
Almost a third of young people are social networking from the bathroom

I was surprised too! I thought it was just me that once (okay, twice!) dropped a BlackBerry in the bath (true story). Reece has opened entries for its Bathroom Innovation Award (BIA), bringing technology to the forefront with a revamped concept this year, exploring Tomorrow’s Bathroom Today.

Last year's winning design by Gavin Harris
Last year’s winning design by Gavin Harris

For 2013, we’re bringing the future of bathrooms closer by asking designers to explore the role of technology in the bathroom,’ says Reece CEO, Peter Wilson. “Technology now plays a key role in the home. We believe exploring the potential of technology in the bathroom offers a unique platform for designers to create something truly innovative in a space that has not yet fully realised that potential.”

The Nielsen 2012 Social Media Report found that nearly a third (32%) of people aged 18-to-24 use social networking in the bathroom. “As our lives became increasingly intertwined with technology, it was only a matter of time before it became a force in our most personal space,’ adds Peter.

Now in its eighth year, BIA 2013 has refined the competition brief, calling on entrants to design an original bathroom product that uses technology for one of the following categories:

Destination Space – Design a product that elevates the experiential value of the bathroom.

Sustainable Space – Design a bathroom product that allows people to live more sustainably.

Independent Space – Design a bathroom product that enhances independent living.

Entries are open to both design professionals and students. Find out more and enter.

By Jen Bishop

Jen Bishop is our owner and publisher and an experienced journalist and editor. Interiors Addict has been her full-time job for more than 10 years. She is mum to two young boys and lives in Sydney.