Outdoor & Exteriors RENO ADDICT The Block

Terrace week: The Block Triple Threat’s last room reveals

So the last room reveals are done and dusted and as Neale perfectly put it: “Talk about saving the best for last!” It was a dramatic week on The Block! There were money issues and massive blow-ups, and let’s not forget Tim and Anastasia storming off site (before returning not too long after!). But in the end four terraces were finished. And there was even a 30/30 score for the ever polarizing (though I will proudly admit my favourites) Dea and Daz!

So onto the judging…

Josh and Charlotte – second place


With Josh and Charlotte’s terrace being their entranceway, it was important for them to create an open and grand space. And according to the judges, they were right on the money! “Wow,” said Darren upon entry. Shaynna agreed it was the perfect entranceway, with Neale adding he always loved terrace week because it’s the “final piece of the jigsaw.” He loved how it brought the whole apartment together and matched the interior with its pared back and restrained design.


All the judges loved the unique vertical garden and the use of timber. Shaynna liked the flexibility of having all the furniture on wheels and the presence of heaters for year round use. Neale loved the combination of the tiles and lamps and thought it gave the space a slightly Moroccan feel. Shaynna ended the judging by saying: “It’s really hard to fault!”

Our pick to buy: Lemaire Glasses

Tim and Anastasia – fourth place


With the only private terrace, Tim and Anastasia were in a good position going in. However, turns out they had no money (which let’s be honest is a major issue!), so they did the whole room off sponsors’ vouchers. Combine this with the fact they walked off site and the final terrace was actually pretty impressive. Darren loved how beautiful it looked from the kitchen and Neale thought the pendants were impressive, though not too practical.


All judges agreed that while the size of the terrace was similar to that of Josh and Charlotte’s it felt distinctively smaller as there was just too much in the space. Darren liked the timber cladding and thought it was a very effective and bold statement. Shaynna said that while there was some obvious unfinished areas she was impressed with the standard of the terrace.

Our pick to buy: Yvette Pendant

Ayden and Jess – third place


“Hooray it’s a lounge room,” said Darren as he walked it. “The apartment makes sense now.” With Ayden and Jess having originally been criticised for moving their kitchen to sit by the terrace (rather than having the lounge room there), all judges were quick to compliment, with Neale saying: “It’s not a terrace but a whole extra room!”


Darren was hugely impressed by the cladding, Neale liked the hanging pots (but was unsure how to water them) and all the judges liked the use of the old MCG gate on the vertical garden. However, Neale did think the terrace could have been over styled. And while there was a lot to like, he found the side table disappointing. Shaynna agreed that the table had the wrong pieces on it and thought none of it was needed.

Our pick to buy: Navy Linked Ottoman Cover

Dea and Daz – first place (30/30!) 


While Dea and Daz had the least amount of internal space, they were lucky enough to have their ground floor extended out into a backyard; seeing them be the only couple with a legitimate outdoor space. And to say the judges were impressed, well that would be the understatement of the century! “Damn this is good,” said Darren. Shaynna agreed: “Absolutely beautiful!” And Neale? “This is total luxury and I don’t think I’ve ever felt like that about a terrace.”


Neale said that not too long ago he had been worried about this apartment but believed now it all made sense: “This is the best example of how a terrace can affect the internal space. It’s like a little slice of heaven in South Yarra.” And until today, Shaynna has never said there was nothing to fault in a room: “This is absolute perfection!” She couldn’t find one thing she’d change.

Our pick to buy: Laguiole Cheese Set

With the auction this Wednesday, we are only days away from finding out the winner. And boy oh boy do I hope it’s not a repeat of last year! We will have the full recap here Thursday morning. So watch this space!

By Olivia Shead

When she's not writing for Interiors Addict, Olivia is now a TV and radio news producer. She's a journalism graduate of UTS Sydney.

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