Designers Expert Tips

10 design gurus share their top tips for moving house

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They say moving house is one of life’s most stressful events… up there with the death of a loved one and divorce. But, it doesn’t have to be. With thorough preparation and planning moving can be relatively easy, even cathartic, there’s something so liberating about starting anew! So to take out the guesswork we asked our favourite design gurus to share their top tips for moving house.

Stylist and author Jason Grant: Make a schedule

When it comes to moving break down tasks and make a schedule: a month before, a week before and a day before. Keep to task and book movers based on recommendations. Great removalists are everything! Also moving house is the perfect to time edit what you have – don’t move stuff that you don’t need.

Jason Grant

Interior and event stylist Steve Cordony: Spring clean

I just moved house two week ago and used it as an opportunity to spring clean. Packing every single thing you own gives you the chance to edit and cleanse – from your objects and accessories to your bed linen and wardrobe. If you get stuck on items make two piles: keep and maybe. Once you have finished, go through the maybe pile and you will have a clearer idea of what can go.

Steve Cordony

Stylist and hotelier Lynda Gardener: Have your new home in tip top shape

I think making sure your new space at the other end is in perfect readiness for your arrival is so important. Have it painted, perfectly clean and ready to go. That way you can un-pack your boxes with excitement and anticipation of decorating your new space.

Lynda Gardener

Interiors Addict founder Jen Bishop: Check out mobile self storage options


Super Easy Storage are a flexible mobile self storage company. It’s the new way to store your things. You no longer need to drive to a storage facility and rent an expensive storage unit; they can complete the process from start to finish. Their storage specialists help assess exactly the right amount of space you need, bringing the storage unit to your house or business, packing and stacking your module in order to maximise every square inch. They come to you, load you up, then store everything away, a one-stop solution! Or you can choose to fill your storage unit yourself and store it secure and dry on your own premises until you’re ready to move. Also great for storing things temporarily while you’re having renos done! Keep reading to find out how you can win a $500 Super Easy Storage voucher!

Jen Bishop

Incy Interiors founder Kristy Withers: Pack ‘like’ products together

Moving house is my most hated thing on earth, probably because I have done it so many times! Make sure when packing that you are packing all ‘like’ products together. There is nothing worse than getting to the other end and finding some things for the kitchen, others for the bathroom and random things for a bedroom all in the one box, it just adds to the pain!

Kristy Withers

Interior designer and presenter James Treble: Label, label, label

Clearly label all boxes with a black Artline pen, especially the fragile ones. That may sound straight forward but so many people don’t do it, or they write in really small print! I go big and bold, as that way, you can easily put things in the right place room by room, and nothing gets broken by your poor removalists!

James Treble

Artist Kerrie Hess: Hire professionals

Invest in professional packers. Even if it’s just for the kitchen and bathrooms. Having all of your plates, glasses and cutlery packed professionally will save so much time and protect your breakables. I would also have art professionally packed; consider using an art transporter if your art is valuable and the move is local.

Kerrie Hess

Stylist and designer Juliet Love: Cull your belongings

Don’t pack everything into boxes thinking you will organise them at the other end. It’s much easier if you clear out cupboards with a mission to let go of as much as possible. Be ruthless, use large bags or boxes plus clear labels to help you sort through everything then and there. The beauty of tackling your move in this way is that you’ll be left with a fresh canvas to decorate your new home, with only your best pieces making the cut.

Juliet Love

Three Birds Renovations director Lana Taylor: Get the gear

Use the right packaging materials. In my opinion boxes from Bunnings won’t cut it. You need proper moving boxes and zip up bags (like the ones you get from Storage King) of all different shapes and sizes. Proper packing tape is also crucial. A roll from Woolies will come unstuck before you can say: “Noooooo!”

Lana Taylor

Interior designer Greg Natale: Invest in packers

When it comes to moving I thoroughly recommend paying someone to pack for you. Also make sure you label your boxes and use moving as an opportunity to de-clutter!

Greg Natale

For more information on Super Easy Storage visit their website.



We’re giving one lucky reader the chance to win a $500 voucher to spend with Super Easy Storage and make their next move or reno that much easier! To enter and to read full terms and conditions, go here. Competition closes 13 May 2018.