Interiors Addict

Anna Spiro’s new website plus news of a book and second wallpaper range!

Ever since I’ve written this blog, I’ve wished Anna Spiro had a website. Because I can’t get enough of her gorgeous work. And last night it finally happened! What has been a holding page, ‘coming soon’ for far too long, became a wonderful thing!

Looking at images of Anna’s work always makes me feel happy. It’s a riot of colour and pattern and she is undoubtedly the QUEEN of mixing and matching. She makes it look so easy! One of the things  I like about her is that she’s not much of a self publicist (not that there’s anything wrong with being one). She lets her work speak for itself. There’s her popular blog Absolutely Beautiful Things of course, but the fact she hasn’t had a website for years and has still remained so busy and well known is testament to her talent. The Queensland designer is also a great reminder that not all fabulous design happens in Sydney and Melbourne!

Perhaps even more exciting is the news Anna is working on a book with Penguin. Cannot wait for that one! And she’s also onto her second wallpaper range with Porter’s Paints (I love the first one so much that samples of it cover my fridge!). Hooray!

But for now, go and have a look around this gorgeous website, including the pinboard (above) which will be regularly updated. This weekend I’m going to get started on a huge inspiration board in my new home office (a definite work in progress so no photos yet, sorry!).

I’ll leave you with this quote from Anna’s about page: “At the end of the day, the best and most rewarding thing I hope to achieve is a big smile on my clients’ faces. When that smile appears, I know my work is done.”

Have a great weekend, addicts!

By Jen Bishop

Jen Bishop is our owner and publisher and an experienced journalist and editor. Interiors Addict has been her full-time job for more than 10 years. She is mum to two young boys and lives in Sydney.

2 replies on “Anna Spiro’s new website plus news of a book and second wallpaper range!”

I just love all the patterns and colours – only wish I was as daring to style my house like that!
I’m up in Brisbane soon so her store is high on my priority list!
I’m so excited about the website and book – I have a huge smile on my face 🙂

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