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10 ways to create the perfect home office

The home office is often the nerve centre of your home. Whether it’s your primary workplace, an area to pay the bills or a kids’ homework hub, it undoubtedly plays a very important role. It is therefore pivotal that it is an inspiring and functional environment. Officeworks has partnered with one of Australia’s most highly regarded interior architects, David Flack of Flack Studio, to demonstrate how to create a stylish home office look for less, and help Australians across the nation love the space they work in. Here are his top ten tips:

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1. Invest in high quality furniture. It goes without saying that it needs to be practical, but injecting a little bit of fun or luxury will be an enjoyable point of difference. Opt for quality that can stand the day-in, day-out of family activity – this doesn’t always mean an expensive price tag either.

2. Cohesion is what keeps a workspace humming along. Aligning all your stationery and accessories to a colour group or style range ensures that your office looks uncluttered, organised and inviting.

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3. Always consider texture. Select practical, simple and durable finishes. Layer different textures to create warmth and visual interest – not everything has to match.

4. Lighting makes a big impact on the feel of a room. Adequate task lighting is essential, but overly bright spaces can be an assault on the senses. Wherever possible, let natural light in to create a balanced ambiance.

5. Keep it simple. Reduce the amount of ideas you have for your space – pick the best one and stick to it. A singular vision with repetition is often most effective.

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6. Look at beautiful things. Having artwork on the walls makes an invaluable contribution to the feel of a space. A large, striking photograph in a minimal frame can take care of this. Try hanging a print of your own – it’s so easy to do using the Officeworks print and copy services.

7. It’s all in the detail. Small, nuanced touches like indoor plants or fresh flowers, a scented candle, family mementoes, stacks of beautiful books, and loose sculptural objects bring personality and liveliness to a home office environment.

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8. Break-out spaces are ideal for re-energising. Doing some work in a different, pleasant spot away from your desk can be invigorating. Even just a feature chair by a quiet window could be the solution.

9. Balance. Strike a balance between personal cues and a professional environment to promote productivity.

10. Music can make all the difference. Wherever possible, try to listen to music that makes you feel inspired and enlivened. Officeworks has some great quality portable speakers that are also visually appealing.

— David Flack of Flack Studio is one of Australia’s top interior architects and alongside Officeworks, is passionate about helping the nation create workspaces they’re proud of. 

By Olivia Shead

When she's not writing for Interiors Addict, Olivia is now a TV and radio news producer. She's a journalism graduate of UTS Sydney.

3 replies on “10 ways to create the perfect home office”

Great tips! My current home office is the dining table but I can’t wait to have a proper study.
Lighting is so key for any workspace isn’t it. I personally love pops of bright colour in an office to help keep the creative juices flowing 🙂

To be productive, a home office needs to have a good filing system so things can go straight into their right place otherwise it is easy to have clutter and papers everywhere. Love all your tips as well.

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