Designers Interviews

Stacey Kouros: From Greg Natale’s protégé to respected interior designer in her own right

Stacey Kouros says it’s a huge compliment to be described as Greg Natale’s protégé. But despite this great start and exposure on reality TV show homeMADE, this young designer has really gone on to carve out her own style and prove her talent, running her own design practice.

I worked for Greg for more than five years and it was such an incredible experience,” she says. “I started working with him when his business was fairly fresh, so I really got to grow with him. Seeing him go from an emerging designer to one of Australia’s best and being a part of that was invaluable. When I started with Greg I was in my last few months of uni (she studied Interior Architecture at UNSW) so I was pretty green. Having him as a mentor and friend really shaped who I am as a designer and just as importantly, taught me key lessons in running a small business.”