Interiors Addict

Flower bombing at Megan Morton’s School

On Sunday I did something I haven’t done in ages. I made something, with my own two hands. There were flowers, tea, cake, laughs and a room full of lovely ladies. I am talking, of course, about Holly Hipwell’s legendary flower bomb class at The School.

The School, if you didn’t know, belongs to one of Australia’s best stylists, Megan Morton. It runs all manner of classes for kids and big kids, where you can learn to make beautiful things. She also runs workshops where she shares her interior styling and property staging wisdom.

Interiors Addict

Putting the love in your home with Megan Morton

Yesterday I went along to stylist Megan’s free workshop at Moore Park SupaCenta in Sydney and picked up some real gems, which I wanted to share with you all. First off, I love the concept of putting love in your home and giving it a really personal touch. We shouldn’t be living in show homes, after all. Homes are to live in, not just to look at, and I’m a great believer that while some trends are fabulous, following them too closely or for the sake of being on-trend can be a big mistake.

“These days there’s so much choice out there, it can be a bit paralysing and confusing for people,” said Megan. “We live in such a visual world (I wake up and I’m checking Instagram) but when it comes to doing something in the real world it gets hard.” Overstimulation right?

Interiors Addict

Megan Morton herself to teach at her own school

Megan Morton’s The School has been getting rave reviews all round with a range of people running classes on such fabulous topics as making flower bombs and tassel garlands. Now (what we’ve all been waiting for, let’s admit it) Megan herself is set to share her own secrets and tips in a series of day-long masterclasses.

Interiors Addict

Back to school with Megan Morton

Two ladies in fabulous dresses: Holly Hipwell (left) and Megan Morton (right)

Some weeks ago, I received an email from the divine Megan Morton ( I love getting emails from MM, they are always so much fun!). It went something like this:

‘have you seen that new place?’ asked the elephant to the mouse.

(random, I know, but stay with me..)

‘there’s tables and plates and classes and flowers and candles and

felt and pom-poms (she had me at pom-poms!) and art and rugs and

teapots and knick knacks and vases and gloves and mantelpieces and

books and workshops and,….

‘oh STOP!’ cried the mouse,

‘it sounds TOO FANTASTIC’.

Woah. Who could knock back an invitation like that? Oh, and the opportunity to make flower bombs with the divine Holly Hipwell of The Flower Drum. By the way, isn’t Holly Hipwell the coolest name ever?! Well, she lives up to her name.

So, on Saturday I popped along to ‘the school’ at 85 Dunning Avenue,  Rosebery, (same building as koskela and Kitchen by Mike) with a whole bunch of other super-cool folk. After having a chuckle with the likes of Mr Jason Grant, Ann-Maree Sargeant, Viv Mansour (ish & chi), Tamara Maynes and Pepa Martin from Shibori, we got to work. With carnations, and rosé (the gay man’s beer, according to MJG!) served in divine vintage crystal glasses. And, yes, carnations! They are apparently the best to make flower bombs with. Who knew? Holly Hipwell, that’s who!

After choosing bunches of brightly coloured carnations, we spent a while cutting carnation stems (chatting), pushing carnation stems into balls of florist’s foam (drinking rosé), and taking numerous amusing photos! A totally fabulous afternoon. 33 glorious, creative people, Megan Morton, Holly Hipwell, an amazing space and a whole bunch of carnations.

The best school ever! Thank you divine MM. It was, indeed, divine!

Jane (centre) and Vivian Mansour (right) from the ish & chi blog

This guest post is kindly brought to you by Sydney stylist and friend of Interiors Addict, Jane Frosh as Jen was out of town.