
Check out the Valentine’s day online art auction for epilepsy

Did you know that the patron saint of love, St Valentine, is also the patron saint of epilepsy? Neither did we. In honour of that fact, the Art for Epilepsy online auction will take place on Valentine’s Day this year, to raise much needed funds for people living with epilepsy.

NSW Artist Mia Oatley with her work - NOT THE AUCTION PIECE

NSW artist and epilepsy sufferer Mia Oatley with one of her works (not up for auction)

Archibald Prize finalist Mia Oatley, herself an epilepsy sufferer, knows the struggle all too well. “As an artist living with epilepsy, I understand the challenges of living with the condition and the importance of bringing it out of the shadows,” says Mia who was diagnosed with focal epilepsy at the age of 15.

NSW Artist Kerry Barnes donated work LOVE

NSW artist Kerry Barnes’ auction piece titled ‘Love’

“Living with seizures is difficult, but the widespread misunderstanding about epilepsy makes it more challenging. I’m keen for people to know that it is entirely possible and very common to have a full and vibrant life whilst living with epilepsy,” says Mia.

NSW Artist Marie Schlederer donated work Hummingbird 1NSW Artist Marie Schlederer’s auction piece titled ‘Hummingbird’

From abstracts to water colours, illustrations and mixed media, there will be lots of great pieces up for grabs by artists such as Mia, Michael Weitnauer, Erin Whitty, James Ainslie and Katie Mckinnon.

SA Artist Claire Wee donated work Pluie Violette framed SA artist Claire Wee’s auction piece titled ‘Pluie Violette’

“I love the auction’s connection between St Valentine, love and art. What a beautiful way to bring the community together and highlight this important issue while providing a great opportunity for people to buy some quality art!” says Mia.

NSW Artist Gabrielle Jones donated work Charm's PowerNSW Artist Gabrielle Jones’ auction piece titled ‘Charm’s Power’

To participate in the auction, pre-register here or jump online from February 14.

By Amy Collins-Walker

Amy is our regular feature writer, an experienced journalist and interior stylist living in Perth, Western Australia. Find out more about her styling work at

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