House Tours

Jen & Olivia’s Officeworks desk makeover

Brought to you by Officeworks

This is an interiors blog so when we hear the word makeover, we think: make something look nicer. So when Officeworks set us a makeover challenge for a workspace, what it would look like (colour scheme etc) were top of mind. That said, the neat freak in me knows that one of the keys to a tidy and good looking room is having a place for everything and everything in its place. So with this in mind, as I’m currently overseas in Europe, editorial assistant Olivia Shead (in Sydney) and I approached this as a team effort!

What better excuse than a new financial year to give your workspace a fresh new look and a declutter and organise? It’s like back when you were at school and you bought a new pencil case and notebook and vowed to only write it in your very best handwriting. And while even the prettiest desks will probably end up drowning in bits of paper eventually, it feels good to start with the best intentions!

For me personally, this time of year means scrabbling around for tax and super-related paperwork and wishing I had been more organised for the past 12 months. And being self-employed brings with it more responsibility for your own paperwork, like it or not! As well as keeping just about everything else together. There is no office cleaner (oh yeah, that’s me!) or in-house accountant.

I scoured the Officeworks website for pretty yet practical items to create a tidy, functional and good looking desk set up and Olivia set it up in her home workspace. Let’s face it, if you’re lucky enough (in our opinion) to work from home, being able to choose the less corporate items is a major bonus. While in my life as an employee and manager I often visited my local Officeworks to buy essentials, my boss would definitely have frowned if I’d returned with everything in hot pink. Well, now I’m my own boss, looky what happened!

I decided on a stylish scheme of hot pink and aqua with some white to stop it getting out of control. I already knew about the brand’s Philosophy range which is always full of on-trend stationery and desk items, but was delighted to discover the Martha Stewart range too. Who knew?! Officeworks are full of surprises. Their new furniture range contains some good looking, affordable finds such as the Kirby Heartwood Desk (very Scandinavian, no?) for just $163, and the retro-style Hummingbird Evoque Slide Out Desk for $167.

What we bought:

(*The cat is the journalist’s own).

While our makeover was very stationery, desk and fashion-focused, Officeworks has everything you need for a home office, whether it’s a corner of a student’s bedroom or something altogether larger and more functional. Need a new laptop, printer, laminator or whiteboard? Tick, tick, tick, tick! All of this and more is available at Officeworks, alongside their many services, such as printing, easy parcel delivery (saving you from queuing at the post office) and access to tech support. If you’re working from home we assume you don’t have the luxury of a meeting room for clients. Did you know many Officeworks stores offer this too? I had no idea!

If you like a bright and cheerful desk like ours, check out this video with tips on how to add colour to your workspace:

Of course, you want to see the less pretty before photo too, don’t you? Here you go…


If this has left you inspired to master your workspace and you’d like the chance to win a $100 Officeworks voucher to get you started, comment below, answering the question: how will you master your workspace? Entries close 5pm on Tuesday 12 August 2014. Terms & conditions.

Share your own workspace inspiration on social media using the hashtag #mastermyworkspace


By Jen Bishop

Jen Bishop is our owner and publisher and an experienced journalist and editor. Interiors Addict has been her full-time job for more than 10 years. She is mum to two young boys and lives in Sydney.

12 replies on “Jen & Olivia’s Officeworks desk makeover”

Ooh my space is in total disarray and this even worse because it it a nook in our living room so there’s no closing it away. I would live to win this. I love office works! If I am lucky enough to win it will be spent on organisation. Thanks for the opportunity.

I will master my workspace if I can still the look and appeal of a vintage industrial theme yet the practical organisation of modern

I share a room with my husband and the children’s toys and I want to create a bit of a sanctuary that is just mine where I can get inspired to create and do!

I currently work full time, study part time, and am planning my own wedding for December so my desk is COVERED in all sorts of paperwork, magazines, and various bits of assignments, not to mention having two computer monitors takes up a lot of space! I would master my workspace by purchasing a shredder and scanning important documents before shredding them in an effort to go green and paperless. I adore stationery and need to be more organised so I would also purchase a whiteboard for the wall, a daily planner, and a decent family calendar to keep everyone up to date!

It’s about it keep it simple, uncluttered and organised. Having colours and items which will inspire me and make me enjoy my space seeing as I typically go from my day job to my home office. Comfort is key 🙂

With 3 boys under four and running a small business from home, I NEED to master my workspace! I am drowning in the administrative quagmire my life seems to create. I need folders and filing systems and label writers…oh and pretty stationery. I will always need pretty stationery.

Ha I have a feeling I should throw everything out and start from scratch! I need to master that workspace so I can actually get some stuff done… storage is my issue. Need storage!

select a glam theme and then some chic, colourful desk accessories! Add personal touches like gorgeous art for the perfect mix of inspiration and practicality!

Running my own business from home along side two young boys, I’d love my office space to be a little more grown up and professional than it currently is. Can Officeworks watch my boys for an hour while I get some work some too? 🙂

My 2 boys need a homework/study desk……I plan to master it with loads of storage to hide all the mess away!

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