Homewares Interviews Kids Rooms

Australian nursery ideas: with La De Dah Kids

When her son was born with skin allergies, Rebecca Meyer realised how hard it was to find well-designed cotton toys without synthetic yarn. Sparking an idea, she decided to begin La De Dah Kids, an affordable and high quality lifestyle brand, with a penchant for crochet!

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“I love everything about crochet as a medium,” says Rebecca. “The colour, texture, strength and practicality. Sometimes when you are limited to one medium the options to be creative are endless. I also love that it is an old traditional craft that can be re-invented time and time again.”

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With the majority of La De Dah Kids’ homewares and toys being made from crochet, all their designs are quirky and unusual, and handmade ethically by a team of 180 passionate women in China.

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With a style that is a mishmash of everything (there’s a little Scandinavian in there and a little retro!), their products are a perfect addition to any nursery or kids room. They are also ideal for those on a tight budget, with their toys, storage baskets and floor rugs perfect for parents wanting to decorate beautifully without breaking the bank. “You don’t need a huge budget to make an amazing nursery,” explains Rebecca. “Some of my tips are using toys and books as decorative art on open shelves to make a feature. You also don’t need to fill a nursery with bulky storage items; you can use great storage baskets for all the bits and bobs. This way it makes items portable and keeps things organised and practical. Furthermore, I would recommend buying a floor rug that is practical and can grow with your baby.”

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Other tips Rebecca has for decorating on a budget include using paint to create a feature wall, repurposing and painting old furniture and investing only in pieces that will last and grow with your child. “Choose items that your child can grow with. Don’t just search kids sections; there are some great adult homewares that look lovely in kids rooms too. Have fun this really can be a fun project! And if your child is old enough include them in the process.”

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With La De Dah Kids having just launched their latest collection, all their products perfectly suit the current trends of black and white and pastel nurseries. “This year’s go-to colour combo for a baby’s room is black and white. The classic, back-to-basics colours makes a great unisex base that you can then add pops of colour to as your child grows. Also these years the must have for any little girls room is a soft pastel palette. Think Gelato ice cream of all shades.”

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Photography by Eve Wilson | Styling by Paige Anderson

By Olivia Shead

When she's not writing for Interiors Addict, Olivia is now a TV and radio news producer. She's a journalism graduate of UTS Sydney.

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