Interiors Addict

4 tips for changing your decor with the seasons

Sherrie Coleman helps people with choosing special pieces of art for their homes on a daily basis. She has noticed more and more Aussies running with the European trend for changing your decor with the seasons.

Photo art like this would suit a summer interior
Photo art like this would suit a summer interior

“Four seasons? I’m not sure about that. These days there are probably about eight – and none of them run in order anymore!” she says.

“In the cooler months, we tend to live a little slower, cook hearty meals and spend more time at home. People are inspired to bring their focus indoors, bringing warm colours into the home, rich in golds, pinks and deep oranges. In the warmer months, people put more energy into life. We want our key environment, our home, to reflect the way we choose to live – which changes with the seasons. Warm, comforting colours for the winter and cool, energetic, bright images for summer.”

A warmer piece of art for the cosy winter months
A warmer piece of art for the cosy winter months

Sherrie, who runs Saltmotion Gallery in Sydney’s Manly, advises keeping it easy. “Adapting your home should be simple by just focusing on the key rooms: the living area, bedroom and even the kitchen if you’re the overachiever type. With just a few changes, you can make a huge difference to your home environment and how it makes you feel.”

Her four tips for a seasonal home

1. Install a dimmer switch on your lights (can be as little as $20 and installed yourself) and use in conjunction with candles in winter.