Expert Tips Interviews RENO ADDICT The Block

How to: get on The Block, with casting director Lucky Price

A self-confessed ‘old hag’ when it comes to The Block, Lucky Price has been working as a casting director on the hit reality show since 2010. That’s a whopping 11 seasons for those playing at home! In that time he’s seen thousands upon thousands of audition tapes. And it just so happens that casting for the next Block opened yesterday! So how can you stand out? Turns out the answer is simple… just be yourself.

Lucky Price

“It’s all about trying to find people who can be their true self in front of the camera,” explains Lucky. “Some people spend lots of money making really fancy video submissions and don’t get me wrong they look fantastic and break up my day. But in the end my job is to see through all those bells and whistles and get down to the core of who these people are.”

One audition that is particularly memorable is that of Polly and Waz, way back in 2011. And while it wasn’t showy or overly-produced, it did see the future contestants think outside the box. “Their video was them in their car, driving around and interviewing each other,” says Lucky. “But every so often they would stop and collect hard rubbish from the side of the road. At the end of the video they got all the stuff out of their station wagon and put together a lounge room in a park! It was inventive and so lovely.”

Polly and Waz (2011 winners)

Importantly, Lucky (who also cast The Block judge Darren Palmer for homeMADE way back in 2009) says not to be disheartened if you don’t get on the show from your first attempt. In fact Ben and Andy from last year’s season began applying in their late teens, but just needed – as Lucky affectionately says – “a little longer in the oven” before they were Block ready. “I met them four times before we cast them on the show. When I first met them they were so young and it just wasn’t feasible to give them the reins on a multi-million dollar property. However, what we found over time was they were tenacious, they kept applying for the show and they had absolute focus. They’re the kind of qualities we look for.”

Ben and Andy (2016 contestants)

While it may be hard to believe, Lucky doesn’t go into the casting process with a fixed brief in mind. “I’m not looking through the video submissions trying to find the bitch, the bimbo, the jock and the dweeb and then pit them all against each other. Some shows definitely do that but that wouldn’t work on The Block. This isn’t an elimination show, we’re hanging out with these people for three months, they can’t be cardboard cutouts.”

Think you’ve got what it takes? Apply for season 14 of The Block.

For more on Lucky | Get your Block fix


Applications are open for The Block 2017!

If you’ve always sat there watching The Block thinking ‘I could do that,’ then now is your chance! You have until 4 February 2017 to get your application in for the next series. You’ll need to be available for 10-to-12 weeks from April 2017.


Here are the guidelines and requirements:

  • Couples must be aged between 18-65, energetic and with a sense of humour.
  • First round couples will be reduced to final participants in the first week of filming.
  • Successful couples must be available for a 10-12 week shoot period from April 2017. Exact dates to be confirmed closer to filming.
  • Location of The Block is to be confirmed.
  • You will NOT be able to work during the shoot period.
  • Previous home renovation experience is an asset, but not required from both partners.
  • Long term couples, family teams and enduring friendships need only apply.
  • Submissions accepted from Australia wide.
  • Successful participants will be paid a nominal weekly fee during filming of The Block to cover basic living costs and expenses.
  • You must complete all elements of the application, including providing photos and video, or your application will not be reviewed.
  • Applications can only be made online. Hardcopy submissions will not be accepted or processed.
  • McGregor Casting will carefully review applications for consideration of inclusion in The Block. Shortlisted applicants will be contacted by March 2017.
  • Due to the volume of applications, only successful applicants will be notified.
  • Follow McGregor Casting on Facebook for any updates or announcements.
 Ready to apply? Find out more.

New reality show seeks people who renovate for fun or profit

Do you buy, renovate and sell property to make money or as a hobby? A major television network is looking for everyday people with a passion for property for a brand new show!


To apply visit:

Interiors Addict

Have Shaynna Blaze help you renovate your home for new show

How would you like the opportunity to have Shaynna Blaze and her innovative reno experts help with the redesign of your home?

shaynna deadline design

If there’s something important looming in your life that has you facing a renovation deadline, then we may be able to work together. It might be that a baby’s coming, you’re bursting at the seams, converting a garage into a granny flat, planning a big celebration at home … it doesn’t matter the reason, the show’s producers would love to hear from you.

You just have to be budget ready and prepared to have it filmed for new LifeStyle Home programme: Deadline Design with Shaynna Blaze.   

In return, you’ll get the team’s design skill, expertise and help transforming your home, apartment, warehouse or shed so efficiently it meets that deadline. Their aim is to transform your place so it’s not only wonderful to live in but also amazing to look at – gobsmacking in fact!

Best to apply if…

  • You live in Melbourne
  • You have a deadline
  • You are prepared to participate sometime between November 2015 and June 2016 (all builds will take place over a two-week period)
  • Are willing to contribute 100% of the makeover budget less the cost of Shaynna’s design services (and there will almost certainly be extra goodies along the way).

How to apply

Email [email protected].au


  • Your contact details
  • Address of property
  • Brief description of renovations planned
  • Budget
  • Event/deadline you need the work done for.

Good luck!



Applications for The Block are open: filming starts April 2015

Is it your time?!

It’s that time again! Are you up for it? The Block Triple Threat is due to start again in the New Year but applications are already open for the series after, which will start filming for Nine in April 2015. You have some time to um and ah about it, but the deadline is mid-February.

The producers are looking for enthusiastic, motivated, hardworking teams of two. They’re not yet able to confirm where the series will be filmed which makes it a little more of a gamble!

Guidelines and requirements

  • Couples must be aged between 18-65, energetic and with a sense of humour.
  • First round couples will be reduced to final participants in the first week of filming.
  • Successful couples must be available for a 10-12 week shoot period from April 2015.
  • Exact dates to be confirmed closer to filming.
  • Location of The Block is to be confirmed.
  • You will NOT be able to work during the shoot period.
  • Previous home renovation experience is an asset, but not required from both partners.
  • Long term couples, family teams and enduring friendships need only apply.
  • Submissions accepted from Australia wide.
  • Successful participants will be paid a nominal weekly fee during filming of The Block to cover basic living costs and expenses.
  • You must complete all elements of the application, including video, or your application will not be reviewed.
  • Applications can only be made online. Hardcopy submissions will not be accepted or processed.
  • McGregor Casting will carefully review applications for consideration of inclusion in The Block. Shortlisted applicants will be contacted by March 2015.
  • Due to the volume of applications, only successful applicants will be notified.

Follow McGregor Casting on Facebook for any updates or announcements.

APPLY ONLINE. Applications close at 6pm on 15 February 2015.

Read all our Block latest here.


The Block

Applications are open for The Block 2015

FINALLY. If you were watching the last series of The Block, thinking “I could do that,” then now’s your chance to put your money where your mouth is!

block 2015

Here’s what you need to know:

  • Couples must be aged between 18-65, energetic and with a sense of humour.
  • First round couples will be reduced to final participants in the first week of filming.
  • Successful couples must be available for a 10-12 week shoot period in late 2014. Exact dates to be confirmed closer to filming.
  • Location of The Block is to be confirmed.
  • You will NOT be able to work during the shoot period.
  • Previous home renovation experience is an asset, but not required from both partners.
  • Long term couples, family teams and enduring friendships need only apply.
  • Submissions accepted from Australia wide.
  • Successful participants will be paid a nominal weekly fee during filming of The Block to cover basic living costs and expenses.
  • You must complete all elements of the application, including video, or your application will not be reviewed.
  • Applications can only be made online. Hardcopy submissions will not be accepted or processed.
  • McGregor Casting will carefully review applications for consideration of inclusion in The Block. Shortlisted applicants will be contacted by September 2014.
  • Due to the volume of applications, only successful applicants will be notified.
  • Follow McGregor Casting on Facebook for any updates or announcements.

Closing date for entries: 6pm, Sunday 6 July 2014.