Interiors Addict

When a candle’s this good, a girl’s gotta blog it

This is one of those candles. I am lucky enough to get sent a LOT of candles and this was another of those gifts. Nest Fragrances is a New York candle brand. When I Instagramed it (is that a verb now?), an American friend was like “Oh my GOD, I didn’t know you could get that brand here, where can I get one?” in such an excited way I thought I must be in for something good. I was right.

I have always loved scented candles and I’ve tried them all. I like a lot of them, but I LOVE this one. I wish you could smell it through the screen but it is a beautiful clean, fresh smell without being the usual fresh laundry or lemongrass kind of fresh. This candle also throws out some serious fragrance. I have the small votive and it easily fills my open plan living/dining area. It also seems to burn really slowly and cleanly (sooty candle jars are a pet hate of mine). The packaging is understated and elegant. There are so many big fat jars these days, something a little different is always nice.

I’m busy compiling my top 10 Australian candle brands right now but in the meantime, this American had to get a mention. If you try it, I hope you love it as much as I do. I’m so impressed I think I need to try some of their other fragrances. Available through Ambrosia Candles in Australia.

Discovering a fabulous candle is a bit like discovering a new perfume (or you can have both, like I have before, and buy the Jo Malone Pomegranate Noir perfume and candle, but that’s an expensive habit and best reserved for special occasions/gifts!). How important is fragrance in your home?

By Jen Bishop

Jen Bishop is our owner and publisher and an experienced journalist and editor. Interiors Addict has been her full-time job for more than 10 years. She is mum to two young boys and lives in Sydney.

4 replies on “When a candle’s this good, a girl’s gotta blog it”

On your recommendation I’m trying these! Purchased the Bamboo & Beach fragrances! x KL

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