Interiors Addict

And the winner of December 7 Vignettes is…

It was my first time judging for a long time (let’s face it, having a guest judge is just copping out of what is always a very hard decision!) but this month, despite the many amazing entries, I felt Michelle Cann (thecinnamonfox) really did stand out.

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The sandcastles and smashed pomegranate really did it for me!

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I know a lot of you are going to agree with me on this pick. It’s clear by the number of likes and comments her images got, and usually do. A little known story about Michelle is that a few months back, when Down to the Woods sponsored and judged 7 Vignettes, owner Amber Clohesy spotted her talent and asked her to style some images for their Christmas catalogue. Modest Mich, a graphic designer by trade, was thrilled and it gave her the confidence boost to get business cards printed, change her handle to The Cinnamon Fox, the name of her new business, and actually give styling a go for work. How amazing is that? I love that 7 Vignettes has had a little part in that.

When I asked her some questions about it a few months back, Michelle said: “Through my exposure to 7 Vignettes I am now utterly hooked on styling, and spend every spare minute making little compositions and still lifes, photographing baked goods, reading style blogs and collecting props. With the encouragement  and inspiration of my little insta-community  I now view everything I come across as potential prop, to the extent of combing the paddocks on our little farm for wild mushrooms and feathers and stopping to collect animal bones from the side of the road. I want to learn everything I can and keep refining my  style. Hopefully when my little girls are a bit older I can pursue further study in design. For now I am just happy to potter and if nothing else comes of it, I have made wonderful friends and had a laugh.”

And that’s what it’s all about really!

Here’s one of her images for Down to the Woods’ lookbook:

down to the woods the cinnamon fox

And another favourite of mine from this month’s 7 Vignettes:

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I really feel like everyone upped their game for this festive round of 7 Vignettes, our 12th! Around this time last year, I started dreaming up this photo challenge and never in a million YEARS did I think it would turn into the amazing, inspiring, supportive, creative, friendly, warm and fun online community it has. I am over the moon to be able to call myself the founder of 7 Vignettes, but I really can’t take much credit for its awesomeness because it’s all of you who take part who make it what it is.

So THANK YOU everyone who has taken part this year, whether you’ve been here since day 1, joined in more recently, join in every month, every now and again, or not at all (your likes and comments on others’ pictures are valued too). I am so excited to celebrate the official first anniversary of 7 Vignettes on New Year’s Day 2014 and hope you’ll come along for the ride next year too.

Jen x

Michelle wins two indoor beanbag chairs in her choice of colour, worth $650, thanks to Lujo. Well done, clever lady! Please contact me with your address.

By Jen Bishop

Jen Bishop is our owner and publisher and an experienced journalist and editor. Interiors Addict has been her full-time job for more than 10 years. She is mum to two young boys and lives in Sydney.

12 replies on “And the winner of December 7 Vignettes is…”

Congratulations Mich! Knew you had it in the ‘bag’ Beyond thrilled for you. Brilliant set of images, clever and delightful to boot! Thanks Jen for a jolly good time this year. Best wishes for the festive season xx

Thank you so so much Jen! Shaking and dancing around in delight. Can’t put words together coherently just yet but thank you I couldn’t be more excited! My very warmest Christmas wishes to you and your new husband in your new home!! x

Congratulations Mich! Absolutely perfect choice Jen! Mich’s pics are absolutely divine…I had my heart set on her winning, well deserved! Yay!
Thanks again Jen for all of the fun and helping put everyone in the Christmas spirit this month, best wishes for the Christmas season xx

Such a deserving winner, huge congrats Mich. I told you, you had it in the bag this month. So happy for you, enjoy this moment and many more to come you talented gorgeous girl xx

Congratulations Michelle, love your gorgeous vignettes images and styling – so innovative and original.

OH! Mich….so happy for you honey bunch!
Know the feeling re. this community..and the urge to collect props, EVERYWHERE!!!!It has made me find a love for styling and photography too, and i am so pleased that others out there have recognised your amazing talents too….live the dream honey, …xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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