Interiors Addict

Bandhini’s new collection: a riot of colourful cushions inspired by American glamour

It’s a big change from Bandhini Homewear Design’s usual mix of neutrals and textures but this latest collection is no less beautiful. I saw the cushions for myself last month and they really are stunning.

bhd yellow

Designer Tai Schaffler admits she was nervous about the change. “But it was time for us to get out there and positively surprise our clients. We still have some beautiful classic black and beiges this year (we wouldn’t be Bandhini if we didn’t). The response so far has been incredible. There has been a lot of love for our yellow and velvet cushions.”

bhd blue

The collection, which was shot at the Mary McDonald-designed LUXE Hotel in LA, has been inspired by the cultural differences between America, where the products have been sold since 2010, Australia, where everything is designed, and India, where it is made.

Interiors Addict

Get the look: the Interiors Addict guide to wedding styling

Today it’s 2 months since I married my love. How times flies when you’re honeymooning, moving house and enjoying married life! Before I completely let go of being a recent bride and get on with being a wife, I thought I’d share one last wedding post with you, this time about the styling aspect.

interiors addict wedding styling

It will come as no surprise that I was more interested in what my wedding would look like than what I’d look like! I don’t DO dresses. I do however, do decor! So I had a lot of fun with this part of wedding planning. Here are some highlights and details of all my suppliers.

Perhaps the most talked about things at my wedding were: the dress, the flowers and the vintage caravan which I had arranged to serve tea and biscuits (I know, how English) as a fun and pretty time-killer after church and before the reception. That Vintage Caravan were brilliant. I’d seen their pink caravan (Sweet Jane’s Travelling Teahouse) at events before but when I found out they had a new addition, Spencer, who was not only very handsome but also navy and therefore on colour scheme, it was just meant to be!


Suffice to say none of my guests had ever been to a wedding where they served tea from a caravan parked on the street outside the church before and everyone said it was “very Jen”. The priest, in his wisdom, didn’t hesitate to give us the go ahead. Kelly Holcroft and her team did a top job of styling the grassy area around Spencer too, which suited the relaxed, pretty vibe we were going for. Total event professionals!

Interiors Addict

Australian cushions stocked by US retail giants

Australian soft furnishings brand Bandhini Homewear Designs is seeing fantastic success in the American retail market, now being stocked by big name stores Neiman Marcus and Crate&Barrel.

The range stocked at Neiman Marcus

Sharm Schaffler, BHD’s USA director, says: “The response has been great and not only do the Americans love to deal with Australians, they most importantly find BHD’s Australian designs a refreshing, unique asset to their stores.”

Interiors Addict

“I’ve been putting sticks, stones and shells on cushions for years,” says Bandhini’s Tai Schaffler

Maybe it’s the fact that she was once a journalist that makes Bandhini Homewear Design’s Tai Schaffler such a good interviewee. Or maybe it’s as simple as her passion for her business and the dying crafts of the people who hand make her products.

As an 18 year old, “small town Kiwi girl” Tai got a scholarship to study in Thailand, and her love affair with textiles began. “I would drive the other students nuts, fossiking through the Jim Thompson Silk stores. God I loved that silk! Still do,” she tells me. Her writing life started as a Christchurch correspondent for More Magazine.

She left journalism when Geraldine Sethi offered her a job in Perth to re-market and refurb her fashion business, Asaan. With a toddler and her husband in tow, Tai relocated to Perth and started traveling to India with her new boss. “I was hooked on textiles,” says Tai. “Not clothes but cloth for homes.” It wasn’t long before she saw the potential to open her own home textiles label.

These days she heads up Bandhini, now in its 20th year. Key to its success has been the longstanding relationship between the Schafflers and another family, in India. “I met Sangetta and Yuvraj Narain when I worked for Asaan and they were doing a stunning clothing collection called KALAKARI,” says Tai. “We were totally on the same wavelength of quality, cultural and handmade soft furnishings. That was it, I wasn’t going anywhere else! I adore them.”

Both families’ children have now have joined the business, with Tai’s son Sharm and the Narains’ sons Sharan and Karan, heading up the team in the USA. “They have finally got our gusto!” says Tai. “I think they are more business orientated than us. The next generation take it to the next level. They want to keep it on the same page ethically though, that’s important.”

Interiors Addict

Bandhini’s 20th anniversary sale

Bandhini Homewear Design don’t discount very often, but they are ons ale right now to celebrate their 20th anniversary and to make room for lots of new stock. Discounts of up to 50% to be found online! Here are a few of my picks from the sale.

Interiors Addict

Take the stress out of choosing cushion combos with Bandhini’s free service

I don’t know about you, but whenever I look at Bandhini’s catalogue or website I get OVERWHELMED by all the beautiful choices. But did you know if you tell them what you’re after and your budget they’ll give you suggestions and help you choose free of charge? The service was set up for interior designers and decorators but they’re also happy to help consumers drowning in choices and colour combinations!

Are you working on a project with a tight deadline? Take the stress out of it by asking the experts at Bandhini to suggest cushions, quilts, bed sashes and throws in your price range.

Just send your mood board to [email protected] and they’ll get back to you with a selection.

Interiors Addict

Bandhini at decoration + design this week