Interiors Addict

Utopia Goods’ popup shops: your Christmas gifts sorted!

If you’re still looking to buy unique and gorgeous Christmas presents for your loved ones, I highly recommend the pop-ups by one of my new favourite brands, Utopia Goods.

utopia goods cushions

To celebrate their first birthday, they’re selling their hand-printed textiles and accessories – much of which is inspired by Antipodean flora and fauna – at  popup shops in Sydney and Melbourne until 28 December.

The range “explores and salutes” beautiful Australian flora and fauna with a unique and inspired approach. Forget tacky koala and kangaroo designs (although you will find wallabies, just done really well). Expect to see bold and hand illustrated prints of flowering gums, waratahs, firewheel flowers, ferns and subverted dancing koalas. I’ve seen the goods for myself and can tell you that they’re beautifully made.

utopia goods 2

Homewares include cushions, napery and upholstery fabrics and there’s also an extensive range of scarves and bags. I love it all, I tell you! They make great gifts for overseas friends and relatives, but a local would be just as delighted to receive them. Or, you know, you can always treat yourself…

Utopia Goods Popup Shops

SYDNEY | 2, 58-60 Macleay St | Potts Point | NSW 

MELBOURNE: King & Stone, 1a Rose Street, Armadale | VIC

Alternatively, shop online.

By Jen Bishop

Jen Bishop is our owner and publisher and an experienced journalist and editor. Interiors Addict has been her full-time job for more than 10 years. She is mum to two young boys and lives in Sydney.