
5 projects to do around the home for winter

As the mercury drops and we head into winter, keeping warm and dry indoors becomes a top priority. To ensure you, and your home, are ready for the chilly days to come, here are five simple projects you should do around the home, according to Donna Hole, Head of Trade Service at hipages.

projects to do around the home for winter

5 projects to do around the home for winter

1. Roof Repairs – Roof repairs should be on your ‘must do’ list. Call in an expert to check your roof and identify any problems, big or small. Smaller problems will only get worse when the winter weather hits, and you could end up with a far more expensive roof repair job than you had in the first place.

2. Windows – When it comes to windows, it’s not just cracks and breaks you have to look for, but how well they’re sealed. This will determine how warm your home will be, especially on cold nights. Poorly sealed windows allow cold air and water to seep into your home, causing a raft of issues from soaring heating bills to structural damage of walls due to rot. A window repair service will be able to fix any issues with existing windows. Also, for large windows, consider replacing the panes with double-glazing to reduce heat transference out of your home in winter.

3. Tree Felling – Do you have a large tree near your house or one that might threaten a neighbouring house? If so, now is a good time to have it removed. Tree felling is not a DIY job. A good tree felling service will remove a large tree from the top down and remove the stump for you, too. Always remember to check with your local council before removing any trees.

4. Do You Need a Gasfitter? – If your home relies on gas appliances in the kitchen, gas water heaters or gas heating, the last thing you want is for these appliances to fail during winter. Prevent this with a check up from your local gas repair service. Again, gas installation must be done by licensed gasfitters and is not a DIY or amateur job.

5. Pest Control – If you haven’t done this recently, pest control is another job to put on your list. In winter, pests look for shelter under your roof, under your house or sometimes inside your home. A pest control expert will make sure pests don’t take up residence in your house this winter. If you already have pests, don’t think they’ll go away when the weather gets cold. They’ll dig in and start reproducing. Before you know it, a minor pest problem will become a major one so it’s best to have this taken care of soon.

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Outdoor & Exteriors RENO ADDICT

3 checks you need to do to protect your home before a storm

Another wet weekend across NSW has reminded plenty of us just how storm-proof (or not) our homes really are. The recent Sydney storms caused tens of millions of dollars worth of damage to homes across the state, and NSW tradies are busy keeping up with the demand for storm-related repair work.  The number of jobs posted to hipages, Australia’s number one place for hiring a trusted tradie, in storm-related categories (eg. roof repairs, 24/7 emergency electricians, etc.) more than tripled during the weekend of 18 – 19 February in comparison to the weekend before.

Glenn Davidson from hipages and Complete Maintenance & Property Repairs was called to jobs all over Sydney, mostly for repair jobs to damaged and leaking roofs from the rain and hail. Before the next storm season, there are three important measures homeowners should take to storm proof their homes. Remember – the best time to take precautions is long before a storm arrives.

3 checks you need to do to protect your home before a storm

3 checks you need to do to protect your home before a storm

1. Check your gutters – During the recent storms, hipages saw a 250% increase in requests for gutter cleaning jobs. It’s very important to keep all your downpipes and gutters clear of blockages as these can have a knock on effect of water overflowing into the eaves of roofing, which can be a costly problem to deal with. Your drains should be checked on a regular basis, not only for debris blocking the inside of the drain, but also for obstructions such as ornaments, outdoor furniture, pot plants or children’s toys.  This needs to be done to allow water to flow away freely from your property and therefore not into your home! Have a professional gutter repair service clean and check your guttering at least once a year before storm season and you won’t end up paying far more for repairs to your house or electrical system.

3 checks you need to do to protect your home before a storm

2. Check the trees around your home – Large branches and trees around your home can cause significant damage during a violent storm.  As a precaution it’s best to trim back branches that are close to your property and remove any trees that pose a danger to avoid costly damage. Because of the nature of the work, you should consider hiring a professionally qualified tree feller. They will be able to assist with local council guidelines on what trees and branches can and can’t be trimmed or chopped down.

3 checks you need to do to protect your home before a stormImage source – Treemaster

3. Check your fence – Fence damage is a commonly claimed insurance item when storms hit. Avoid becoming another insurance statistic; check and secure your fences or get an expert to do it for you! Common issues to look for are unstable bases, damaged slats and loose and/or damaged screws and hinges.

3 checks you need to do to protect your home before a stormImage source: Daily Mail

Appliances Expert Tips

How to keep your home warm this winter

By Marcus Lim

With the temperatures dropping and the chill settling in, it’s clear that winter is certainly upon us. If you feel like it’s torture to leave the warm sanctuary of your bed, it might be time to look at how you can make your home nice and toasty.

While many homeowners devote a large amount of energy and money into heating their dwelling during winter, it needn’t mean emptying your wallet for extra comfort. Making sure you have a draft-proof structure, smart furniture placement and good insulation will keep your home protected against the cold and save you money in the process. Try these simple home heating tips to escape the freeze this winter.

1. Safeguard your home


Water-proofing is a simple and preemptive exercise that will allow you to guard your home against erratic weather whilst keeping the cold air out. Beforehand make sure you check all your doors and windows for any spots that may be leaking cold air. Then proceed to seal them.

There are a few different ways you can do this. Caulking works by closing the seams between pipes, wedging material between boards and creating a watertight seal. Weather stripping blocks cold air by filling in empty spaces with expanding foam or felt strips. Before applying any weather stripping, make sure you measure the size of your frame and add in some margin. This is in case of mistakes.

2. Add insulation material


The prime time to insulate is when you’re building or renovating. That being said, if you’re just plain cold, it will drive up the temperature of your home in the winter months. Insulation works by reducing heat transfer and minimising the energy required to keep the temperature balanced in your home. Good insulation can cut your heating costs almost in half while cutting down CO2 emissions.

The best type of insulation for your house will depend on your home’s design, location and climate. When choosing insulation material, check it’s ‘R-value’ rating, which will be an accurate indication of how the material performs.

3. Make your interior heat friendly


Furniture placement can play a huge role in the retention of heat. To increase the warmth in your space, rearrange your furniture to avoid and deflect any cold drafts. Make sure your furniture isn’t blocking warm air vents and similarly position heaters away from the main doorway, as it will fend off any drafts.

Consider adding thick curtains to your house, as they are an inexpensive and an energy-efficient way to prevent heat loss during the winter season. Keeping the curtains closed and the blinds lowered during the night will also help to prevent heat loss. Try adding some rugs to the rooms in your house as well, this will add an extra layer of insulation. To complement your home heating makeover, reverse the spin of your ceiling fan so it moves clockwise and pushes rising air back downwards.

4. Go outside

Winter shouldn’t deter you from enjoying your outdoor space, like your patio or backyard. Entertain your friends and keep them warm with the help of patio heaters or table top heaters. For extra luxury, think about investing in an outdoor fireplace to add warmth and decorative style to your outdoor space.

5. Consider size

If you still want to invest in heating, first think about the size of the room. Choosing the right sized heater for your space will save your home energy and money. For example in a small room, a convective heater will be most effective because it disperses warm air across the room with an internal fan. As a contrast, gas heaters would be better suited to large rooms because they increase the air temperature quickly.

— Marcus Lim is the co-founder of, a local services marketplace that connects Australians with more than 60,000 businesses across the country.