Art Bedrooms Furniture Homewares House Tours Renting Styling

A peak inside Olivia’s new home

Rental decorating is hard! Especially when you’re as obsessed as I am with putting art up on your walls. Bare walls, with the addition of stains and a poor paint job, ah it makes me shudder!

So after living in my new house share for five months and spending a good $50 on 3M hooks (that would either cause my art to plummet to the ground or damage the already declining paint job!), my art is up and my room is done.

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Space is at a premium and when I spend a decent amount of time working from home it’s important that I don’t feel claustrophobic. So I’ve attempted to make my bedroom as spacious as possible and zoned it: the sleeping area and the working area.

[contextly_sidebar id=”nXtxb4siwOE4foai1g7UgAgTohLr9hn5″]The main focal point of my sleeping area is my Sonno double bed base in wheat. I was keen to have a fabric headboard, and this ticks the boxes for both comfort and colour. I’m a neutral lover through and through! It also lets the accessories do the talking and means I can switch up the theme of my room with much more ease and affordability. I am particularly in love with my lamp from Freedom, my artwork of Copenhagen by Kortkartellet (brought back after my 6-month stint in Copenhagen last year) and my cushions from Art Club Concept.

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Into the working area and I would be remiss not to mention my favourite piece straight away, the portrait of myself and my cat Kimby (yes to some that may be hugely embarrassingly but I can assure you I have no shame!). I am also a huge fan of my vintage desk, which I got a few years back at a reclaimed furniture store in Avalon.

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Next to my desk is my storage unit, which I have tried to keep as clutter free as possible. My artwork from Brainspiration, my vase from Art Club Concept and my O light from Typo are all particular favourites!

While my room is done for now, I know I’ll be switching it up very soon. But after all that’s the good thing about rental decorating, nothing’s permanent!

— Disclosure: The Sonno bed, Brainspiration artwork and Art Club Concept homewares were gifted to me, however positive coverage was not guaranteed. 

By Olivia Shead

When she's not writing for Interiors Addict, Olivia is now a TV and radio news producer. She's a journalism graduate of UTS Sydney.

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