Interiors Addict

Off-topic Tuesday: anonymous acts of kindness

One of my favourite clichés is it’s nice to be nice! But it really is, isn’t it? Nothing better than the warm fuzzy feeling of doing someone a favour that makes their day or giving a gift you know they’ll love. But how about being nice without anyone knowing it was you? Would you still get off on that anonymous act of kindness?

kindness cards wakeup sydney

Someone once said (I have a feeling it was in the bible, actually!) that the best way to give is anonymously, because it means you’re truly doing it for the right reasons and not to get a pat on the back. Recently, I heard about a cool project called WakeUp Sydney, a community of 12,000+ people celebrating kindness, courage and compassion. They encourage you to order their free kindness cards, the idea being to use them to anonymously do kind things for others, whether people you know or complete strangers. They assure you the feeling is magical! I don’t need much convincing.