
Interior designer Mark Gacesa makes customisation the norm

“I wanted to be an architect from about the age of seven,” says Sunshine Coast interior designer Mark Gacesa, of Ultraspace. His father was an interior designer and as a youngster ‘forced’ to work in the family business instead of surf with his mates, Mark developed a passion for the trade. “I was constantly involved in the process of multiple projects from the age of about 12 and loved seeing the end results and the satisfaction my dad brought to people after being invited into their homes and lives. He taught me that in order to best assist your client, you must become your client. What a great piece of advice!”

Mark’s senior year was the first time QUT offered an interior design degree in Queensland. “I had the option of going into Architecture or Interior Design… the rest is history. However, my passion for architecture shows very strongly in my work.”

Interiors Addict

(Interior) designer number plate!

Mark Gacesa of Ultraspace interior designers shows some real commitment to the job with this number plate! What do you think?