Interiors Addict

Off-topic Tuesday: Donate life. Tell your family.

While I absolutely believe that organ donation is a personal choice, I also can’t help but think that once we leave this earth, it’s a little selfish not to give someone (or up to 10 people) a chance at life by making available organs we have no use for ourselves. Of course, some people choose not to donate for religious and cultural reasons, which I completely respect.

But for many, not registering to donate their organs after their death just means they forgot. And if you forget, and haven’t told your nearest and dearest, your family may, rightly or wrongly, at a very sad and stressful time, say no. This seems to be an awful waste. Death is never easy and always sad. But out of something so sad, to be able to offer someone fighting for life, who may have been on a transplant list for months or even years, the chance at a new life, is such an amazing and joyful thing to be able to do; a privilege in fact.