
The pet friendly vacuum cleaner from Electrolux that looks like a transformer!

Apparently 63% of Australian households own pets. That’s pretty believable – I actually thought it would be a bit more. For all those people who come home to abodes full of cat or dog hair dust bunnies, Electrolux has tried to make your life a little easier. If, on the other hand, you’re part of a household that owns a pet snail, hamster, beetle or anything else that could potentially get sucked up into a vacuum cleaner, the normal warnings would apply to using these products.

Electrolux Ultracaptic vacuumThe main bugbear for pet owners with vacuum cleaners is the noise they make. I tried searching for a statistic on how many pet hamsters croaked after sudden vacuum turn ons but couldn’t find anything on Google. Maybe I should try Bing… but anyway, Electrolux has solved that by adding some pet friendly features to some of its popular models, namely quiet start-up and operation.