Bedrooms Decorating 101 Expert Tips Kids Rooms Parenting

How to decorate a nursery

2020 was a year full of twists and turns with the surge of COVID, mandatory lockdowns, and social distancing. But for some it also presented an exciting silver lining. The chance to be a part of the mini baby boom in 2021 – Generation C!

Whether you are first-time parents or veterans welcoming a new addition to the tribe, one of the top priorities is to set up the perfect nursery.

Henley design manager and mum of two, Vicki Gillingham, talks us through nursery trends and must-haves to ensure that the nursery is a tranquil oasis for the baby and calming workplace for mum and dad.

Colour me this

Vicki’s first rule is to colour in the nursery light and neutral tones.

“While there may be a temptation to go with the pinks for a girl and blues for a boy, selecting white, creams and very pale hues are also a great palette to keep the room feeling airy and light,” said Vicki.

Serenity and calmness are high on the list of objectives of a nursery, as you want it to be a tranquil oasis for the baby to call home. With the vibrant colours of the everyday world already visually stimulating the baby, a neutral foundation will ease them into a state of peace and help with the slumber.

“With a neutral foundation, you may like to add some gentle tones such as light greys or lattes, keeping that relaxed and softer feel to the room.”

Let there be (natural) light

“Natural light sifting through the room is such an inviting experience to the senses,” Vicki said. “Avoid bold colours and heavy fabrics in curtains and use soft ceiling lights which you can adjust their setting.”

To let as much natural light in without turning into a sunroom, consider dialing up the natural light by having sheer curtains or blinds. Blockouts are also ideal for daytime naps.

Vicki also recommends setting the cot or bassinet away from the window to avoid draughts and adding a soft light lamp for the nighttime nappy changes. After all, nobody likes harsh lights shone on them as if they were on an operation table!

Playing with texture

Soft, natural fibres should be at the forefront in a nursery so mum, dad, and baby feel cuddly and comfortable in this space.

Some examples Vicki provides include soft rugs on the floor, textured blankets, super soft cushions, and cuddly stuffed toys. Keeping in mind with the colour palette advice, these items should be in soft, neutral tones, and also made of natural fibres like organic cotton.

“Textured wallpaper might also be a lovely touch in neutral or earthy tones but might need to be updated as baby gets older!” Vicki added. “Consider instead adding some wall art that exudes a sense of calmness and composure.”

Fit it out with furniture

All efficient workspaces and cosy bedrooms need the utilities to amplify the experience and the nursery is no different. Parents always need to be prepared when it comes to taking care of their baby. So it is important to be well equipped on the frontlines of dealing with a fussy baby!

“Create a mum or dad corner, featuring a comfortable chair for feeding or cuddling,” Vicki said. “Consider adding a footstool so you can put up your feet as well as a jug of water, and even a snack.”

Essentials for the nursery also include a change table with ample storage and a comfy cot or bassinet away from the window and a comfortable chair for feeding or cuddling for mum and dad.

It is good to consider a book nook boasting picture storybooks and open baskets for toys, clothes, and nappies. But it’s also important to keep the nursery decluttered so it doesn’t overstimulate the baby and pose any dangers.

Vicki Gillingham is design manager for Melbourne-based home builder, Henley.

Bedrooms Designers Interviews Kids Rooms

Australian nursery ideas: with Sunday Collector

Recently, we spoke to Briar Stanley, the blogger and interior decorator behind Sunday Collector. As a specialist in creating gorgeous rooms — especially for little people — we thought she would be the perfect person to share some tips on designing your nursery.


Minnie_1 “Decide on the piece you want to splurge on (maybe the cot that converts into a toddler bed) and then don’t be afraid to mix vintage pieces with new. Have fun trawling op shops for a day or check out Gumtree for cute timber bookshelves or change tables. Update these pieces with a coat of paint and you will end up with an original nursery that has loads of character. Places like IKEA, Cotton On and Target are also your friend when it comes to nurseries — mix in a few pieces from affordable shops here and there for a truly unique space.”

BR1Briar also puts a lot of emphasis on the colour palette, recommending colour over its monochrome counterpart. “I’ve seen lots of black and white rooms lately, but I am happy to see colour is making a big comeback. I like the idea of kids growing up around the innocence of ‘happy’ colours. Cool painted wall murals are proving pretty popular, as is cute wallpaper.”



Alongside a beautiful looking room, for Briar functionality is also of the utmost importance. “A change table with handy storage close by for nappies and wipes is a good idea. You want to be prepared in those early months with a newborn. Sleep deprivation can make the simplest task (like finding a nappy in the middle of the night) impossible! Also, a dimmer for the ceiling light is always handy. You need to be able to see your hands without bright overhead lighting that may stimulate your baby from slumber.”


Having designed an array of nurseries, Briar can’t help but admit her favourite was her daughter, Sunday’s. “It was a true labour of love and a slow process of pulling together a space I imagined my daughter would like while I was pregnant. As luck would have it, I pretty much imagined her toddler personality (cheeky, funny, bold, artistic) perfectly. As a nearly three-year old, it’s a space she loves to play in and she’s always telling our visitors to, ‘Come see my room, now!'”



With Sunday now a toddler, Briar recently transitioned the nursery into a kids room, a process that wasn’t time-consuming or expensive! “If you’re like me with my daughter, transforming your nursery into a kids room could be as easy as replacing the cot with an appropriate toddler bed and some fresh bed linen. I also added a second bookshelf to deal with a huge over-supply of books, and updated a few things on her walls. I’ll often find a client has applied a nursery-themed wall decal before I’ve come on on the scene, so removing that and replacing it with some great art is a really easy way to update a nursery.”

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Bedrooms Designers Furniture Homewares Interviews Kids Rooms

Sisters collaborating on nursery furniture across the globe

Desperate for a modern and stylish nursing chair for her newborn son, Chloe Brookman, along with her sister Olivia, decided to design one themselves. Made locally in England — where they both lived at the time — friends immediately started requesting one of their own, and so furniture business Olli Ella was born.


As soon as their nursery chairs hit the market, the whirlwind began, with them being stocked in Harrods within a matter of months! From there, they expanded into nursery furniture, baby bedding, rugs and much more, under the philosophy that just because something is made for a nursery, it needn’t look out-of-place elsewhere.

“We design pieces for your home with your growing family in mind,” explains Chloe. “We believe that our products should first and foremost be ethically produced, and secondly, able to work in any room in the home.”

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With their products stocked globally, the team is also international, with Chloe now living in Sydney, and Olivia back in London. But that doesn’t mean they’re both not 100% involved, with the sisters Skyping each other daily and collaborating on all their designs.

“Olivia and I design all of our products with the exception of some of our wall art,” says Chloe. “We work in a collaborative way, we usually start with a conversation, which is followed by a moodboard and then a lot of sketches back and forth until we have our concept ready. We then go into the sample phase, which can take anywhere from one-to-four months and then, once all has been signed off on, we roll out the new product or collection.”


Growing up in typical traditional English nurseries, it was important to the duo that their products wouldn’t be anything like that! “Olli Ella’s style is playful yet sophisticated, with a decidedly global influence,” explains Chloe. “Our products are inspired by our adventures and our love of our homes; we are homebodies yet adventurers, mothers and designers. We hope that this is translated through our collection.”

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With a dream nursery that is: “Full of love, uncluttered but lived in, handmade and vintage mixed with fresh and modern,” the sisters have many tips: “I think styling a nursery on a budget often brings about our favourite rooms because each element is so well thought out,” says Chloe. “Tips for styling on a budget are to go to flea markets — you can get so many amazing accessories such as toys, throws, pillows, mobiles — you name it. Welcome hand-me-downs on the big things like cots, changers and nursing chairs, that way you have extra wiggle room for other things. And remember, the nursery is a work in progress; your little one will be growing and changing and so the nursery can constantly be added to and changed, to reflect their personality and the love you have for them.”

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Furniture Homewares Interviews Kids Rooms

Australian nursery ideas: with Rockferry

Nurseries have come along way from the baby pink and powder blue rooms of the past. Now they are much more pared back and mature; think gorgeous pastels, metallics, monochrome, timber and concrete pieces. But how do you make sure your child’s room meets these trends us grown ups love the look of, but is still fun and kid-like? After all, the room is for a baby!

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“A room that mum, dad and baby all love spending time in would be the perfect nursery to me,” explains Annabelle Adams, founder of Rockferry. “Our brands we stock could transition easily between little girls or little boys rooms — and even be moved into the adult rooms of the house. Our aesthetic is the perfect mix of quirky and classic pieces that are still full of personality.”

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Stocking homewares for all ages by Australian and New Zealand designers, at the core of Rockferry is slow design, buying local and moving away from cheaply made, imported products. With a particular interest in supplying goodies for babies and kids, their homewares fit perfectly into current trends.

“Absolutely the trend is a move away from a typical kids room towards a pared back, monochrome or Scandinavian style with pops of colour, bold and often quirky prints and patterns, and clever storage options. Rockferry is focused on adding those accessories that complement a monochrome or Scandinavian base and bring the personality of the room to life.”

Rockferry interiors addict

When it comes to Annabelle’s dream nursery, she would add personality to the space through gorgeous linens, soft furnishings, storage, lighting and art. And while that may sound like a lot of (expensive) stuff, she has lots of tips on how you can save some cash.

“Be creative! For low-cost art, frame up cute greeting cards or tea towels and display them in a group. For storage, buy some that looks great and you will tick two boxes — points of interest in the room and functionality — meaning you can spend less on purely decorative items. And re-organise often, change up soft furnishings and the position of display items to give the room a fresh look without having to spend a penny!”

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However, if you’re a bit stuck on styling, Rockferry offer a free styling service for customers who are unsure on how to fill a particular space. Proving very popular, Annabelle is also in the process of developing a paid service for more detailed requests, where she’ll create full mood boards and recommend both Rockferry and other products. Watch this space!

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Photography by Armelle Habib | Styling by Aimee Tarulli

Interviews Kids Rooms Styling

Australian nursery ideas: with Little Liberty

Originally an occupational therapist, it took having children for Nicole Rosenberg to start obsessing over interiors. “Once I had children, I started becoming infatuated with how my children’s rooms looked and perfected the art of creating a space for each individual child’s personality — they were very varied! A few friends of mine asked if I could do their children’s rooms after seeing what I had created for my own and then it was like a snowball effect!”

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Starting up her own interior decorating company, Little Liberty, Nicole specialises in transforming rooms for kids of all ages. With a distinct style that is “modern, fresh and fun with a Scandinavian twist,” we particularly love her nurseries that are both on trend and gender neutral. “The black and white scandi trend is often used for both boys and girls. But at the same time people are really steering away from the more traditional colours such as pink and blue. Yellow is a hot colour for boys and peach is big for girls! The copper trend is also huge at the moment as is light wood kids furniture, which gives the room an instant contemporary feel.”

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With a variety of decorating and styling services available, including on site full service consultations, e-design and a baby room registry, Nicole knows a few tricks of the trade when it comes to styling a nursery on a budget. “Places like H&M Home, Cotton on KIDS and even K-mart and Target are great places to hunt for cheap room products. Also, scouring the internet for cheaper furniture and soft furnishings can be a great way to save money.”

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While all nurseries differ, Nicole believes every nursery must have five specific products and the rest is up to personal taste. “My must-buys are a cot, change table, book stand, rug and artwork.” And while they take up the bulk of Nicole’s dream nursery, what else would it include? “I really love Scandinavian rooms so it would have to be filled with greys, white, hints of black and copper!”

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For more on Nicole visit her website.

Homewares Interviews Kids Rooms

Australian nursery ideas: with La De Dah Kids

When her son was born with skin allergies, Rebecca Meyer realised how hard it was to find well-designed cotton toys without synthetic yarn. Sparking an idea, she decided to begin La De Dah Kids, an affordable and high quality lifestyle brand, with a penchant for crochet!

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“I love everything about crochet as a medium,” says Rebecca. “The colour, texture, strength and practicality. Sometimes when you are limited to one medium the options to be creative are endless. I also love that it is an old traditional craft that can be re-invented time and time again.”

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With the majority of La De Dah Kids’ homewares and toys being made from crochet, all their designs are quirky and unusual, and handmade ethically by a team of 180 passionate women in China.

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With a style that is a mishmash of everything (there’s a little Scandinavian in there and a little retro!), their products are a perfect addition to any nursery or kids room. They are also ideal for those on a tight budget, with their toys, storage baskets and floor rugs perfect for parents wanting to decorate beautifully without breaking the bank. “You don’t need a huge budget to make an amazing nursery,” explains Rebecca. “Some of my tips are using toys and books as decorative art on open shelves to make a feature. You also don’t need to fill a nursery with bulky storage items; you can use great storage baskets for all the bits and bobs. This way it makes items portable and keeps things organised and practical. Furthermore, I would recommend buying a floor rug that is practical and can grow with your baby.”

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Other tips Rebecca has for decorating on a budget include using paint to create a feature wall, repurposing and painting old furniture and investing only in pieces that will last and grow with your child. “Choose items that your child can grow with. Don’t just search kids sections; there are some great adult homewares that look lovely in kids rooms too. Have fun this really can be a fun project! And if your child is old enough include them in the process.”

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With La De Dah Kids having just launched their latest collection, all their products perfectly suit the current trends of black and white and pastel nurseries. “This year’s go-to colour combo for a baby’s room is black and white. The classic, back-to-basics colours makes a great unisex base that you can then add pops of colour to as your child grows. Also these years the must have for any little girls room is a soft pastel palette. Think Gelato ice cream of all shades.”

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Photography by Eve Wilson | Styling by Paige Anderson