
Twitter unveils super chic Australian headquarters

We’ll be honest. When we heard Twitter was unveiling new Australian headquarters, we didn’t expect it to be so beautiful. So effortlessly stylish.


Located in Sydney’s CBD, the office was officially opened on Friday by New South Wales premier Mike Baird and the interior is next level.


With a soft aqua and gold colour scheme and rooms named after iconic Australian beaches (think Bondi, Noosa, Byron Bay), it’s clear the interior designers didn’t look far for inspiration.


The fit-out pairs a relaxed beach vibe with panoramic city views – literally the best of both worlds.

From the large gold Twitter bird upon entry, to the #LoveWhereYouWork neon sign and touching tribute to fallen cricketer Phil Hughes, the space is filled with the kind of personal touches rarely found in corporate spaces.

6Twitter_Office-026The Phil Hughes tribute with selected tweets from the #putoutyourbats hashtag

The office’s open plan design embodies the transparency that is central to Twitter – they literally practice what they Tweet.

9Twitter_Office-031Hand painted by a Sydney artist, this feature wall depicts the company’s core values via a stylised series of Tweets

10 Twitter_Office-040

One of the meeting rooms


The open plan office

All we want to know is, when are they hiring? Follow the chatter via the hashtag #SpreadOurWings.

By Amy Collins-Walker

Amy is our regular feature writer, an experienced journalist and interior stylist living in Perth, Western Australia. Find out more about her styling work at

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