Kitchens The Block

The Block Glasshouse kitchen reveals

Wow, what a seriously impressive week! Let there be no doubt that this series’ couples are a talented bunch with some great design ideas and this was evident by the many “wow” comments from the judges last night. I always love kitchen week. We all know kitchens sell houses and personally, the kitchen and living rooms are the most important for me. The sheer amount of work and money, combined with the number of decisions and the ridiculous number of options out there, makes the kitchens the biggest test. I thought all the couples did extremely well with pleasingly different looks. Not surprisingly there was no shortage of drama in getting everything finished but when it came to the big reveals, you could forget any of it ever happened! And then there was a tie and Scott Cam revealed both couples would get $10,000!

Carlene and Michael

So, first up were Carlene and Michael, who ended up being one of the winning couples. When I first saw their kitchen I loved it, but I have to admit that other subsequent reveals impressed me more. But this was a week of five great kitchens, so I’m really just splitting hairs! Neale was surprised how much he likes the black and white kitchen and said the immediate impact was terrific. Shaynna called it hot and said the layout was brilliant.

The Block in Melbourne

The Block in Melbourne

They all agreed the study nook was really well designed too. Neale called it a serious entertainer’s kitchen and loved the pantry, saying everything gelled together and was very sophisticated. And Shaynna finished it off nicely saying it was so far up there it was almost perfection. Perhaps no surprise, in hindsight, that this couple ended up winning.

The Block in Melbourne

The Block in Melbourne

Get Carlene and Michael’s look: Replica Turner stool, Nordic Taburet bar stool,  Brass Egg Pendant.

Chris and Jenna

The good comments continued for Chris and Jenna’s timber and black kitchen. Darren said he was gobsmacked and the copper sink (to think they almost swapped it for chrome!) and black tap combo went down very well with Neale and the other judges. “Love, love, love,” said Darren, who called the room elegant and sophisticated.

The Block in Melbourne

Into the pantry and Darren called it “so cool” while Neale was left saying the whole thing said luxury with a capital L! He said it would just as good in 10 years as it did now, due to its timeless yet contemporary aesthetic. When it came to the bar, Darren said whatever they’d spent on it was worth it, but Neale and Shaynna thought it took up too much space, with Shaynna adding it would have been better used as a study nook.

The copper sink!
The copper sink!

The judges definitely agreed Chris and Jenna were back in the game after last week’s disappointing laundry.

Get Chris and Jenna’s look: Cage pendant, Block stool.

Max and Karstan

The judges were taken aback by the sheer enormity of this couple’s kitchen. Darren was impressed by the lights and Neale said they were all about space and gloss. Shaynna said balance and contrast were lacking though and that it was screaming out for some timber and softness, branding it “very clinical”.  As if that wasn’t harsh enough, Neale said it had everything you needed except soul. Ouch! All in all though, the judges agreed the space had great bones. Terrific even. Sadly this week, which such high standards all round, there was no room for missing anything.

The Block in Melbourne

The Block in Melbourne

Get Max and Karstan’s look: Kurvi pendant, Iconic Australian Houses book, Whatever You Want artwork, lighting track.

Simon and Shannon

The boys’ kitchen  may not be the biggest but it certainly made a huge impression on the judges! Darren said it perfectly matched with the rest of the look and feel of the boys’ trendy apartment and loved the cooktop overlooking the street. In fact, Neale said that was the star of the show and highlighted once again, the good choices that Simon and Shannon make. He said the colour palette was subtle, clever and sophisticated. Shaynna loved the bi-fold windows. Neal said the brothers had a great idea of who they were designing for; their kitchen wasn’t pretending to be a family kitchen and was perfect for a young executive couple. “If I was looking for the perfect inner city Prahran kitchen, this would come pretty damn close.” Again, no surprises the boys ended up being the second winners.

H4 Rm6 S&S Kitchen EA 14

The Block in Melbourne

The Block in Melbourne

Get Shannon and Simon’s look: Replica Craig Bassam Tractor Counter Stool, Jungle Child artwork from pantry, Nord pendant.

Darren and Deanne

I really loved this kitchen and so did the judges. Not enough to make them one of the two winners though, which Dee was later seen taking great exception too on film. Awkward! Anyway, back to the design stuff, not the drama! There’s enough of that on social media…

H5 Rm6 D&D Kitchen EA 1

The herringbone floor and the huge slab of marble not surprisingly went down really well. Shaynna said the floor was stunning and Neale said the marble was the hero and there was a level of sophistication to everything they did. Darren love the one huge sink. the pantry was less successful with Shaynna saying the study nook was wrong, not to mention the drawer that hit the fridge once opened. But overall it was all praise. Shaynna said the kitchen was all heart and there was a real sense of home and family. Neale added it was full of warmth and spirit.

The Block in Melbourne

Get Darren and Deanne’s look: Yvonne Potter Y Design timber counter stool replica, Naoto Fukasawa replica stool, replica Sandra Lidner Selene pendant.

See all our Block coverage.

By Jen Bishop

Jen Bishop is our owner and publisher and an experienced journalist and editor. Interiors Addict has been her full-time job for more than 10 years. She is mum to two young boys and lives in Sydney.

3 replies on “The Block Glasshouse kitchen reveals”

I looked forward to this reveal all week. I adore Michael and Carlene’s kitchen and I think the judges got it right this week. (Incidentally your stool link for M& C’s stools is not right.) However Dee and Darren’s kitchen is beautiful, it will be interesting to see how it works with the other living spaces. Dee’s more traditional style will pay off in the end – she knows the Eastern suburbs of Melbourne’s market well.

I really loved Chris & Jenna’s kitchen. It was warm & inviting with a cool industrial edge. Michael & Carlene deserved the win but I’m not sold on the boy’s tie. The whole reveal has only made me push harder for a butler’s pantry in my own kitchen makeover which will happen sometime in the near future, I hope! Really impressed with the quality of The Good Guys kitchens. Top marks.

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