
New Bosch dishwashers with Zeolite technology

I was introduced to the wonderful world of dishwashers 3 years ago when I first moved out of home. Before then it was all manual, like our cars. But since then I have grown to love and loathe the dishwasher. I love it because it’s so easy to use and to wash an enormous amount of dishes in one go. It’s usually environmentally friendly too. I loathe it because washing tablets are expensive and the quality is patchy depending on the brand. Could a better dishwasher help the latter?

Bosch Dishwasher SMV69T10AU

Bosch would like to think so. It has released a new range of dishwashers – 20 in total in fact. It would take all day to talk about every single one of these washers, so here is the quick spill.