
Make your rental feel more homely with Amy’s top tips

With sky-high property prices the new norm, particularly in our major cities, home ownership is increasingly out of reach for many people. So, how does one make a rental feel like a home?

Command hooks
Made for renters, as you don’t have to ask your landlord permission to use them, Command make a range of no-hole, picture hanging hooks and Velcro strips that won’t leave unsightly holes in the wall nor peel paint when you move on. Available in a variety of sizes and with the ability to hold up to 3.6kg, these plastic hooks and strips are ideal for hanging pictures in a rental – a gallery wall being the obvious choice for nesting types. There’s nothing that makes a house feel like a home more than a wall displaying your favourite photographs, prints and wall hangings.

Create a sentimental gallery wall with removable Command hooks. Image: Hunting for George

Indoor plants
Currently a massive trend, indoor plants (coupled with gorgeous pots) really do wonders for any interior space. Plus, when you move you can always take them with you.

Indoor plants can transform a space. Image: Pop & Scott

Some landlords will allow you to repaint provided you paint the walls back to the original colour before you depart. Some are even happy for their tenants to make permanent changes though will usually want to sign off on the colours beforehand. A bit of an undertaking, you could simply pick out a few areas to paint instead for that personal touch – the front door is the obvious pick.

A simple customisation solution – this pink door adds instant personality. Image: Dulux

It’s amazing the difference that lighting improvements can make. Swap out your outdated ceiling lights for a more stylish alternative – IKEA make a variety of affordable paper and drum shades. Alternatively, investing in a couple of statement table and floor lamps is always a good idea as you can take them with you when you leave. And for alfresco areas, LED string lights look rather magical.

Inexpensive pendant lights work wonders. Image: IKEA

Removable wallpaper & wall decals
While the market is flooded with a variety of wall decals and removable wallpaper, varying in quality, there are some brands doing great things. No longer simply available in shiny finishes, there are plenty of realistic-looking textured ones to choose from now. A great alternative to paint, removable wall decals and wallpaper allow you to customise your rental without leaving a trace of it when you move out.

Quercus & Co make gorgeous removable wallpaper tiles

A large area rug is ideal for covering unsightly carpet or other undesirable floor coverings – ugly tiles and lino spring to mind. Plus, they’re great for demarcating zones within the home and you can transport them to your next home too.

West Elm Boho Textured Wool Rug, $699

Portable shelving
A fabulous alternative to a built-in bookcase, portable shelves (ladder ones are currently on trend) are the perfect spot for you to display your favourite tomes and trinkets – both of which will make your rental feel homelier.

Mocka Maya Ladder, $99.95

Knobs & hardware
Sometimes a simple change of door handle or knob can make a huge difference to the overall look of a space – especially on kitchen cupboard fronts or wardrobe doors. Just remember to take the old ones with you when you are purchasing replacements to ensure they are compatible. You can simply change them back when you leave.

A guilty pleasure of mine, the knob selection at Anthropologie is unsurpassed

Check out Darren Palmer’s interior tips for renters