and plants from around the home so we get to enjoy them. It also makes the space feel fresh and interesting all the time, as we get to engage again with something we may have forgotten or not looked at for some time.

“Books are a big part of our world. We regularly buy books in both Australia and overseas and we love books on design and art as well as inspirational people,” says James, who cites Alain De Botton’s The Architecture of Happiness as one of his all-time favourites. “Sandro was fortunate to meet him and he signed a copy for me.

“I also love using books when styling as it allows me to change the height of objects, as well as adding personality through their titles. It’s something that I teach when working with students or in workshops for my online interior design course,” says James.

James in his living room

A lover of texture, James’ lounge room features a woven rug, velvet sofa, leather occasional chair, timber floor and marble. “Texture is possibly my most favourite element in design, as I’m a very tactile being and a touchy-feely sort of guy. I feel that the tactile experience is important in our homes as we all live such busy lives, and deal with so much technology, that we need to get back to nature to relax our senses.”

Hanging above the navy sofa is a piece of art by Sandro. “He is an award-winning artist and has been awarded The Sulman Prize as part of the Archibald,” says James of his partner of 13 years, with whom he has two children.

The space also features a range of digitally printed Kerrie Brown cushions. “I met her in her gorgeous store for a colour presentation, fell in love with them and bought them on the spot,” says James who combines them with a round tan leather cushion from Mr Jason Grant.

For more | Browse our other coffee tables

Covet my coffee table

Covet My Coffee Table: With Gina Ciancio from Style Curator

Describing her interior style as ‘contemporary Australian,’ Canberra-based stylist and blogger Gina Ciancio, of Style Curator, likes to restyle her coffee table on a regular basis. “I change the styling on my coffee table quite regularly – depending on the seasons, my mood and of course, what I think Patrick (my one year old bub) will or won’t feel like breaking that day! The spaces in my home are constantly changing and evolving. Styling my home is a bit of a mad obsession but I love it,” says Gina.

The coffee table itself has a white metal base and round timber top and was sourced from the online furniture and décor store Tysiza. “I chose this piece because its clean design complements the minimalist aesthetic of my home but the timber top adds warmth without being ‘heavy.’ It fits my interior style and is neutral enough to change the styling on it easily,” says Gina.

Aside from a selection of interior and architecture related books, Gina always decorates her coffee table with an indoor plant or fresh flowers and a scented candle. “At times, I’ll pull out more decorative items and create a bit of a vignette, and other times I’ll create a cluster of candles, or I’ll keep things simple with mainly books and just a few bits of décor,” says Gina who warns against over-working the space. “There can be a temptation to over-style a coffee table but keeping some blank space for a cup of tea or just to allow the items to ‘breathe’ is also important,” says Gina.

Gina Ciancio

Aside from being a focal point in the room, Gina likes the way that the coffee table can divert attention from a large screen TV. “The TV is often the unintentional focal point but a well-styled coffee table can distract from that,” says Gina who admits that she struggles to maintain a beautifully styled home with a toddler in the mix. “I find that it’s near impossible – especially if you have a family or just a life! But a coffee table is a small and manageable space to keep looking good,” says Gina.

As for her top coffee table styling tips, Gina loves to play with height and scale and is a big believer in odd numbers. “If you find something isn’t quite right, perhaps count the number of items you’ve used and consider adding or subtracting something to get to an odd number of items – it sounds weird but items arranged in odd numbers always look better,” says Gina who is also a big fan of trays. “Another trick of mine is to add a tray, trivet or even use a book as a base to layer items on top of. This can anchor the items you’re styling and make them look less knick-knacky,” says Gina.

Check out Style Curator | Browse our other coffee tables

Covet my coffee table

Covet My Coffee Table: With Kate & Kate’s Kate Pascoe Squires

One half of the design duo Kate & Kate, Kate Pascoe Squires opened her lounge room to us recently for a glimpse at her gorgeous coffee table — a brass and marble number that was imported from France. “I fell in love with the incredible brass Greek key motif, which pops against the veiny blush marble on my coffee table top. It would be a shame to hide such beauty, so I tend to keep it pretty clutter-free,” says Kate of the metre-round, mid-century table that also sports traditional black painted timber legs.

Kate Pascoe Squires

“The Greek key motif is heaven – it has various blemishes within the brass that are battle scars from its previous life. This table was imported from France and I’m certain it will stay with us for many years to come,” says Kate.

As for what you’d typically find on top, Kate is married to media personality Tony Squires so it’s understandable that newspapers are a permanent fixture. “For the most part, you will find a consistent stack of newspapers, my current read, a laptop and a fresh bunch of seasonal flowers. Oh and my sculptural Jessica Hans vase, handmade and painted in Philadelphia,” says Kate who doesn’t re-style her coffee table that often. “Apart from whatever blooms are on offer that week it doesn’t change much except for the newspapers that are on daily rotation.”

With two children, Kate’s coffee table is also a multi-tasking piece – a consideration when she styles it. “The coffee table is often at the heart of a living room, so it needs to offer both style and function. I do like some space on a coffee table for, you know, a cup of coffee! It’s lovely when kids can gather around a coffee table to do arts and crafts or your friends with some rosé – but equally, it’s also lovely to have a few special pieces on the table to really make it a centrepiece.”

As for styling tips, Kate believes simplicity is key. “Don’t go too crazy on the styling front. You want the table to be able to handle the movement of everyday life – a stray newspaper, a new novel, the ever-present laptop – don’t fuss too much about it.  Keep it natural, with a few key pieces that tell a story,” says Kate.

Photography: Felix Forest

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Covet my coffee table

Covet My Coffee Table: With Have You Met Miss Jones

Have You Met Miss Jones first came to my attention many years ago when I was working in women’s magazines. I loved their wares from the start – with more than a subtle nod to seventies ceramics, the colour palettes and retro detailing have always been on point. So, it’s with much excitement that we bring you the coffee table styling of the owner, Jennifer Jones.

A mix of books, greenery and plenty of ceramics (of course), Jennifer’s coffee table doesn’t disappoint. “We love books in our family and so there are always piles of books on the coffee table, ranging from design and cookbooks to our daughter’s favourites. As a mad ceramic collector, I also use the coffee table to display my newest acquisitions. These amazing blue pieces are from a weekend I spent in Chiang Mai last month, hand picking items for our recently opened Bondi store,” says Jennifer.

“We love plants too and the recycled rubber pot from Garden Life houses a chalk stick succulent which is toddler friendly and robust! The little fabric bunny is one of a series from a divine shop in Seminyak which sells the cutest baby clothes. Teddie, our daughter, loves them.”

Jennifer Jones in her lounge room

The space is a constantly changing tableau – reflecting Jennifer’s changing tastes. “Being in the homeware industry our house is constantly changing. I can’t help myself when I see a new trend that I love emerge! The coffee table is a great space to draw attention to the things we love most at that time so it tends to change at least every few months,” says Jennifer.

And rather than one coffee table, Jennifer’s lounge room includes two positioned together. “We wanted to have a large table to gather around. We bought it from our fabulous friend David at Orson & Blake. We love it as it houses lots of books underneath and the marble top gives a great sense of style to our living room.”

Jennifer’s daughter Teddie and her favourite things feature on the coffee table

With a toddler in the house (something Jen and I know all about!), the coffee table is not only robust but highly functional too. “I think it needs to be 100 per cent functional and in our house, it needs to be able to take a bit of a battering! We spend a lot of time around the table, usually eating meals sitting on cushions on the floor with Teddie or playing with her musical instruments or drawing. I wanted something neutral as we tend to change the style of our living room every year at least. It needed to work with a multitude of rugs and soft furnishings.”

Gorgeous ceramics abound

As for styling tips, Jennifer is a fan of discreet storage. “A great box or small lidded basket is perfect for hiding remotes and bits and pieces. We have printed polaroid size pics from our family Instagram so a great bowl to display those in is a cute way to have photos at easy reach that isn’t a device,” says Jennifer. She believes books (with an ornament on top) plus something living are essential too.

“Fresh flowers are the ultimate but with a small child, a plant is more stress-free and the health benefits cannot be undervalued. This is usually corralled in a great and generously proportioned tray that can double for snacks on the couch too.”

Shop Jennifer’s designs online | Browse our other coffee tables

Covet my coffee table Smart Home

Covet My Coffee Table: With Kristy Withers from Incy Interiors

While Incy Interiors’ Kristy Withers calls Central NSW her main base (she grew up there and moved her family back there recently), she maintains a small apartment in Sydney that she visits on a weekly basis. And it turns out, its coffee table is quite the multi-tasker!

“The coffee table at our apartment is critical as it is our dining table, homework table, kids’ play table and my desk! The apartment isn’t huge and we use it as a base for our family plus extended family to stay whilst in Sydney. As a result, all our meals are eaten around that little coffee table!” Kristy converted the apartment’s dining room into a fourth bedroom.

The coffee table itself is a West Elm number and combines a marble top with a brushed gold base. “After visiting Palm Springs last year, I developed a complete obsession with everything mid-century and I was lucky enough to be able to bring the obsession to life when decorating my Sydney apartment,” says Kristy, who makes regular business trips to Sydney where she has an Incy Interiors office as well as the store in Chatswood Chase.

Styled with a series of her favourite things, the table features a Palm Beach coconut and lime candle which is Kristy’s signature scent. “I always have one burning at home, in the office and in the store,” says Kristy.

Three books sit atop the table – ‘Things I Love’ by Megan Morton, ‘Inspired’ by Lorna Jane and an Yves Saint Laurent tome too. “Megan Morton is one of my style icons –  I couldn’t believe it when she suggested we do a collaboration together. Lorna Jane is my business hero – I love that she has taken a small business and grown it into a global company. Finally, the Yves Saint Laurent book just represents my love of fashion and design,” says Kirsty who loves styling with fresh flowers too. “On the coffee table is also a beautiful bunch of pink and white roses.  I always try to have fresh flowers, it’s my one little luxury.”

Kristy with her daughter

As for styling tips, Kristy keeps it simple and believes in three key elements: “A bunch of flowers for beauty, a stack of books to spark conversation and a decorative accent such as a mini sculpture for interest,” she says.

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Covet my coffee table Designers

Covet My Coffee Table: With Greg Natale in his new office

Not many of our coffee table subjects can lay claim to designing their own but this week is a little different. This week we take you inside interior design virtuoso Greg Natale’s new Sydney office that features a one-off, bespoke coffee table designed by the man himself.

Greg’s office features a red marble, bespoke coffee table

“The Chest Collection is a cool, vintage-inspired range that you can buy through Stylecraft in Australia and Asia or just contact my office and my team can help you out. This one is a little special as I was gifted a stunning piece of rosso levante marble by a supplier so I customised the table from the standard arabescato marble to this rich red. I love it! I’m thinking of releasing it as a special order for sale,” says Greg.

Sitting atop the coffee table, at any given time, can be found a diverse mix of objects and Kelly Wearstler’s wares usually feature rather prominently. “My coffee table is ever changing, I love to rearrange and reorganise my accessories from time to time and my office has no end of beautiful objects for me to experiment with and try out new configurations. At the moment the table has a pile of my books that I often like to gift to guests. I also have some beautiful gilt bowls from Aerin that I picked up from Becker Minty. It’s no secret that I love Kelly Wearstler so it would make sense for me to have some beautiful KW marble pieces on display too,” says Greg.

An authority on styling, Greg even devoted a whole chapter to the art in his book, The Tailored Interior. “In the objects and styling chapter you can read all about how to style your coffee table. We always need that flat surface for practical reasons but it’s also a perfect way to display your treasured personal items, beautiful books and objet d’art. Floral accents are also important in an interior and the coffee table is a convenient way to introduce blooms in a small vase.”

I love that colour-coded book shelf!

“Coffee tables become part of that group of surfaces and secondary spaces that allow you to add the final decorative layer to your home. I often liken it to a belt, cufflink or earrings – the last consideration for a complete look!” says Greg who has plenty of fabulous practical advice for styling yours at home too.

“One thing to consider is what your decorative objects hold in common. That is not to say everything has to look matchy-matchy, far from it; grouping like objects in threes or fives makes sense of arrangements. Look for similarities in colour or shape and play with combinations until it feels right. The pieces I pick always share some kind of theme – sometimes it’s colour, shape or material,” says Greg.

Greg Natale

And with several coffee tables throughout his new offices, the designer has no shortage of spaces in which to weave his styling magic. “I’m spoiled here at work. We have coffee tables in the reception area, staff room, showroom and my own office so I’m never without an opportunity to have a play with the tables in each space. Sometimes I’ll pass through a room and double back to quickly rearrange or bring something through from another area. It’s a bit of fun!” says Greg.

For more Greg NataleBrowse our other coffee tables

Covet my coffee table

Covet My Coffee Table: With Christie Turvey of Neue Blvd

Online store Neue Blvd is known for its lovely curation of on-trend homewares and host of monogrammed goods. And while many of the pieces would fit into any modern space, there is a Hollywood Regency vibe that runs throughout the site which makes it no surprise to see that its founder, Christie Turvey, enjoys a smattering of the aesthetic in her own lounge room.

Christie’s coffee table

“My coffee table is a contemporary, black mirrored designer trunk with stud detailing. I had this piece imported from overseas — it is my favourite find! It suits my style perfectly and I just love how a trunk evokes an out-of-this-world glamour,” says Christie.

Sitting atop the trunk is an array of items including a brass round tray styled with Neue Blvd marble etched coasters (Christie’s top pick from her collection), and an assortment of candles. “My favourite brands include Coco Luxe, Tom Dixon and Palm Beach. Plus, I also have a Crystal Head Vodka skull (which is a sentimental piece from my wedding), a brass skull paperweight from our very first Neue Blvd collection and a brass concrete diamond, handcrafted by a close school friend.”

A standout piece is a horn magnifying glass that Christie picked up on her first product sourcing trip to India. “It holds so many exciting memories!” says Christie whose coffee table also features fresh seasonal flowers and an assortment of books. “Coffee table accessories are so personal they’re often the very last things designed in a home, but they’re as important as art because they can express who you are. A coffee table should have different layers and should match your personality. I love how a coffee table that incorporates a mix of finishes can simply add that extra ‘joosh’ to an interior.”

Christie’s precious horn magnifying glass has pride of place on her coffee table

As for coffee table styling, Christie has plenty of great advice: “Make use of personal pieces, as they add flair that’s unique to you – be bold and make a statement. Candles, books and decorative finds from your travels can act as a conversation point,” says Christie who always adds an organic element (greenery or fresh cut flowers) for height as much as anything.

“Layering will make your coffee table feel styled rather than staged and to keep your coffee table balanced, vary the scale of display items and stack or group like objects together,” says Christie.

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Covet my coffee table Designers

Covet My Coffee Table: With interior designer Anna Spiro

The queen of mixing and matching, it’s no surprise to find that the celebrated Brisbane-based interior designer Anna Spiro has a coffee table that is brimming with unique finds and plenty of interesting visual inspiration.

Anna Spiro’s lounge room and coffee table

“I seem to have an obsession with lovely things placed on tables and chests and mantels. It stems back to my younger years watching my mother arrange shells, paintings, books and bits on tables around our house. Currently you will find a large rattan tray on my coffee table filled with a generous stack of magazines and a collection of books,” says Anna, whose coffee table items also include a number of special items found on holidays and overseas trips.

“It’s important to collect things over time and it’s a joy to have a mismatched collection of things that evolves over your life,” says Anna whose coffee table is an antique kitchen table that she found at auction before cutting its legs down to make it a more suitable height for the lounge room. “As it was once a kitchen table, it is large and generous in space for me to display all my books, objects and a hurricane of fresh flowers.” She generally favours coffee tables of the larger, older variety.

Anna’s coffee table features a rich mix of treasures, often sourced on her travels.

“I’ve found the coffee table is often the most difficult piece of furniture to come by as standard-sized ones are usually too small for lavish displays, or too small for anything really. A coffee table is very important in bringing the living room to life as it is the perfect stage for well-read books, vases of colourful flowers, collections of antique boxes and the like, but the presence of such items require a table large enough to hold them,” says Anna who preferences older furniture for its beautiful bones. “It’s often of higher quality than a lot of items found in chain stores and so I encourage an older style coffee table or table with its legs cut down to add personality to the living room.”

As for Anna’s coffee table styling tips, as to be expected, she is big on creating lovely layered vignettes. “Give your coffee table character and charm by experimenting with different arrangements of objects. Creating clusters and collections in your home shows personality and a love of beautiful things. Try quirky objects with varying heights, use odd numbers when arranging items and use stacks of books or magazines to elevate objects.” Anna likes to group similar items together for both organisational and aesthetic reasons.

Anna in her home

And for someone who finds inspiration in myriad sources, it’s understandable that her coffee table items change regularly. “I am constantly adding little things, such as a shell I found on the beach or a new book that I find inspiring. There is something therapeutic about arranging objects and collections and in my family home and I always endeavour to create happy, interesting, layered and uplifting spaces. It is the imperfections and the surprises that makes a space interesting and so special and unique for the people living there,” says Anna. What fabulous styling advice!

Shop Anna SpiroBrowse our other coffee tables | Read Jen’s review of Anna’s book, Absolutely Beautiful Things