Interiors Addict

Pack a shoebox with gifts and make a child’s Christmas

Living in Australia we are faced with a multitude of #firstworldproblems like finding time to do the Christmas shopping within our busy lives of work, parenting and other commitments. But how about people — specifically children — in developing countries, who might not even receive a Christmas present? The thought of it breaks my heart. That’s why I’m getting behind Operation Christmas Child this month and asking you, my lovely readers, to fill a shoebox and donate it. Then make a $9 donation per box to help it get to its destination and track its progress online. If you don’t have time or a dropff location near you, you can make a general donation instead.

This is an initiative I always took part in as a school child. I loved choosing things for my shoebox, wrapping it in festive paper and knowing it would bring joy to another child less fortunate than me. If you have kids, this is a lovely activity to do with them. This short video explains what to put in it. Download your labels here for boys and here for girls.

Here’s a list of dropoff points for your shoebox. Please drop off by the end of this month.



To encourage other people to get involved too, I’d love you to share a photo of your finished shoebox or of you/you and your kids filling your shoebox on Instagram. Please tag @interiorsaddict and use the hashtag #interiorsaddictshoebox We’ll be sharing the best ones.

Last but not least, I challenge you to watch this video and not want to take part. I cried!

A record 316,323 kids in seven countries received shoeboxes from Australia and New Zealand last year.

Thank you so much in advance! Jen x