The Block

The Block: Meet the property expert advising Dan & Carleen

While The Block baby boomers Dan and Carleen are currently frontrunners in the competition, it wasn’t always so. I’m sure many of you will remember the ‘I love the shit out of you’ candle for example?!? But after struggling in the beginning, the couple called in some third party independent advice in the form of Greville Pabst, executive chairman of Melbourne’s WBP Property. We caught up with Greville recently to discuss the couple’s journey on the show and his top tips for maximising a property’s value.

Dan and Greville

“As their real estate advisor, my key advice to Dan and Carleen was to add touches of Art Deco to their contemporary style apartment, instead of trying to completely replicate the style of that period. Although buyers will be attracted to the Art Deco style, they may not necessarily want a 1920’s-inspired pedestal hand basin in their bathroom,” says Greville.

Dan and Carleen’s master ensuite

Rather than a full-blown homage to the period, Greville suggested including smaller references instead. “I advised them to add light fittings or floor tiles, such as subway style designs, that reference the 1920’s and 1930’s. These modest touches allowed the couple to successfully combine the older Art Deco style with a current contemporary look.” He also advised the couple to keep the original cornices, timber work, skirting boards and doors instead of replacing them with modern, square-edged designs.

Dan and Carleen’s guest bedroom

“Dan and Carleen are experienced renovators, and I think initially it just came down to learning how to combine Art Deco with contemporary style throughout their apartment. For example, their guest bedroom with the olive green coloured walls. Although it was a colour reminiscent of that period, because it was quite dark, it actually closed the room and made it look smaller. When they painted it white, the space automatically looked larger and more open, and it will be more appealing to a wider audience come auction day,” says Greville.

Dan and Carleen’s winning kitchen

“Now Dan and Carleen have got their style completely down pat and have successfully continued with this theme throughout each space and they’ve been getting some great results at room reveals.”

Dan and Carleen’s lounge

Greville’s top three tips for maximising a property’s value

First impressions
1. “A property needs to create a wow factor as soon you set foot into that front door. And if your property has a front garden, then maybe consider investing in some landscaping. The property needs to be as attractive from the front as it is inside the home.”

2. Selecting the right agent
“Equally as important is finding the right salesperson, who has a clear understanding of the price and value of your property’s location. Someone who is skilled in negotiation can attract an extra $50,000 for a buyer. Buyers often overlook this aspect or select an agency over an agent.”

3. Presentation is paramount
“A property needs to look its best, which extends from the property’s appearance from the street, to how it is presented internally. A seller should remove as much clutter as possible, but also create personality so potential buyers can imagine themselves living in the space. This could be in the form of warmth, especially if it’s winter, by stoking the fire – or playing music and evoking senses through fresh flowers or freshly brewed coffee. It is these little things that present a property at its best and really sell it. A seller also needs to ensure they pick the right time of day for inspections to have the best sunlight shining through the property. If a seller successfully presents their property, it will increase their chances of selling it for more.”

Click here for more on Greville.


By Amy Collins-Walker

Amy is our regular feature writer, an experienced journalist and interior stylist living in Perth, Western Australia. Find out more about her styling work at

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