Bedrooms Decorating 101 Expert Tips Kids Rooms Parenting

How to decorate a nursery

2020 was a year full of twists and turns with the surge of COVID, mandatory lockdowns, and social distancing. But for some it also presented an exciting silver lining. The chance to be a part of the mini baby boom in 2021 – Generation C!

Whether you are first-time parents or veterans welcoming a new addition to the tribe, one of the top priorities is to set up the perfect nursery.

Henley design manager and mum of two, Vicki Gillingham, talks us through nursery trends and must-haves to ensure that the nursery is a tranquil oasis for the baby and calming workplace for mum and dad.

Colour me this

Vicki’s first rule is to colour in the nursery light and neutral tones.

“While there may be a temptation to go with the pinks for a girl and blues for a boy, selecting white, creams and very pale hues are also a great palette to keep the room feeling airy and light,” said Vicki.

Serenity and calmness are high on the list of objectives of a nursery, as you want it to be a tranquil oasis for the baby to call home. With the vibrant colours of the everyday world already visually stimulating the baby, a neutral foundation will ease them into a state of peace and help with the slumber.

“With a neutral foundation, you may like to add some gentle tones such as light greys or lattes, keeping that relaxed and softer feel to the room.”

Let there be (natural) light

“Natural light sifting through the room is such an inviting experience to the senses,” Vicki said. “Avoid bold colours and heavy fabrics in curtains and use soft ceiling lights which you can adjust their setting.”

To let as much natural light in without turning into a sunroom, consider dialing up the natural light by having sheer curtains or blinds. Blockouts are also ideal for daytime naps.

Vicki also recommends setting the cot or bassinet away from the window to avoid draughts and adding a soft light lamp for the nighttime nappy changes. After all, nobody likes harsh lights shone on them as if they were on an operation table!

Playing with texture

Soft, natural fibres should be at the forefront in a nursery so mum, dad, and baby feel cuddly and comfortable in this space.

Some examples Vicki provides include soft rugs on the floor, textured blankets, super soft cushions, and cuddly stuffed toys. Keeping in mind with the colour palette advice, these items should be in soft, neutral tones, and also made of natural fibres like organic cotton.

“Textured wallpaper might also be a lovely touch in neutral or earthy tones but might need to be updated as baby gets older!” Vicki added. “Consider instead adding some wall art that exudes a sense of calmness and composure.”

Fit it out with furniture

All efficient workspaces and cosy bedrooms need the utilities to amplify the experience and the nursery is no different. Parents always need to be prepared when it comes to taking care of their baby. So it is important to be well equipped on the frontlines of dealing with a fussy baby!

“Create a mum or dad corner, featuring a comfortable chair for feeding or cuddling,” Vicki said. “Consider adding a footstool so you can put up your feet as well as a jug of water, and even a snack.”

Essentials for the nursery also include a change table with ample storage and a comfy cot or bassinet away from the window and a comfortable chair for feeding or cuddling for mum and dad.

It is good to consider a book nook boasting picture storybooks and open baskets for toys, clothes, and nappies. But it’s also important to keep the nursery decluttered so it doesn’t overstimulate the baby and pose any dangers.

Vicki Gillingham is design manager for Melbourne-based home builder, Henley.

Bedrooms Homewares Kids Rooms

The 10 cult homewares for the coolest kid’s room

We’re not ones for suggesting you buy things just because everyone else is or because they’re trendy, but there’s a reason these 10 great products are popping up in kid’s rooms all over the country. They’re not just fun but great design and they’ll help you create a space both you and your children fall in love with. Do your kids have any of these in their rooms?

This Little House cubby house/bed, $249.95/$499.95 from This Little Love

Available in a variety of colours to suit girls and boys and different ages, this is a super cool, simple design, which can be accessorised as much or as little as you like (think fairy lights, pompoms and more). It’s available in a cheaper cubby version and a more expensive cot-to-bed version too.

this little love cot to bed

this little love cubby house

Armadillo & Co Dandelion rug in multicolour, $560 from My First Room

Introducing junior collections of their iconic fair trade, handwoven creations — shrinking them down to kid size and adding colour — was a super smart move by Armadillo & Co, because they’re constantly used by stylists in nurseries and little people’s bedrooms and playrooms. Any of these rugs is a safe, classic, hardwearing bet, which will last your child many years.


Le Sac En Papier, $15 from A Cup of Chic

Everything’s a little more chic in French, non? This monochrome paper bag (literally) is seen in the corners of the coolest nurseries. Great for tidying up toys or storing the less the decorative items like nappies! It’s in English on one side and French on the other. And it’s only $15! I don’t know why it works so well and has been so popular, it just does! Monochrome, typography, simplicity and affordability all add up to make this a must-buy! Paris and New York-based graphic design studio Be-Poles were onto a winner with this one.

Image via click for details
Image via Peastyle at click for details

The Umemi Notknot Cushion, $189 from Designstuff

We’ve seen these popping up everywhere lately, and not just on little ones’ beds! It’s pretty hard to do something new with cushions, but these really stand out. I have one on my own wishlist (for my room, not Sebastian’s nursery!)!

Image: Little Dwellings. Click for details
Image: Little Dwellings. Click for details

Fine Little Day Pirum Parum Print, $59 from Leo and Bella

You may have seen this Swedish fella’s apple and tomato friends in all the coolest nurseries too. A very affordable way to get art on your kids’ walls. A3 size so will fit standard frames.

Image via Baby Donkie, Click for details
Image via Baby Donkie, Click for details

Rokii animal and rocker, $499, top3 by design

As rockers go, this one is seriously design savvy and won’t look out of place in the stylish or minimalist interiors! Sebastian was very lucky to have been given one of these by some lovely friends who knew I might not love all the primary colours that come with parenthood! It starts off life as a rocker chair and later, when they’re older, you attach the animal (is it a sheep, is it a horse?!) and it becomes a fun toy.


Seb in his "Rockii egg"
Seb in his “Rockii egg”

Ubabub Booksee, $199 from Ubabub

Just like in grown up interiors, books are a great way to add colour and interest to a room. Even better, with this perspex bookshelf, your child can see the covers of their books and will be able to easily pick out which they want. Makes reading even more appealing!

Image via Spaces by Diana. Click for details
Image via Spaces by Diana. Click for details

The Incy Interiors Declan cot, $699 from Incy Interiors

If not the Declan, then most Aussie first-time mums have one of Australian brand Incy Interiors’ gorgeous cots on their wishlist. Better still, most of their furniture comes with the option to have it custom coloured (pretty much any Dulux shade) to perfectly match your scheme. No subtle neutrals here (unless you really want them, of course)!


Klea Baby Teepee, $159 from Klea Baby

It’s official: every kid’s room needs a teepee these days! Great for a reading corner or a place for imaginative play and they look great too. there are many on the market now but we love this Klea Baby one because of its simple aesthetic which will blend in with any room scheme and can be accessorised to your heart’s content in any style.

klea baby teepee

The Scoop Bunk, $3,250 from Lilly & Lolly

Is there anything more exciting about sharing a room with your sibling than the prospect of bunkbeds?! These aren’t cheap but they’re certainly a good looking option. thanks to not being too ‘kiddy’ they’ll last you years. At this price point you’d expect solid Tasmanian Oak and Australian made. Meets all domestic safety standards.

scoop bunk lilly and lolly

Which must-have kids’ room homewares would you add to this list?

Bedrooms Designers Homewares Kids Rooms

Browse 10 styled rooms with the best in kids stuff to buy

Visitors will be able to browse beautifully curated spaces showcasing the best in interior styling ideas for children at the TiniTrader Pop-Up Marketplace, with products from more than 200 retailers.


From 30 July to 2 August, everything on display will be available for sale — from clothing, prams, bunkbeds and everything in between. In short, see it, love it, buy it!

The virtual marketplace’s CEO and co-founder Kerri Turner, is looking forward to introducing TiniTrader and its associated brands to the masses in physical form for the first time: “TiniTrader has always been about bringing together the best in children’s products and we wanted the concept of the pop-up event to reflect this. Working with some amazing stylists and brands, our intention is to create aspirational spaces for kids utilising many of the products available on our website.”


[contextly_sidebar id=”HuRka7Iulp0T2f1VEDYP0bpvqE89vg3y”]The TiniTrader virtual marketplace offers a one-stop-shop for busy parents, with more than 30,000 baby and kids products available from hundreds of retail stores. The Melbourne event will give people the chance to see and shop the range in real time within a stunning gallery space. The pop-up will also play host to a number of activities planned over the four days including: a champagne bar on Friday evening for those in need of some cheeky indulgence; well-known children’s interior designer Jacinda Malloy from Hide & Sleep sharing her styling tips on Saturday; and baby sleep expert Tizzie Hall providing tips for settling little ones on Sunday.


The TiniTrader Pop-Up Marketplace has been developed in conjunction with sponsors including Bugaboo, Gro Company, Lilly & Lolly and Maggie Beer. Pre-register at to go into the draw for some great prizes and secure a deluxe gift bag packed with samples and special offers.

What: TiniTrader Melbourne Pop-Up Marketplace

When: Thursday 30 July – Sunday 2 August 2015

Where: 51 Victoria Street, Fitzroy

Trading Hours: Thursday 10am – 6pm | Friday 10am – 9pm | Saturday 10am – 4pm | Sunday 10am – 4pm.


Bedrooms Expert Tips Kids Rooms

How to: make a children’s teepee for under $30!

Am I the only adult out there to be so excited by teepees? Seriously, where were these when I was a kid?! These days, going by Pinterest and Instagram, teepees are a staple for any nursery or kids room. So it was only a matter of time before we had a DIY go at Interiors Addict!


Step 1: Pick up Supplies


  • 4x dowel rods (120cm each)
  • Tablecloth/ fabric (120cm x 365cm)
  • Rope (1 metre)


  • Drill + 6.5mm drill bit
  • Sandpaper
  • Needle
  • Cotton

If you are wanting to make a teepee on the cheap and avoid shelling out on fabric, I raided my grandmother’s linen closet and found a plethora of options. You can really use anything; bed sheets, quilt covers, curtains, the options are endless. In my case, I opted for a lace table cloth number which worked perfectly and eliminated me needing to learn how to sew. I do like a little boho vibe, so lace it was!

Step 2: Drill rope holes

Sand down dowel rods and any rough edges with a piece of sandpaper. Make a small mark on each dowel around 10cm from the top and mark with an x. Carefully drill one hole in each dowel. If you aren’t confident with power tools, ask someone to help you.


Step 3: Framing

Thread the rope through all the holes (it’s easier if you wrap some sticky tape around the end of the rope to help it fit through the holes). Once the rope is threaded through, tie a knot firmly then wrap the rope around a few more times. Establish equal spacing between the dowels to make your teepee even on all sides. Once you have equal spacing, wrap the rope around a few more times and tie a secure knot.



Step 4: Sewing!

Drape the fabric around the outside of the structure. Once you’re happy with how it sits, begin sewing. I wrapped the fabric around each pole and sewed up the inside of the pole through the holes already in the lace so you can’t see any of the stitching. Sew up the inside of all four posts to ensure the fabric is secure.

Step 5: Style away

Set up your teepee wherever you chose and get styling! Our friends at Cotton On Kids were kind enough to lend us some of my favourite products from their latest range to help out.



If DIY isn’t your thing and you’re after a teepee Etsy has your back with a heap of choices.

–Kathryn Bamford is our girl on the ground in Melbourne; you can follow her DIY & design adventures on Instagram @thedesignrookie.

Bedrooms Homewares Kids Rooms

Australian nursery ideas: with Vivid Wall Decals

With a background in print design and production, it took the process of redecorating her daughter’s bedroom for Nicole Neeves to realise there was a gap in the market that she could definitely fill!


“I was struggling to find quality wall decals here in Australia; there were the usual packs of mass-produced printed wall stickers imported from overseas, but I’d tried them in my eldest daughter’s nursery and they continually peeled off and I didn’t like the shiny sticker look either. I wanted something which would appear as if painted on the wall and would actually stay there until I wanted to remove it.”

Indi Nursery 2

With graphic design skills from her previous career and a love of everything interiors, Nicole decided to take matters into her own hands, starting Vivid Wall Decals and making affordable, custom-made, removable decals.

Nicole’s most popular designs are her geometric shapes, perfect for a nursery, or in fact, any room! “Being made from removable vinyl, they’re the perfect wall decor item to either bring some colour into the room or use as faux wallpaper. Meaningful quotes from your favourite childhood stories also make a beautiful statement in a nursery, which can be easily removed when you want to update to a big kid room. And being made from materials specifically manufactured for indoor walls, they’re the perfect solution for renters as they remove cleanly with no damage to walls.”

Amy Playroom

Indi closeup

As well as designing geometric shapes and quotes, a lot of her decals are brought about by customer demand. Meaning if you have an idea, there’s a good chance Nicole could bring it to life. “Lots of our designs are brought about from customer demand and making sure we have designs available which will work with all the beautiful decor items currently so popular for kids rooms. We also work closely with children’s interior designers in creating the exact look they’ve got planned for their clients’ designs, so we help them produce the decals to bring that idea to life.”

Baily Nursery

Recommending removable wall decals as an affordable and on trend way to style a nursery, Nicole also highlights funky book ledges, storage that can be opened with one-hand (“You’ll never realise how important it is to have things within easy reach until you have to try and do everything one-handed whilst carrying a baby!”) and furniture that can grow with your child. “Just because you’re decorating a nursery, doesn’t mean you have to stick to baby items and furniture. Look for items you can use as they grow. Repurpose a sturdy set of drawers – get your DIY on with a bit of paint, new handles and it’s a completely new item just for your new addition!”

Shop online.

Bedrooms Kids Rooms Styling

Stylist Aimee Tarulli’s big boy room for toddler son Leo

We’ve brought you a lot of nursery and kids room inspiration lately, but what better than an interior stylist’s real life project for her very own little man? With a new baby due in May, Aimee Tarulli needed to create a ‘big boy room’ for her son Leo, two.


“When I’m designing rooms for children, I really like them not be too gender or age specific,” she says. “I think a kids space should just be really cool and include lots of things that evoke their imagination and interest . I’m so happy with this room as it’s really suitable for Leo now being two, but will also see him right through to those teen years, when I’m sure he’ll want to put up Hawks footy posters instead (thanks Dad!).”

The bed was an important decision and prompted by Aimee’s love of choosing minimal contemporary furniture pieces that will last the test of time, then adding lots of colour through accessories and art. “The Biscuit bed in lime washed ply from Mark Tuckey was an easy choice. This is my favourite bed for kids, whether it’s a boy or a girl. It’s just so simple and natural and something they can’t get sick of! A king single is also the way to go to ensure lots of room for reading together at night and again, it will see them through until they need to go up to a queen.”


Aimee dressed the bed in dreamy pale blue and grey linen from Cultiver to balance out all the colour and pattern happening in the room. “It needed to just be really soft and subtle. The coverlet is from Urban Home Republic and doubles as a heavyweight doona cover. The quirky mix of cushions are from Norsu (lion), Ourlieu (evil eye) and Leo and Bella (glow in the dark ghost!).

“I choose the matching bedside also from Mark Tuckey as I just loved the open shelf for books at the bottom and the square shape meant books and a lamp sat nicely on the top, as opposed to a round stool where it’s sometimes hard to get everything on top easily. A handmade twin hunter tribe from A Boy Named Aaron sits above the bed and is a sculptural piece that adds another element. The lamp is from Bungalow Trading Co.

“Leo is really into dinosaurs at the moment and I came across this amazing original vintage poster from The Galerie. I absolutely fell in love with it and I was lucky enough that Michelle at The Galarie was able to source it for me. It’s really the hero of the room and makes such an impact to the space. I just love that it’s so unique and not seen everywhere. It’s such a cool piece and one that we’ll all love forever.”

When decorating spaces, Aimee always aims to find unique products that really make them someone’s own. “I love to find out more about my clients and what they like so I can ensure I am designing a space that really connects with them and is unique.”

Leo’s other love is books and the Ubabub clear Perspex Booksee shelves are a fun way to display them. “The low shelves mean Leo can reach the books easily and they’re a magnet for him.” To create a comfy reading nook, Aimee found the perfect floor cushion from Into The Fold. “This cushion is called Big Maude and is so lush and comfy and means we can cuddle up and read stories together. I paired this with some really cool cushions from Jai Vasicek.”

Taking inspiration from some diamond bunting she had, Aimee had diamond shapes painted on the wall that wrap around the corner (painted by Christopher Watterston, who paints the Dulux colour campaigns). “This just adds interest to an otherwise white corner of the room and draws your eye down into the bookshelves. It’s quite the optical illusion as the angles change when you walk around the room,” says Aimee.


Layout has also been carefully considered with the bed up against one wall to open up floor space for play. Aimee used a Down to the Woods felt ball rug on the floor and a Puku ottoman from Coco Flip. The Oeuf Mini Library in birch from The Secret Room is a great space for Leo to keep all his little dinosaurs and toys. “I’m sure in time it will become filled with Lego structures!”Above the shelf unit hangs a framed Rachel Castle tea towel (great affordable art!) and a small Emily Besser artwork sits on top next to a cluster of felt mushrooms amongst other nick knacks.

“I really love Leo’s new space and find myself sometimes just walking past and looking in. It’s a really cool place to be.”

Photography by Martina Gemmola.

Bedrooms Kids Rooms

Cotton on KIDS’ fourth range looks set to be as popular as ever

Cotton On KIDS’ fourth range of stylish and affordable bed linen and accessories just launched and it may be my favourite yet.


The 100 percent cotton collection, which is available now, has everything you need to revamp your little one’s space with items such as alphabet garlands, wall decals and the Mr Fox cushion complementing items like the yardage-print woven floor rug and storage sacks from the first drop.


Customers will be spoiled for choice with reversible quilt covers, matching diagonal stripe sheet sets and loads of cute cushions, as well as the Dream On alphabet garland, gold glitter wall stickers and house shelves that are perfect for displaying toys and books, or simply adding a pop of colour to the walls.

“The new range was inspired by Memphis-style prints which translate so well into kids rooms as there is so much colour involved,” said senior product developer, Sarah Lawrence. “We were also hugely passionate about creating a collection that kids adored and that parents would also love seeing in their home.”


All styles are designed to be mixed and matched, with items from the new collection matching back with previous ranges. And if you, like me, are thinking you wouldn’t mind these in your own room, don’t worry: they’re available in single, double and queen size!


Prices start at $14.95 for a pillowcase through to $69.95 for a queen size quilt cover. Shop online.

Bedrooms Designers Interviews Kids Rooms

Australian nursery ideas: with Sunday Collector

Recently, we spoke to Briar Stanley, the blogger and interior decorator behind Sunday Collector. As a specialist in creating gorgeous rooms — especially for little people — we thought she would be the perfect person to share some tips on designing your nursery.


Minnie_1 “Decide on the piece you want to splurge on (maybe the cot that converts into a toddler bed) and then don’t be afraid to mix vintage pieces with new. Have fun trawling op shops for a day or check out Gumtree for cute timber bookshelves or change tables. Update these pieces with a coat of paint and you will end up with an original nursery that has loads of character. Places like IKEA, Cotton On and Target are also your friend when it comes to nurseries — mix in a few pieces from affordable shops here and there for a truly unique space.”

BR1Briar also puts a lot of emphasis on the colour palette, recommending colour over its monochrome counterpart. “I’ve seen lots of black and white rooms lately, but I am happy to see colour is making a big comeback. I like the idea of kids growing up around the innocence of ‘happy’ colours. Cool painted wall murals are proving pretty popular, as is cute wallpaper.”



Alongside a beautiful looking room, for Briar functionality is also of the utmost importance. “A change table with handy storage close by for nappies and wipes is a good idea. You want to be prepared in those early months with a newborn. Sleep deprivation can make the simplest task (like finding a nappy in the middle of the night) impossible! Also, a dimmer for the ceiling light is always handy. You need to be able to see your hands without bright overhead lighting that may stimulate your baby from slumber.”


Having designed an array of nurseries, Briar can’t help but admit her favourite was her daughter, Sunday’s. “It was a true labour of love and a slow process of pulling together a space I imagined my daughter would like while I was pregnant. As luck would have it, I pretty much imagined her toddler personality (cheeky, funny, bold, artistic) perfectly. As a nearly three-year old, it’s a space she loves to play in and she’s always telling our visitors to, ‘Come see my room, now!'”



With Sunday now a toddler, Briar recently transitioned the nursery into a kids room, a process that wasn’t time-consuming or expensive! “If you’re like me with my daughter, transforming your nursery into a kids room could be as easy as replacing the cot with an appropriate toddler bed and some fresh bed linen. I also added a second bookshelf to deal with a huge over-supply of books, and updated a few things on her walls. I’ll often find a client has applied a nursery-themed wall decal before I’ve come on on the scene, so removing that and replacing it with some great art is a really easy way to update a nursery.”

For more information.

Homewares Kids Rooms

KwithHeart: handmade for “bubs with serious spunk!”

With a motto to create products for: “bubs with serious spunk!” Karrie-Anne Vieceli of KwithHeart offers a range of quality wares including organic jersey swaddle blankets, organic muslin wraps, cot sheet sets, bibs, pillowcases and tees.

kwithheart interiors addict 1

Launched last year, shortly after having her first child, KwithHeart was born out of a desire to find something a bit different to the traditional baby colours and patterns. “There were very limited options around at the time I was pregnant,” explains Karrie-Anne. “So I decided to make them instead! I remember telling friends I was having a black and white nursery and their response was: “What the?!”. However the style turned out to be popular and it fit well with the other designs I had planned for my own bub. Friends started asking about buying my designs and as I love making and creating, I thought I’d share the love and launch KwithHeart.”

kwithheart interiors addict 3

Balancing her creative side with her ‘real’ day job in the corporate world, Karrie-Anne loves the opportunity to work in two very different professions. Designing and making all the products herself, she enjoys the art of creating, even if it means juggling two jobs and a toddler! “KwithHeart is essentially me! Though I recently employed the services of a local sewing expert, as this allows me more time to do the things I am more passionate about. Of course it really wouldn’t be possible without the support from my husband, family and friends.”

kwithheart interiors addict 2

With an ethos to make every product with absolute heart, Karrie-Anne does everything from the initial designs to distribution. “My swaddle blankets, wraps, bibs and cot sheet sets are hand stamped using lino block stamps. I design and hand carve the stamps myself, then I hand-paint them with non-toxic, water-based ink, and heat set each piece. Like most creatives, I have also branched out to do a few different things along the way, with hand painted custom pillowcases being one of them.”

kwithheart interiors addict 4
kwithheart interiors addict

With every item being gift-wrapped, with optional handmade gift cards, Karrie-Anne hopes to make buying gifts that much easier. With a style that is bold, makes a statement and packs a punch, KwithHeart wares are a perfect addition to any kid’s room.

Shop online.

Bedrooms Designers Furniture Homewares Interviews Kids Rooms

Sisters collaborating on nursery furniture across the globe

Desperate for a modern and stylish nursing chair for her newborn son, Chloe Brookman, along with her sister Olivia, decided to design one themselves. Made locally in England — where they both lived at the time — friends immediately started requesting one of their own, and so furniture business Olli Ella was born.


As soon as their nursery chairs hit the market, the whirlwind began, with them being stocked in Harrods within a matter of months! From there, they expanded into nursery furniture, baby bedding, rugs and much more, under the philosophy that just because something is made for a nursery, it needn’t look out-of-place elsewhere.

“We design pieces for your home with your growing family in mind,” explains Chloe. “We believe that our products should first and foremost be ethically produced, and secondly, able to work in any room in the home.”

WEB Pitter baby 1 teepee

bonbon basket 2

With their products stocked globally, the team is also international, with Chloe now living in Sydney, and Olivia back in London. But that doesn’t mean they’re both not 100% involved, with the sisters Skyping each other daily and collaborating on all their designs.

“Olivia and I design all of our products with the exception of some of our wall art,” says Chloe. “We work in a collaborative way, we usually start with a conversation, which is followed by a moodboard and then a lot of sketches back and forth until we have our concept ready. We then go into the sample phase, which can take anywhere from one-to-four months and then, once all has been signed off on, we roll out the new product or collection.”


Growing up in typical traditional English nurseries, it was important to the duo that their products wouldn’t be anything like that! “Olli Ella’s style is playful yet sophisticated, with a decidedly global influence,” explains Chloe. “Our products are inspired by our adventures and our love of our homes; we are homebodies yet adventurers, mothers and designers. We hope that this is translated through our collection.”

2013 OE-HARL DAWN 02

With a dream nursery that is: “Full of love, uncluttered but lived in, handmade and vintage mixed with fresh and modern,” the sisters have many tips: “I think styling a nursery on a budget often brings about our favourite rooms because each element is so well thought out,” says Chloe. “Tips for styling on a budget are to go to flea markets — you can get so many amazing accessories such as toys, throws, pillows, mobiles — you name it. Welcome hand-me-downs on the big things like cots, changers and nursing chairs, that way you have extra wiggle room for other things. And remember, the nursery is a work in progress; your little one will be growing and changing and so the nursery can constantly be added to and changed, to reflect their personality and the love you have for them.”

Shop online.

Bedrooms Interviews Kids Rooms

Australian kids room ideas: with Little Dwellings

Having designed her own home and helped her friends do the same; Kate Sparks found out very quickly that she had a passion for interior design.


An early childhood teacher and a mother herself, it seemed like a match made in heaven to begin her business Little Dwellings, a styling service primarily for children’s spaces.



With a range of styling packages from eBoard designs to full room instals, her most popular service is in-house styling, where she visits clients’ homes and goes through which products would best suit their space. And while Kate has now transitioned to also styling adults’ spaces, she will always have a soft spot for decorating nurseries and kids’ rooms.

“They are so much fun. Older kids can have an input as to what they want, whereas designing a nursery is so exciting as you watch the room come together and become a reality for the parents.”


When decorating a room for your little one, Kate has many tips: “When decorating on a budget, I’d recommend a lick of paint, DIY, and being minimalistic. Then change the bedding, update prints and gradually introduce more age appropriate accessories. In terms of budget friendly, on trend pieces, think wall decals or wallpaper, funky beds and linen, storage baskets (felt and wire), rugs and prints.”


While Kate’s personal style has a strong Scandinavian edge, she always puts her client’s taste first. “My house is very Scandinavian influenced, however Little Dwellings aims to provide a service that meets the needs and wants of each individual client. But in saying this, we always aims to be on trend.”

For more information.

Bedrooms Expert Tips Furniture Kids Rooms Styling

Safe nursery design tips: it’s not all about the pretty

By Adrienne Biscontin

Baby rooms have come a long way from just the cot, change table and nightlight. These days, nurseries are often the most stylish room in the home, with Scandinavian furniture, designer toys, organic bamboo linen, personalised lighting, and interior designers who specialise in putting it all together! Yep, styling nurseries has become a booming industry.

Nursery with a bed

However, having a beautifully styled nursery is one thing, but providing a safe nursery for your baby to sleep, and eventually play in, is entirely another.

Most of the images you’ll come across on my page, Interiors Addict, Pinterest and elsewhere on the web have been styled for the photo; carefully placed items to showcase the products, the style and the furniture you can have in your baby room. It’s not actually how the room should be. Though the trend is now for more pared back nurseries with beautiful art, furnishings and simple details, safety is still as important as it ever was.

We can’t expect stylists to make all their photographs health and safety compliant, but as parents we do have a responsibility to make sure our own real-life nurseries are safe places for our children.

Practically speaking, there are a few dos and don’ts when setting up your nursery:

Location of the cot

There are several factors to consider when placing the cot in your baby’s room. It should not be under or against a window where a baby could easily climb out or push against the window (away from light peeping in will also help them sleep better). It should not be near blinds where cords are hanging, or curtains that could be pulled. There must be good air flow around the cot, so ideally it shouldn’t be in the corner of the room — ensure at least three sides are exposed. Likewise, keep the change table away from windows, and do not rest any frames or heavy items on the change table that the baby could easily pull down. And never leave your baby unattended on the change table.

Around the cot

The Animal Print Shop by Sharon Montrose
Those tassles and cushions look fab but they’re a big safety no-no. Image credit: The Animal Print Shop

Babies sleep a lot (or so you hope!) so it’s crucial that their bassinet or cot is in the safest place for them to sleep. Do not have anything hanging over or on the cot. Lighting, mobiles, garlands, bunting — these all look gorgeous in a baby’s room, but just not over (within reaching distance) or on the cot. Babies will grab things before you know it and anything near the cot just isn’t safe. A securely fasteend mobile a safe distance above a cot, is fine.

On the cot

Do not have any blankets, doonas, wraps or throws hanging over the end or the side of the cot. These are a popular feature in stylists’ images of nurseries, but are there to show the style and products, they are not to be left there for sleeps. Anything hanging over the end of the cot that could fall off, or be pulled off, isn’t safe for your baby. Picture frames should not be leaning against the cot, or resting on the cot against the wall. One small bump and they could easily fall. Soft toys and dolls should be well away from the cot, not resting on the end or the side.

In the cot

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Perfect for a photoshoot but not for a newborn. Image credit: Vivid Wall Decals

Safe sleeping is the main focus of organisations like SIDS. They state very clearly that pillows, doonas/duvets, soft toys, cot bumpers or lambswools should not be anywhere in, or near the cot. Pillows, cushions and soft toys look lovely in photos, but can be a dangerous suffocation risk if they fall over a baby’s head, or they wriggle up against them. They also affect the air flow within the cot. Cot bumpers (those padded cushions that tie right around the inside of the cot to the cot bars)… forget it! They just restrict air flow and if your baby pulls them down over their head, or wriggles their head up against, or under them, it can be dangerous. The ties are dangerous too, and some are so padded that an older baby could use them as leverage to climb up, then fall out of, the cot.

If you want to use anything around your cot bars to prevent little arms and legs poking out, only use Australian Safety Standard approved AirWraps by The Little Linen Company. They also provide a visual shield if you want to pop your head in to see if your baby’s asleep! This is what I use and they’re great. 

Sheepskins have also become common in nursery images with the popularity of Scandi-style interior design, but any lambswool or sheepskin should never be in the cot. Babies will overheat very quickly if they’re left to sleep on a sheepskin. Only use them as rugs on the floor, as throws or on chairs.

Only use bedding that is lightweight, breathable 100% cotton or bamboo. It is better to add more layers of blankets than have one thick, heavy blanket. SIDS recommends against using a PVC-backed mattress protector as they can cause your baby to overheat. I use Bambi 100% cotton mattress protectors and they’re fantastic for protecting my mattresses against spills, vomits and wet nappies.

The cot itself

When purchasing a cot, ensure that it’s compliant with Australian Safety Standards with the correct gap (between 50 and 95 mm) between the cot bars for maximum air flow. This is particularly important if you are using a secondhand cot. If you can, purchase a cot that has all sides exposed, not enclosed ends. Cot mattresses are sold separately, so ensure you have a firm and well-fitting mattress with no gaps between the cot and the mattress. Press your hand firmly down on the mattress then remove it — if you can still see your handprint then the mattress is too soft for a baby to sleep on.

Image credit: La De Dah Kids
Image credit: La De Dah Kids

Elsewhere in the nursery

Nightlights or lamps should be kept well away from blinds and curtains, and out of reach of little hands. Keep baby monitors well out of, and off the cot. These days, baby monitors are very sensitive and will pick up any noise from the room if you sit them beside the cot on a table, shelf, bookcase, or any surface safely out of your baby’s reach. Ensure cords are hidden, even taped, well out of sight behind or under furniture. Exposed powerpoints should be blocked with a safety plug (Ikea sell them in bags of 12) and ensure you have a working smoke detector in, or close to, the room.

If you would like more information on safely purchasing furniture and setting up your nursery, read the ACCC’s Keeping Baby Safe Guide — it has excellent information on everything you need to protect your baby in the home.

Enjoy your ‘nesting’ time at home when preparing for your baby. Setting up your nursery is such a fun and exciting process, just make sure it’s safe.

 — Adrienne Biscontin is a mum of three and blogger at Stylish Bump

Furniture Interviews Kids Rooms

Incy Interiors: the Australian kids interiors success story

Here at Interiors Addict we are big fans of Incy Interiors, so much so that Jen chose their Lucy change table in mint to be a feature in her nursery (the big reveal will come once it’s finished, we promise)! And we’re not the only ones. Their cots, in particular, can be seen all over magazines, blogs and Pinterest!

incy interiors addict[contextly_sidebar id=”BI8kcZPH2FiUFF4E4DbTUXVNsOlah7cD”]Starting four years ago, Incy Interiors began making designer children’s furniture, before more recently adding adult bedroom furniture to their repertoire. With a new flagship store in Sydney’s Chatswood Chase, the once one-woman show has now grown into a team of 13 and founder Kristy Withers has one person to thank: her son, Oscar.

“Finding the perfect big boy bed for my son Oscar inspired the launch of Incy,” explains Kristy. “I searched and searched for over six months to try to find the perfect brown iron bed. I had seen lots of gorgeous beds overseas and I tried to import them. I also tried to have them made here, as well as buying an old one and re-spraying it, but it was either too expensive or I was worried about the safety.”

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So instead, Kristy decided to start from scratch herself, designing and making what would be the first of many beds, the aptly titled Oscar. And while she admits she’ll always have a soft spot for her first creation, nowadays her personal favourite product is the Eden (rose gold) bed, because as Kristy so rightly says: “What girl doesn’t want a gold bed?!”

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As a huge fan of metallics, Kristy is glad to see them gaining in popularity. And with a personal redecorating project on the cards, transitioning her daughter’s nursery to a big girl’s room, a peach and rose gold colour palette is currently the frontrunner. “Monochrome and pastels are still going strong but I’m excited to see that metallics, especially copper and rose gold, are making an appearance in the nurseries of some super cool new arrivals.”

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For Kristy, nurseries need to tick two boxes: to be a haven for the new arrival, whilst also fitting into the rest of the house. So to make this room a reality, Kristy recommends spending the big bucks on one or two statement pieces and going for more thrifty pieces elsewhere. “The absolute must-buy product is a beautiful cot. Even in the smallest of spaces, a divine cot allows you to create a beautiful space for your little one. If space and budget allow, a good change table and comfortable (but also stylish) chair will make those hours of feeding and changing a lot easier. Then if you have those gorgeous pieces that grab your attention, you can go for more budget savvy items elsewhere.”

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For more information.

Furniture Homewares Interviews Kids Rooms

Australian nursery ideas: with Rockferry

Nurseries have come along way from the baby pink and powder blue rooms of the past. Now they are much more pared back and mature; think gorgeous pastels, metallics, monochrome, timber and concrete pieces. But how do you make sure your child’s room meets these trends us grown ups love the look of, but is still fun and kid-like? After all, the room is for a baby!

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“A room that mum, dad and baby all love spending time in would be the perfect nursery to me,” explains Annabelle Adams, founder of Rockferry. “Our brands we stock could transition easily between little girls or little boys rooms — and even be moved into the adult rooms of the house. Our aesthetic is the perfect mix of quirky and classic pieces that are still full of personality.”

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Stocking homewares for all ages by Australian and New Zealand designers, at the core of Rockferry is slow design, buying local and moving away from cheaply made, imported products. With a particular interest in supplying goodies for babies and kids, their homewares fit perfectly into current trends.

“Absolutely the trend is a move away from a typical kids room towards a pared back, monochrome or Scandinavian style with pops of colour, bold and often quirky prints and patterns, and clever storage options. Rockferry is focused on adding those accessories that complement a monochrome or Scandinavian base and bring the personality of the room to life.”

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When it comes to Annabelle’s dream nursery, she would add personality to the space through gorgeous linens, soft furnishings, storage, lighting and art. And while that may sound like a lot of (expensive) stuff, she has lots of tips on how you can save some cash.

“Be creative! For low-cost art, frame up cute greeting cards or tea towels and display them in a group. For storage, buy some that looks great and you will tick two boxes — points of interest in the room and functionality — meaning you can spend less on purely decorative items. And re-organise often, change up soft furnishings and the position of display items to give the room a fresh look without having to spend a penny!”

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However, if you’re a bit stuck on styling, Rockferry offer a free styling service for customers who are unsure on how to fill a particular space. Proving very popular, Annabelle is also in the process of developing a paid service for more detailed requests, where she’ll create full mood boards and recommend both Rockferry and other products. Watch this space!

Shop online.

Photography by Armelle Habib | Styling by Aimee Tarulli

Bedrooms Interviews Kids Rooms Styling

Australian nursery & kids room ideas: with Hello Little Birdie

As an interior stylist for little people, Mel Spurling of Hello Little Birdie always encourages her clients to get their kids involved. “When I first meet a client I encourage them to bring their children, as it is a great way to gauge their little personalities and incorporate a little of them into their newly designed bedroom. In fact, you could argue that the little person is my client and they have to bring their parents!”


Designing both nurseries and kids rooms, Mel is a lover of anything that is unique and original and pushes the boundaries. With an aim to design rooms that last a lifetime (or at least past the toddler years!) she believes creative thinking combined with clever shopping, can lead to rooms rich in detail and cheap to pull together. “It is definitely possible to put together a gorgeous nursery, which will work for many years to come. DIY should not be ignored; not everything has to have a dollar sign on it. You should always start with paint or wall decals; a new colour creates a whole new look. That means that you can spend the majority of your budget on furniture that can grow with your child, such as a high-quality dresser or side table, and save on items that they will quickly outgrow.”


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Mel also recommends places like eBay, Gumtree and garage sales for finding those cheap but good quality finds. “Take an outdated or damaged piece of furniture, give it a fresh coat of paint and all of a sudden you’ve given it a whole new life. You can finish off your entire new look by accessorising your room with inexpensive wall art. Try framing your little birdie’s artwork, or an image from a book, magazine or even greeting card!”


Originally working in IT as a business analyst (“I am part geek too!”), Mel’s love for interior design began as a young child when she shared a room with her grandmother and longed for a room of her own. “As a little girl, I’d spend endless hours imagining what my room would look like if I had my own little space. By the time I had grown up and had my very first baby, I swore she would have the most whimsical, stylish and dreamy room. One like no other! But once I started looking into children’s decor, I found that most items were boring at best, and horrible at worst. That’s when I realised that I could put all of my skills and experience together to start creating wonderful, imaginative and fun spaces for little people.”


With both online and on-site services, Mel designs for both boys and girls and in her opinion there are some key differences to remember: “We all know boys are boisterous and love to create clutter. Bearing this in mind, a boy’s room can’t go without storage. For boys, fresh white bedroom walls set a neutral backdrop that pair perfectly with any decorating style as tastes change. Add some bold prints and you are well on your way!”

And for girls? “Girl’s rooms are timeless and I always find decorating them with wallpaper will last for many years. We all know little girls like to call themselves little ladies, so I love creating rooms which incorporate on-trend furniture to give the room a more mature look. Once the foundations are set, adding a bunch of accessories and toys to the room, makes it come to life. I love adding lots of layers; quilts, throws and cushions.”

For more on Mel visit her website.

Homewares Interviews Kids Rooms

Australian nursery ideas: with La De Dah Kids

When her son was born with skin allergies, Rebecca Meyer realised how hard it was to find well-designed cotton toys without synthetic yarn. Sparking an idea, she decided to begin La De Dah Kids, an affordable and high quality lifestyle brand, with a penchant for crochet!

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“I love everything about crochet as a medium,” says Rebecca. “The colour, texture, strength and practicality. Sometimes when you are limited to one medium the options to be creative are endless. I also love that it is an old traditional craft that can be re-invented time and time again.”

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With the majority of La De Dah Kids’ homewares and toys being made from crochet, all their designs are quirky and unusual, and handmade ethically by a team of 180 passionate women in China.

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With a style that is a mishmash of everything (there’s a little Scandinavian in there and a little retro!), their products are a perfect addition to any nursery or kids room. They are also ideal for those on a tight budget, with their toys, storage baskets and floor rugs perfect for parents wanting to decorate beautifully without breaking the bank. “You don’t need a huge budget to make an amazing nursery,” explains Rebecca. “Some of my tips are using toys and books as decorative art on open shelves to make a feature. You also don’t need to fill a nursery with bulky storage items; you can use great storage baskets for all the bits and bobs. This way it makes items portable and keeps things organised and practical. Furthermore, I would recommend buying a floor rug that is practical and can grow with your baby.”

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Other tips Rebecca has for decorating on a budget include using paint to create a feature wall, repurposing and painting old furniture and investing only in pieces that will last and grow with your child. “Choose items that your child can grow with. Don’t just search kids sections; there are some great adult homewares that look lovely in kids rooms too. Have fun this really can be a fun project! And if your child is old enough include them in the process.”

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With La De Dah Kids having just launched their latest collection, all their products perfectly suit the current trends of black and white and pastel nurseries. “This year’s go-to colour combo for a baby’s room is black and white. The classic, back-to-basics colours makes a great unisex base that you can then add pops of colour to as your child grows. Also these years the must have for any little girls room is a soft pastel palette. Think Gelato ice cream of all shades.”

Shop online.

Photography by Eve Wilson | Styling by Paige Anderson

Kids Rooms Styling

Australian nursery ideas: with The Affordable Style Files

With her lifestyle blog and styling business of the same name, The Affordable Style Files, Hong Henwood is passionate about making beautiful interiors a reality for everyone, no matter the budget.

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“I started The Affordable Style Files because I wanted to show people that you can style your home on any budget,” explains Hong. “I use both affordable and secondhand pieces, as well as some designer products, to create looks that make your house a home in accordance with your taste. I love mixing vintage with modern.”

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The Affordable Style Files Interiors Addict 1

Providing an e-design service, interior styling for the home and styling products for small businesses, mother of two Hong has her children Charlie and Miya to thank for getting her into interior design. “After living in Tokyo, working in a corporate job and working long hours, I decided that it wasn’t for me. I had a baby and things changed! I wanted to do something that would let me stay at home, explore my creative side and also allow me to spend time with my baby. So I decided on interior design and decoration.”

Since then, Hong has gone on to style many gorgeous rooms, but it is her nurseries in particular that have caught our eye. With a style that is a mix of: “Vintage, modern, splashes of Ikea and products that are timeless and never date,” she creates one-of-a-kind baby rooms at affordable prices. Which of course, we love!

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So what are Hong’s tips for nursery styling on a budget? “Mixing secondhand pieces that you can paint and make look new again are great for nurseries. Annie Sloan Chalk Paint is perfect for these types of projects. I just love a good DIY! I find Ikea have great shelving that is affordable and can make a room stand out. And online marketplaces like Etsy are also a good source for finding little pieces such as cushions, garlands, prints, soft toys and blankets for your little one.”

However, according to Hong, some things are worth splurging on, especially items that will grow with your child like a beautiful lamp, armchair or painting. “I think it’s important that your nursery should be able to be changed into a toddler room without too much fuss and expense.”

The Affordable Style Files Interiors Addict

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With the current nursery trends seeing a strong Nordic influence, alongside pastel colours and modern additions like Miffy lamps, stylish linen and string and floating shelving, Hong’s dream nursery is a mix of this and a little bit of The Affordable Style Files quirk! “I love nurseries to be bright, quirky and most importantly, a space that everything can be used and is comfortable! I would have an amazing armchair, beautiful vintage cot, gorgeous prints and lots of bright pieces. And a colourful armoire filled with beautiful blankets, toys and clothes.”

For more information.


5 top tips for designing children’s bedrooms

Interior designer Kelle Howard-Dean of Habitat and Beyond Kids shares these great ideas.

1. I love to create interiors that last, so when designing a space for ‘tweens’ there’s a fine line between something that’s too grown up and a space that they will quickly outgrow. One way to achieve a space that will last the distance is to use more mature, geometric patterns for fabrics and keep the wall finishes soft. Typography prints and art are a great way to add colour into the room, and they can easily be changed up over the years.


2. Instead of using standard nursery furniture, one way of adding some uniqueness to the room is to think outside the box. This whitewashed buffet has great storage and is the perfect piece to use as a change table. You may already have some great pieces in your home that would lend themselves perfectly to your nursery or children’s room with some simple modifications.


3. I love to have a talking point in each room I design, whether it’s a striking wallpaper or a unique idea that makes the room special. This driftwood ‘hanging wardrobe’ was so easy to make, and is the perfect spot to display your gorgeous baby clothes.