Interiors Addict

Ready for a challenge? Create your own feature wall

I hope you’ve enjoyed the previous 9 interior styling tips we’ve brought you from Martina Hrubes at Ruby in Design. You still haven’t had enough? Well then here’s the 10th and final installment. You’re ready to take it to the next step! This is where it all comes together!


A feature wall should always be a main wall that is positioned towards you and that you look at the most; in other words a focal point. In a bedroom it is usually where the bedhead is. But hallways can also be an option. If you have a big bathroom and some money to splash out, then go for something like mosaic tiles with a custom design. If you are on a budget then look for something like wallpaper, which is currently enjoying a revival. Some people have a family photo wall, others use the fireplace as a styling feature.


Pinpoint your feature wall and create a wow factor!

  • (From tips 1 & 2) Now that you’ve analysed your personal style, take it in your first round design concept consideration. What style and theme do you want to create?
  • (From tip 3) Is it a different colour you would like to add to a wall? Then look at some colours you think would fit in with the rest of the room.
  • (From tip 4) Once you’ve narrowed down your selection, look at different options for paint finishes and wall coverings that reflect that colour of your choice. You can also add texture or pattern by sourcing wallpapers, vinyl and fabrics as another option.
  • (From tips 5 & 8) Think of the mix of styling elements you would like to add into the scheme. For example, what art, occasional furniture or accessories you would like to involve?
  • (From tip 7) The right lighting will finish off the scheme. Go through the various lighting options previously discussed. Will you need background, task or accent lighting? How would you like to add the wished for lighting effect?

Note: It is very important to take your time and not to rush into anything. If possible get in samples and compare the different options, so you can keep the big picture in mind while absorbing the different elements. Sometimes when you start you will make changes during the process of development and that is absolutely ok, if not necessary. Therefore do it step by step so you are in control of your decisions and the end result.

The result? A real decorator’s masterpiece that you can be proud of!

Interiors Addict

Styling tip 2: Tell your story

As you start to create your story, the challenge lies in positioning and presenting every piece in a way that balances out your space. A natural flow and aesthetic look that guides your eye around the room is the end goal.


One way to begin is by assigning little themes and facets of your personality to different spaces around your home. Try to redefine these spaces in a way that reflects this personality and be creative with how you position your pieces. Move things around and change their positions, add new items and you will see how you can change a room’s feel immediately.


Time to start moving things around!

Pick something small to start – a bookshelf, for example, is a perfect place to practice since it has a practical function but can also be used decoratively.

Don’t fall into the trap of overcrowding it with its functionality – keep the books you really like and throw or give away the junk.

Pick out some of your other personal items that are quirky or eclectic that would fit well on the shelves.

Decorate parts of the shelves with some of these items you like; they can include anything from plants to Chinese porcelain, retro or vintage pieces – just remember that less is more!

The result? A story that you’ve told in a microcosmic area of your home. This small success will give you the confidence to tackle bigger challenges.

We’re bringing you one interior styling tip a day for 10 days from Martina Hrubes of Ruby In Design. 

Interiors Addict

Styling tip 1: Find your style de jour

For me, style is all about creating a desired mood and ambience with objects that we own 

because they have some measure of personal significance in our lives. The way you decorate 

your home is a strong expression of your individuality and can have a great in influence on how 

you feel living your life. 

It is important that your living space reflects your personality but also works in a practical way 

that meshes with your lifestyle. What type of lifestyle do you lead? How does it reflect in the way you live?



Look around your home like it is the first time you’ve ever seen it and ask yourself:

What sections do you feel most comfortable in? 

Are there places that don’t feel quite right? 

What colours do you gravitate more towards? 

Which pieces do you feel attracted to and why?



Now for the fun part! 

• Buy some interior design and decorating magazines

• Flick through them and cut out things that you feel drawn to (don’t think too much 

about it)

• Compile all the cuttings that have appealed to you i.e. furniture, finishes, colours, 

textures, patterns

• Create a collage by combining all of these images until you finish with something that 

works well with expressing what you like.

The result? An end product that is an accurate reflection of your personal style preferences 

through the colours and images you have chosen.


We’re bringing you one interior styling tip a day for 10 days from Martina Hrubes of Ruby In Design. 

Interiors Addict

Introducing the top 10 interior styling tips you need to know Meet Martina Hrubes, a passionate inte

Introducing the top 10 interior styling tips you need to know Meet Martina Hrubes, a passionate inte