
Twitter unveils super chic Australian headquarters

We’ll be honest. When we heard Twitter was unveiling new Australian headquarters, we didn’t expect it to be so beautiful. So effortlessly stylish.


Located in Sydney’s CBD, the office was officially opened on Friday by New South Wales premier Mike Baird and the interior is next level.


With a soft aqua and gold colour scheme and rooms named after iconic Australian beaches (think Bondi, Noosa, Byron Bay), it’s clear the interior designers didn’t look far for inspiration.


The fit-out pairs a relaxed beach vibe with panoramic city views – literally the best of both worlds.

From the large gold Twitter bird upon entry, to the #LoveWhereYouWork neon sign and touching tribute to fallen cricketer Phil Hughes, the space is filled with the kind of personal touches rarely found in corporate spaces.

6Twitter_Office-026The Phil Hughes tribute with selected tweets from the #putoutyourbats hashtag

The office’s open plan design embodies the transparency that is central to Twitter – they literally practice what they Tweet.

9Twitter_Office-031Hand painted by a Sydney artist, this feature wall depicts the company’s core values via a stylised series of Tweets

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One of the meeting rooms


The open plan office

All we want to know is, when are they hiring? Follow the chatter via the hashtag #SpreadOurWings.

The Block

What do we do about Block spoilers?

It’s very rare I encounter criticism on the internet, which makes a me a lot luckier than many bloggers. But what does happen, and it winds me up a bit I must admit, is people complaining about seeing Block “spoilers” on our social media accounts.

Earlier this month, for example, we published an interview with last series’ Glasshouse winners Shannon and Simon Vos. It seemed nice timing with the new series about to start. What I hadn’t even considered, being that they won back in October, was that I would get a whole host of sad faces and “thanks for ruining it for me” comments on Instagram when I shared the interview. These were from our New Zealand readers who are, incredibly, still only part-way though The Block Glasshouse. Sigh.  Is it really reasonable for an Australian blog to be expected to be careful about revealing the winner of a show more than three months ago?

I totally get that it would be annoying to find out early, but the comments, the real despair, anger and sad faces which people articulate is a little over the top. It’s just a TV show!

But maybe I am being unreasonable? What do you think?

I cannot tell you quite how much our readers love the The Block and our traffic goes through the roof when it’s on (which is excellent news for us bloggers!). So we really want to bring the fans all the latest news, opinions, interviews and any exclusives we might get, as quickly as we can.

I’m really happy we have readers from NZ and all over the world, but I do think it’s a bit much to hold off for a quarter of a year to ever mention who won the episode while another country catches up? Seeing spoilers on social media is just part of life these days isn’t it? And if you really don’t want to know, it is probably wise to unfollow media outlets who write about TV shows relevant to their genre in real-time?

We get the same with those in different states who have to wait an hour or two to watch what we’re watching here in New South Wales and I have more sympathy for that. This is why we will always endeavour to bear all the Australian timezones in mind before posting about winners of room reveals or series. But again, if you really care about not finding out, just stay off Facebook for an hour or two? It’s what my husband does if (God forbid) he has to miss a Formula One race and wants to watch it later without already knowing what happened. Because I can’t promise the rest of the social media-using world will be as careful as we will. Why should they? If you don’t want to know, isn’t it your responsibility to avoid the place where everyone is likely to be talking about something?

Or maybe all our social shares of Block posts should carry a #SPOILERALERT? Would that help perhaps?

I did find this article on CNET which explains how you can avoid social media spoilers if you use Google Chrome. I haven’t tried it myself but it might be worth checking out.

I don’t really understand how people get their knickers in such a twist about TV shows anyway. The sheer venom I see posted by viewers (and directed towards contestants and judges) on The Block Facebook Page never fails to shock me. If you don’t like it, just change channel!

Like this guy, for example, who sent me a private message on Facebook last week:

Screen Shot 2015-01-29 at 3.05.43 PMUm, it’s not advertising (that’s paid for), it’s writing about what my readers are interested in and I can pretty much write about whatever I like, thanks very much!

Love to hear your views below but please, no sad faces?!

Interiors Addict

Changes to Facebook Pages and others ways to follow my blog

It’s come to my attention over the last few weeks that, due to the latest round of Facebook changes, many of you who would usually follow the latest blog posts via my Facebook Page just aren’t seeing them in your feed anymore. There was me thinking people were just busy with Christmas!

Now I don’t have the time, and this isn’t the place, to go into a big debate about what Facebook should or shouldn’t be doing (on the one hand I understand they’re a business, not a charity, but on the other, it’s just NOT FAIR!) so here are some other ways you can keep up with the latest posts if you choose to:

Interiors Addict

Let me help you with your social media

Are you using social media for your business? Do you feel like you need some help to take it to the next level? Not sure if you’re doing the right things? I’m offering affordable Social Media Health Checks to small businesses in the hoemwares and interiors industries for $297. If you’d like to get 2013 off to a great start with the free online marketing tools available to you, get in touch.

A recent happy customer, Corinna Musgrave of Hunter & Ivy Interior Styling and Design, said: “Jen, you’re amazing! Tough advice (ouch!), but so helpful and productive! I will recommend you to EVERYONE; looking forward to working with you in the future.”

Interiors Addict

Interiors Addict on the Decorex top 100 list

I was delighted to wake up to the news from the UK that I made it onto the #DECOREX100 list of top interior design Twitter influencers!

In the three weeks of the campaign, international interior design show Decorex received 3,300 tweets from the global interior design community, nominating almost 300 interior design Twitter influencers. The campaign reached more than 100,000 interior design professionals and enthusiasts. The #DECOREX100 list of the final top 100 influencers was curated by the Decorex International team, and features the most influential Twitter users including interior designers, design brands, stores and websites as well as industry organisations, bloggers and magazines.

Fellow Aussies (not that I am one, techincally, but whatever) who made it onto the list include Lucy Feagins of The Design Files, Rebecca Lowrey Boyd of Wee Birdy, Jo and Kim of Desire to Inspire (go the bloggers!) and Amanda Talbot. Some of my favourite international interiors blogs made it on too, including decor8, Bright.Bazaar, Happy Interior Blog and Apartment Therapy.

Decorex is being held at the Royal Hospital Chelsea, London, between 23-26 September 2012.

Interiors Addict

Please help keep me in the Decorex top 100 international interiors tweeters

Decorex is attempting to put together the ultimate list of the top 100 interior design Twitter influencers and somehow I’m on it! I’d love to stay on it, so if you wouldn’t mind giving me a quick Twitter nomination, that would be very kind of you!

Simply copy, paste and tweet (including the URL at the end): I’m nominating @interiorsaddict for the #DECOREX100 list of top 100 influential interior design Twitter accounts.

Interiors Addict

Interiors photo month on Instagram. Wanna play? Here’s how…

Who is on Instagram? Who knows about #photoaday? Who wants to have some fun and be creative with their phone and interiors-inspired photos? If you read this blog, you know you do!

Fellow blogger Fat Mum Slim came up with the super fun idea that is Photo a Day on Instagram and I thought it would be cool to start a specifically interiors version. Before doing this, I asked her permission rather than just ripping it off. We have manners here in the blogosphere. Thankfully she said yes. Thanks, Chantelle!


Darren Palmer and I share our secrets to PR and social media at decoration + design international industry seminar series

I’m delighted to announce that Darren Palmer and I will be sharing the secrets of using PR and social media to grow your design business as part of the international industry seminar series at Melbourne’s decoration + design in July.

I’ll be sharing my experience, both as a journalist and magazine editor and as a blogger. If you have questions on how to use Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest to boost your design business and grow your brand, I’m your woman! I can also give you tips on how to spark the interest of a magazine editor or blogger.

Darren, who first shot to fame on reality TV shows homeMADE and The Block, is a regular in all the homes magazines as well as GQ. He’ll share his secrets to getting your work featured in the media and how that exposure has helped him grow his business and become one of Sydney’s most talked about up and coming designers.

You can find out more details and book your ticket here. I hope to see you there!

Darren Palmer

Interiors Addict

Kelly Wearstler joins Twitter

Uber glam interior designer Kelly Wearstler caused a bit of a stir among excited fans when she joined Twitter this month! One of my favorite international designers and a must-follow!