Interiors Addict

Guest post: Learn the business side of interiors

Although the allure of a career in interiors can often seem glamorous (with The Block and Million Dollar Decorators inspiring us to either start sketching or grab a hammer), in reality it can be a tough game if you don’t have a head for possibly the most important part: managing the business. Donna Allen, educator of a newly revamped Business Mentoring Program run by the ISCD (International School of Colour & Design), explains the pros and pitfalls of a life in design, and how to forge ahead with the right take on getting the numbers right.

Donna Allen is teaching ISCD’s course about managing a design business

“Starting a business in any industry is tough and requires a lot of hard work,” explains Donna. “The statistics for small business start-ups aren’t always inspiring but, with the right information, support and planning, it is definitely possible to improve the odds of success.” One of the things Donna makes a point to cover is the actual time spent on design as opposed to managing the essentials of a business. “I always clarify to students that, on average, only 20% of your time will be in the creative space actually designing. The remaining 80% will be managing the business with all that that entails – sales, marketing, finance, planning, technology etc. The aim of the Business Mentoring Program is to provide students with the skills, knowledge and resources to successfully manage the business side of a new creative venture.”

Interiors Addict

Guest post: Neon brights rule at Life InStyle

Perhaps it’s a sign that summer is just around the corner but Life Instyle Melbourne, Australia’s boutique trade event, was absolutely bursting with pops of colour this past weekend and I’m here today to bring you some behind the scenes photos from the show…

It’s official, neon continues to emerge as the season’s top trend and love it or hate it, store shelves will soon be stocked with bold, bright products just in time for Christmas. Pink and yellow reign supreme so if you wanted to brighten up your home or need some interior inspiration, you’ll be in luck!

Interiors Addict

Guest post: the new Signature Prints range

The team at Signature Prints are in the process of developing new colourways for their beautiful range of wallpapers – and last week I was lucky enough to get a preview. With a weakness for Florence Broadhurst designs and admiration for the art of traditional process, a visit to the showroom and tour of the workshop was one of those rare and wonderful surprises.

If you’re even remotely considering the idea of wallpaper, can I be so bold as to suggest taking a trip to their showroom. The papers are beautiful in the flesh and everyone is super helpful. Soon to be launched, I can’t wait to see the whole range. In the meantime, I’m in lust with these two!

It’s worth noting that for roughly one feature wall, you would likely need at least three rolls – also the minimum quantity for which you can do custom print colours to match Dulux or Pantone, with their range of base papers (there is a small surcharge of 15%). I suspect the new range will be a treat, but hurray for bespoke offerings and the world of possibilities.

Ooh, and of course there’s all the fabrics too.


Interiors Addict

Guest post: My Milan Roundup

Priyanka Rao, the founder of design-your-own flatpack furniture company, Evolvex, travelled to Italy for her first Milan Furniture Fair this year. Here she reports back for Interiors Addict.

This year’s Milan Furniture Fair saw designers push the boundaries of colour, technology and form. There was a mix of vintage inspired to minimalist to futuristic to just downright crazy. For those of you who have never been, the fair is not just the main exhibition halls (of which there are 20), but also fringe events like the Zona Totona, Ventura Lambrate, MOST and Design Village that take over the trendy districts of Milan. I was lucky enough to find accommodation right in the midst of the fringe events. Needless to say my eyes and my feet were enemies by the end of the week. Here are some of my highlights.

There were a lot of bright colours mixed with darker greys. This year’s colour had to be yellow (and yellowy tones) – perhaps a sign we should all just cheer up out of the doldrums of the current economy!

The Young Designers exhibit at the Salone Satellite looked at new materials and manufacturing processes.

Raul Lauri (from Spain) lights made from coffee grounds

Australian Tate Anson’s clock was made from one piece of wood, with each piece carefully steambent to create the intricate form

Interiors Addict

Vintage Schmintage

i tend to believe that by the time ‘everybody’  catches on to something, it is well and truly over… you know?

as well as styling interiors, i also design, style and implement events.  corporate. PR. product launches. and, yes…weddings.

hmmm.  and herein lies the problem.

go back for a second to statement number one.

‘i tend to believe that by the time ‘everybody’ catches on to something, it is well and truly over.’

on the whole, i love dealing with brides.  their enthusiasm is boundless…their passion second to none.  I love it.  really.

until they say this.  “i want something really different.  something no one has done before.  something VINTAGE”.


then they will go on to say “i like typewriters..a want a whole table of typewriters…..and mason jars filled with flowers,. you know,.flowers that a sweet seven year-old girl with flowing flaxen locks and a white cotton dress has lovingly plucked from a field and shoved into a jam jar.  and i want a field covered with bunting, bunting that flutters in the warm breeze.  oh,..and I LOVE VINTAGE mismatched crockery and whimsical pink champagne glasses.  and VINTAGE cameras.  and vintage suitcases stuffed with apples.  and a DESSERT or lolly table with a vintage tablecloth! and CUPCAKES!  you know? something DIFFERENT….something vintage, vintage, VINTAGE!’.

yah.  different.  totally different to all the other millions of folk who also wanted something different.

and, that’s ok.  i’ll totally deliver that.  it’ll be dreamy, and romantic and whimsical and VINTAGE.  but different?  not so much.

i think all the vintage is becoming souless.  people are trying so hard to add character and personality through ‘vintage’ that they are ending up doing the exact opposite. their events are looking like carbon copies of the event that was held in the same ‘vintage friendly’ venue the week before.

the same goes for interiors.  has anyone watched The Block recently?  it’s all replica furniture and vintage styling.  mainstream.  safe.  dull.

so..  here’s a shout out to the world.  let’s move on from vintage, folk!  Let’s find something else to love, something else to be inspired by…and something else to lust after.

United we can do it!  Call me..I’ll help you.


disclaimer *none of the above was EVER uttered by any of my gorgeous clients.  well… not entirely.*
Interiors Addict

Back to school with Megan Morton

Two ladies in fabulous dresses: Holly Hipwell (left) and Megan Morton (right)

Some weeks ago, I received an email from the divine Megan Morton ( I love getting emails from MM, they are always so much fun!). It went something like this:

‘have you seen that new place?’ asked the elephant to the mouse.

(random, I know, but stay with me..)

‘there’s tables and plates and classes and flowers and candles and

felt and pom-poms (she had me at pom-poms!) and art and rugs and

teapots and knick knacks and vases and gloves and mantelpieces and

books and workshops and,….

‘oh STOP!’ cried the mouse,

‘it sounds TOO FANTASTIC’.

Woah. Who could knock back an invitation like that? Oh, and the opportunity to make flower bombs with the divine Holly Hipwell of The Flower Drum. By the way, isn’t Holly Hipwell the coolest name ever?! Well, she lives up to her name.

So, on Saturday I popped along to ‘the school’ at 85 Dunning Avenue,  Rosebery, (same building as koskela and Kitchen by Mike) with a whole bunch of other super-cool folk. After having a chuckle with the likes of Mr Jason Grant, Ann-Maree Sargeant, Viv Mansour (ish & chi), Tamara Maynes and Pepa Martin from Shibori, we got to work. With carnations, and rosé (the gay man’s beer, according to MJG!) served in divine vintage crystal glasses. And, yes, carnations! They are apparently the best to make flower bombs with. Who knew? Holly Hipwell, that’s who!

After choosing bunches of brightly coloured carnations, we spent a while cutting carnation stems (chatting), pushing carnation stems into balls of florist’s foam (drinking rosé), and taking numerous amusing photos! A totally fabulous afternoon. 33 glorious, creative people, Megan Morton, Holly Hipwell, an amazing space and a whole bunch of carnations.

The best school ever! Thank you divine MM. It was, indeed, divine!

Jane (centre) and Vivian Mansour (right) from the ish & chi blog

This guest post is kindly brought to you by Sydney stylist and friend of Interiors Addict, Jane Frosh as Jen was out of town.