Interiors Addict

Your tips for a great home office?

You may remember about six months ago I finally finished Operation Spare Room, where I transformed my UGLY Chinese laundry/dumping ground/excuse for a spare room into a tranquil oasis, ready to welcome a multitude of guests from the UK. In quick succession we entertained Dad and his girlfriend, my friend Rachel, and then my friends Kavi and Steve (the Poms all come between October and January). It’s a small room but it did the job and many declared it the comfiest bed they’d ever slept in (thanks, MicroCloud mattress topper, thoroughly recommended).

So why, a few short months later, am I about to undo all those efforts? (I have to admit I love having a room with an almost permanently made bed, meaning I can leave the door open and it always looks nice!) Because, since I started working for myself, from home, in October, the dining table just doesn’t cut it. I need a home office and I need it now. Today, a whole load of furniture will arrive and by the end of next week, time permitting, it may all get assembled.

So I’m wondering, dear readers, what are YOUR tips for a great home office? Or just working from home in general?

By Jen Bishop

Jen Bishop is our owner and publisher and an experienced journalist and editor. Interiors Addict has been her full-time job for more than 10 years. She is mum to two young boys and lives in Sydney.

16 replies on “Your tips for a great home office?”

My tip: Gorgeous white inspiration pin boards from Kikki-K, covered with all that inspires you. Good luck, look forward to seeing the transformation.

Storage! lots and lots of storage. I am just about to re-arrange my office space this week, so I’ll be looking forward to seeing what you do with yours, Im sure it will be lovely.

A door you can close. Always being in sight of your work makes it hard to switch off. Switching off is hard enough when its your own biz as it is.

I transformed our kids playroom into a home office last year & absolutely love it!! It’s definitely one of my favourite rooms & love that it’s a space just for me rather than one I’d have to constantly close the door on strewn with mess & toys! I also incorporated s fold out sofa bed scattered with some gorgeous cushions, so it also doubles as a guest room, but I guess my tips would be lots of storage so it stays neat & organised, beautifully styled shelves & always have fresh flowers & a lovely scented candle making it a space you love to work.

Here’s a link to a pic of my home office, I’m lucky enough to have a hubby that made me my dream desk πŸ™‚

This is more of a techie tip than a design tip… I have a big screen for my home studio that I plug my laptop into. Working from a large screen is easier on the eyes and feels more ‘permanent’, but working from home can get claustrophobic so having the option to take the laptop to a park or cafe really helps!

As a seasoned home worker, I second the tips by Amy and Camilla. My advice is to avoid the temptation to fill up the office with art and decorations – your workspace especially your desk should be cozy but not turn into a distraction. If you have space an armchair or a small 2-seat couch would be nice because you can take a break from the computer and “work” in a more relaxed position. Have fun with the new office πŸ™‚

Exactly. When Glenn and I move in together, I probably wont have as much say in the styling/decorating. My office will be my girly pink and white paradise. I’ve been collecting inspiration via Pinterest, so I can see what ideas can go together.

Give yourself a couple of different work spaces, as David said, if you can include a couch or small armchair that would be great, I find I am less productive sitting in the one space all day everyday. Give yourself a few minutes to go outside every now and then to get some fresh air and sun.
And finally something like the HELMER drawer unit ( from ikea is great if you find you have lots of loose papers and mail around, designate each drawer e.g. mail, catalogues, samples, magazine clippings. Chuck them in there as soon as you have them, to sort through more thoroughly later on.

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