Outdoor & Exteriors RENO ADDICT

3 affordable ways to transform your home using timber

By Cherie Barber

Anyone familiar with my renovating projects knows just how much I love timber, whether it’s gleaming polished floorboards, wood panelled walls, or outdoor rooms awash in timber. It just has such a warming effect and never goes out of fashion.

Here are just some of the ways to incorporate timber into your next renovating project.

Cover all bases
Cladding can be the answer to a whole raft of issues, from remedial problems you want to cover up to just pure decorative indulgence.

In this inner city courtyard, timber panelling deftly acts as both a privacy shield and as cladding on an ugly wall. The pinkish tones of merbau work beautifully with the old brick pavers. And built-in timber seating completes the cosy setting.


This next studio was in an old converted warehouse, so I wanted rustic finishes that mirrored the old bones of the building. Recycled floorboards for a feature wall and old sleepers for the steps and office nook definitely hit the right note.


Make an entrance
We all know the importance of first impressions, especially when it comes to street appeal. And whether you have a brick, weatherboard or plain old fibro house, a lavish spread of timber can certainly dress up a bland entrance.


This is something you could easily pull off in a weekend. It was a matter of removing the old rusted iron railing and pillars, centring the new timber stairs in front of the entry door, adding timber frames around the windows and new planter beds. Together with the new exterior colour, it completely transforms the façade of this suburban home.

Lastly, a much more ambitious (and luxurious) project, here I’ve used extensive merbau decking to create a whole new outdoor living area – at the front of the house. It’s something to keep in mind if you have a generous front yard and a passion for outdoor entertaining.


–Cherie Barber is the director of Renovating for Profit, a company that teaches everyday people how to buy and renovate properties for a profit.

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