Appliances Kitchens

Smeg French door fridge (that doesn’t look like a Smeg fridge)

A Smeg fridge has been on my appliance wishlist for as long as I can remember. My obsession with the classic Smeg started at an age when I really should have been getting more excited about shoes. Or underage drinking. Or boys. Not white (or maybe baby pink) goods.


This latest model, the FQ60XP, looks nothing like the classic FAB32 I still dream of, but it’s an awful lot more practical and clever. (I still remember seeing my friends’ beautiful cream Smeg banished to the garage when it became too small for their two-child family and replaced with something far less good looking). I digress. Australians are showing a strong preference for the ‘French door’ style refrigerator with sales increasing 38 percent in the past year. And these style fridges are becoming so advanced they’re moving from the purely ‘replacement buy’ category to ‘aspirational must-have’.