Interiors Addict

Australian cushions stocked by US retail giants

Australian soft furnishings brand Bandhini Homewear Designs is seeing fantastic success in the American retail market, now being stocked by big name stores Neiman Marcus and Crate&Barrel.

The range stocked at Neiman Marcus

Sharm Schaffler, BHD’s USA director, says: “The response has been great and not only do the Americans love to deal with Australians, they most importantly find BHD’s Australian designs a refreshing, unique asset to their stores.”

Sharm’s mother, Tai Schaffler, founded the brand in 1993 from home in NSW, a young mum balancing a passion for design and raising her son. Design and concept now happens at BHD’s Talleubudgera Valley studio in QLD. Bandhini has its own manufacturing unit in India and develops collections for domestic and retail projects.

Growing up around beautifully handcrafted soft furnishings, Sharm saw the international potential for Bandhini. Aged just 23, he decided to make the big move overseas and represent Bandhini in the USA. His goal was to break through to the American interior designers and show them the beauty of BHD’s Australian designs, which he has now done. At the end of last year, Bandhini was the first Australian company to be nominated for the 23rd International Arts Award 2012 in the textiles category.

Find out more about BHD or read my previous interview with Tai Schaffler here.

By Jen Bishop

Jen Bishop is our owner and publisher and an experienced journalist and editor. Interiors Addict has been her full-time job for more than 10 years. She is mum to two young boys and lives in Sydney.