Expert Tips Interviews RENO ADDICT The Block

How to: get on The Block, with casting director Lucky Price

A self-confessed ‘old hag’ when it comes to The Block, Lucky Price has been working as a casting director on the hit reality show since 2010. That’s a whopping 11 seasons for those playing at home! In that time he’s seen thousands upon thousands of audition tapes. And it just so happens that casting for the next Block opened yesterday! So how can you stand out? Turns out the answer is simple… just be yourself.

Lucky Price

“It’s all about trying to find people who can be their true self in front of the camera,” explains Lucky. “Some people spend lots of money making really fancy video submissions and don’t get me wrong they look fantastic and break up my day. But in the end my job is to see through all those bells and whistles and get down to the core of who these people are.”

One audition that is particularly memorable is that of Polly and Waz, way back in 2011. And while it wasn’t showy or overly-produced, it did see the future contestants think outside the box. “Their video was them in their car, driving around and interviewing each other,” says Lucky. “But every so often they would stop and collect hard rubbish from the side of the road. At the end of the video they got all the stuff out of their station wagon and put together a lounge room in a park! It was inventive and so lovely.”

Polly and Waz (2011 winners)

Importantly, Lucky (who also cast The Block judge Darren Palmer for homeMADE way back in 2009) says not to be disheartened if you don’t get on the show from your first attempt. In fact Ben and Andy from last year’s season began applying in their late teens, but just needed – as Lucky affectionately says – “a little longer in the oven” before they were Block ready. “I met them four times before we cast them on the show. When I first met them they were so young and it just wasn’t feasible to give them the reins on a multi-million dollar property. However, what we found over time was they were tenacious, they kept applying for the show and they had absolute focus. They’re the kind of qualities we look for.”

Ben and Andy (2016 contestants)

While it may be hard to believe, Lucky doesn’t go into the casting process with a fixed brief in mind. “I’m not looking through the video submissions trying to find the bitch, the bimbo, the jock and the dweeb and then pit them all against each other. Some shows definitely do that but that wouldn’t work on The Block. This isn’t an elimination show, we’re hanging out with these people for three months, they can’t be cardboard cutouts.”

Think you’ve got what it takes? Apply for season 14 of The Block.

For more on Lucky | Get your Block fix


Post House Rules reveal chat with contestants Brooke and Grant

Last night’s episode of House Rules had its fair share of controversy, with Tassie couple Brooke and Grant scoring contestants dramatically low for their zone makeovers.

Brooke and Grant

“We didn’t know who had done what zones so it was definitely not personal,” says Brooke. “However, it was strategic. We’re on the bottom of the ladder and we needed to do what we could to move up again. So I guess we just had to see what we absolutely loved and we decided seven would be our top score and kind of went down from there.”

As a result, NSW couple Candy and Ryan, who had scored an eight and a nine from the judges, got a five from Brooke and Grant, allowing Carole and Russell to nab their second win, receiving a seven from the homeowners.

Carole and Russell’s winning master bedroom

While the scores may not have been indicative, Brooke and Grant were overwhelmed by the transformation of their tiny two-and-a-half bedroom cottage into a huge family home for nine, which thanks to the extension, now has five bedrooms.

“We weren’t expecting the extension at all,” explains Brooke. “We hoped our patio area out the back would be enclosed so our laundry could be undercover but we had no idea they would actually rebuild!”

The master bedroom before the renovation

Yet it wasn’t just Brooke and Grant who loved the results; their seven kids were ecstatic to finally have their own spaces to enjoy. “They were so excited to get into their own rooms and have a look,” says Brooke. “They were all so surprised and really happy.”

Surprisingly there’s also been no fighting between the kids, with no one claiming that someone else’s room was better than theirs! “They’ve all been amazing,” says Brooke. “All been really grateful and happy with what they’ve been given. So thankfully, no fighting!”

Candy and Ryan's kids room was loved by the judges and kids but not Brooke and Grant
Candy and Ryan’s kids room was loved by the judges and the kids but not by Brooke and Grant

While it’s all worth it now, Brooke admits that the week away from their home, while the others were doing the renovation, was the longest week of her life. “All you could do was just wait around and wonder what they were doing. Obviously being in the same state but not being able to see the kids, was hard as well.”

Having decided to enter the show after watching last year’s season, the couple hope to continue doing renovations long after the show’s over. “It is something we’ve always wanted to have a go at,” explains Brooke. “We definitely want to buy more houses and renovate them, so that’s why this experience was so perfect.”

Tune in tonight at 7.30pm as the teams make their way to Far North Queensland, where one team will receive the first perfect ten!