Interiors Addict

neybers: an online game for would-be designers and interiors addicts

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Imagine an online game (I say game because it’s so fun, but you could also call it a tool on account of how useful it is) where you can spend hours creating dream rooms and filling them with furniture available in the real world, then sharing them on your social networks at the click of a button. Introducing neybers!


The possibilities are endless. You can change everything from room layout, wall coverings, number and type of windows, lighting, furniture, rugs, art and accessories. It’s easy to resize, move and flip the furniture and you can get started straight away. Whether it’s just for fun, to help you with your plans for your own home, your future home, or even as a budding interior designer, this is addictive and the results look great. If you have some time off this Christmas, you may find yourself on this for hours without realising it!