Expert Tips Homewares

Wallpaper whole room or a feature wall? Why the former is better!

With 10 years in the wallpaper business, I Wallpaper Interiors’ Lucy Whiter knows a thing or two.

The feature wall is now a staple in wallpapering design. And who doesn’t love a great accent wall? But why limit yourself to enjoying just one wall of your favourite wallpaper and leaving the others bare paint?

Wallpapering the whole room may seem daunting but by breaking it down you can see how easy it can be to envelop your room in a cocoon of wallpaper love. See below for some simple ways to approach wallpapering the whole room.

Perfect for the non pattern lover. 

Choosing the right wallpaper for all the walls in a room has a whole different set of rules to feature walls. The busy floral or the bold jungle print you chose for an accent wall may look overpowering on all the walls. By keeping your pattern to a minimum, a big area can be wallpapered without dominating the room.

Image: John Merkl

Instead, it creates a backdrop rather than a feature. And this background can then be layered upon with other elements in the room such as soft furnishings and window dressings. This also allows you to use pattern elsewhere in more interchangeable things such as bedding or cushions should you wish to. As now you are not tethered to matching a distinct pattern of a feature wall.

Look for wallpapers with texture such as a grasscloth. This will lend the room an interesting textural, appeal. 

Thinking outside the box

A design that is often overlooked, but done well looks showstopping, is combining two different wallpapers in one room.

You could choose a complementary unpatterned wallpaper to match the feature wallpaper (many wallpaper collections will feature a corresponding plain or subtle pattern to match the main feature design), or use two wallpapers together that are different but match each other perfectly.

So dare to stand out and combine the feature design with the whole room. I suggest seeing the wallpapers in person or as samples to ensure they marry perfectly.

A big trend now in wallpapering all the walls is seen in a powder room. This small room is breaking all the rules of larger rooms in the home and is the place to let your fun side out. Many people are using wild and clever patterns to make the smallest room the most exciting room. 

It exudes luxury 

Think of a 5-star luxury hotel. They often have wallpaper on all the walls. So what better way of creating that little bit of luxe at home than by imitating those who do luxury best?

You could make your wallpaper choice here scream extravagance (even if it wasn’t expensive.) Choose a lavish material here or one that looks like one; leather look, suede, or a vinyl that looks like a fabric or linen.

Another classic look is wallpapering above a dado or panelling. This sends out a signal of sumptuousness for a heritage style home. Traditionally this would be extended around the whole room and many rooms.

Top interior designer Martyn Laurence Bullard recently told Vogue “I always think a wallpaper is better when used en masse. I like to do a whole room rather than the very dated feature wall. I think that’s how you really get impact and a finished look. It can be above a wainscot or all over the walls.”

Well, if it’s good enough for Martyn…

You can buy Martyn’s favourite brand Cole & Son from I Wallpaper Interiors

By Jen Bishop

Jen Bishop is our owner and publisher and an experienced journalist and editor. Interiors Addict has been her full-time job for more than 10 years. She is mum to two young boys and lives in Sydney.

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