Interiors Addict

Recyled timber picture frames with heart

It’s a pretty simple thing,” says Ryan Melder, “we make products from materials that are destined for landfill – anyone can do it, it’s just about having the motivation make it possible.” This is the humble nature of the Melder family and, in fact, the whole story around their recycled furniture and homewares business, Mulbury.

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After years in the building industry, Gerry Melder became disillusioned by it – he’d been let down by too many contractors and had seen far too much beautiful timber go to landfill. Having always considered the environment, Gerry saw a way to make a positive out of this negative situation; turning to what he knew – “woodwork, design and construction” – he took the material destined for the dumpster and made it the source of his next venture. Thus, “Mulbury was born.”