Expert Tips

How to use social and influencers to sell your products

Sponsored by AGHA Sydney Gift Fair

Later this month, I’m hosting an exclusive meet and greet at AGHA Sydney Gift Fair where I’ll be sharing tips on how to get your products into the media, on blogs, and how to use your own social media channels to effectively promote your brand.

As a journalist of more than 15 years, I deal with PR people all the time, and more recently as a professional blogger, people are constantly trying to persuade me to share their brand, paid or otherwise (in fact, much more often for free). So I know a thing or two about how to get noticed.

Madras Link: Professionally styled and photographed

Here, I’m sharing some of my best tips! And don’t forget I’ll be on hand at AGHA Sydney Gift Fair on 23 February if you have an important question about your business you’d like to ask in person.

Invest in styling and photography

Often I have to say a polite no to people featuring on the blog because their photography isn’t up to scratch. Even if you’ve really put the effort into styling and photographing your products yourself, with half decent light and a good camera, I hate to break it to you (and I really do, because I hate saying no!) it’s usually obvious it wasn’t a professional job. Not only does it not show your product in the best light, it can also make it look like you’re too small to get a photographer. This may not cost as much as you think at all. A few hundred bucks is money extremely well spent on a photographer in my opinion. While hiring a stylist too may seem overkill (or too expensive), it is always great to see products in a lifestyle situation, i.e. in a room, not just on a white background (although that’s useful too). Approach local design schools or reach out to people whose style you like on Instagram. Those starting out may not charge a hefty fee, but equally, please don’t ask creatives to work for free!

Once you’ve paid for your beautiful new photographs, get your money’s worth and use them on your website, socials and anywhere you can think of, as well as sending them to media. More on that later…

Establish relationships with influencers

Influencer is a fancy word for people like me; bloggers and personalities online with large followings, who people trust and take advice and/or recommendations from. They do not have to be huge, Kim Kardashian-like celebs to be able to have a real impact on your brand by highlighting it to their followers. Even though you may need to pay these people and enter a business relationship with them, it’s always best if this starts from an authentic place, where you have reached out and had a chat with them online, sent them a DM or commented on their posts. Some influencers are open to gifting, where you send them product for free and they agree to post about it in return. Others have a set rate they charge for product shout outs. Some, like me, do both. Try requesting their media kit via the contact page on their website, or direct messaging them via Instagram.

Don’t forget traditional media

You may think you’re too small or new to be featured in traditional media like magazines, but don’t talk yourself out of PR opportunities. Just make sure you do your homework first. Look at the magazine you want to be featured in and think about where your product might fit. No, you may not get a double-page-spread but could you offer them a prize for a competition, be featured in a new product roundup, or talk about how you started your brand in a business feature? Think outside the box! As a former magazine editor, I can tell you there’s nothing better than a pitch where someone has done their homework and makes it easy to say yes to them! For example: “I have the perfect product for your regular XYZ feature. Can I send you samples? Take a look and download our professional lifestyle images at XYZ. Have a look at my attached catalogue and let me know what works best for you. Contact me any time if you need anything else at all.”


1. Rayell (Stand 3K12).

Rayell’s Kevin Porter says: “We use social media to try and show our products in a real life setting and feature all of the gorgeous details of the products. Part of the barrier of being online is that customers can’t feel, touch or examine the products up close. We try to help our customers imagine the products in their business or even imagine the end use of how their own customers will use the products.”


What they’ve learned about digital:

  1. Regramming tagged photos and sharing and supporting other businesses always pays off! It is great to see how other people style your products and what they are pairing them with.
  2. Enewsletters are a must! They are the perfect way to alert customers to new products and direct them to content they might benefit from.
  3. Strong branding is important! Keep consistent with your visuals and branding so your business is instantly recognisable and memorable.

2. Melko (Stand 4N9)

“We love to connect with our customers and show our appreciation by featuring their photos on our daily Instagram stories,” says managing director Guido Melo. “We’ve learnt that people are always looking for something new, and by using social media we are always able to reach new audiences. Our content across all platforms also needs to be high quality and engaging.

“Customers love to share their thoughts and opinions so if we can get them involved as much as possible, it creates a budding relationship between customer and business which in return, we believe, increases the likelihood of returning customers and also new customers through tagging, sharing or telling their friends about us.”

He adds: “Another key lesson is that video and photography is incredibly important in retail business. Coming up with creative concepts is important to stay relevant, and producing high quality images will not only intrigue the customer to view or buy the product but people in general love to follow a great looking feed. We find value in investing money into photoshoots because creating a great catalogue of images can easily increase revenue.”

Their top photography tips

  • You don’t need to go too over the top with your images, being minimalistic and clean is the best way as it is also easier on the eyes.
  • Filters or presets can definitely make or break a photo–make sure you choose one that is consistent to your brand and feed, and doesn’t take away from the product that you’re trying to sell.
  • Lighting is everything! Find your light and the photo becomes instantly beautiful. Play around with natural light (avoid super sunny days), and use a reflector when necessary.
  • Lastly, make sure you don’t overwhelm your customers with your products. A breakdown of other images/videos/messages that still keep with your brand and that you think your customers will love, will create a positive experience.

3. Madras Link (Stand DN5)

The brand uses social media and professional photography to showcase their range of cushions, furniture and home accessories.

Ashini Grey says: “The key lessons we have learnt over the years are to ensure you’re sticking to a regular schedule (neglected accounts are not inspiring); it’s important that every post communicates something of value, and every post is an opportunity to reach your current and new customers.”

They use a professional photographer because image quality is high priority when sharing images to social media or in a catalogue or magazine. “Blurry images and poor arrangements of products could result in a missed opportunity to convey your brand’s story,” Ashini adds. “Our top tips are to use a professional photographer, put a lot of work into your styling to ensure the products complement each other whilst maintaining your brand’s point of difference and, lastly, pay attention to detail. When you’ve spent so much time lovingly designing your collection, it’s essential that clear photos convey the details such as colour, texture and design.”

Want to pick my brain? Register your interest for my Meet and Greet.

Register to attend AGHA Sydney Gift Fair.

AGHA Sydney Gift Fair | Sydney Olympic Park | 23-26 February 2019 | Saturday-to-Monday, 9am-to-6pm. Tuesday, 9am-to-3pm

Homewares Shopping

Reed Gift Fairs reveals The Activator Pod

Sponsored by Reed Gift Fairs

With the pervasiveness of online shopping, there’s no denying that traditional retailers must find new and innovative ways to lure customers back into bricks and mortar stores. And it’s something that the team at Reed Gift Fairs will cover at the upcoming Reed Gift Fairs Sydney February event, from 23-27 February at ICC Sydney. To celebrate the 50-year anniversary of the event, the line-up will feature two new product categories (Travel & Tech) plus The Retail Activator Pod. Staffed with industry experts, they’ll help you unlock the secrets to getting customers through your shop doors, engaged with your brand and spending!

Retail Activator Pod
Hosted by a team of retail aficionados, the custom built Retail Activator Pod will be located in the event’s new Travel & Tech precinct on level 4 and will be open from 9am until 6pm daily. It’s a great place to discover ideas and techniques to help engage customers, create more inspiring in-store experiences and drive sales. With no appointment necessary, you can drop in and chat to the team about everything from ‘design and digital’ to ‘point of purchase and display,’ ‘interactive technology’ and ‘customer culture.’ They will also reveal how to drive brand loyalty, create powerful visual displays, develop a consistent multi-channel brand and engage customers with interactivity and cutting-edge technology. This is the place to discover everything about the next generation of retail.

Meet the experts
With over 30 years’ retail experience, Marguerite Bell is the founder of Retail Life, a company that works with Aussie retailers to help them meet and exceed the expectations of contemporary shoppers. Marguerite is a highly sought after independent retail consultant and has worked with Sheridan Australia, Dymocks, Interflora, Harbour Town Adelaide and Charter Hall shopping centres to name a few. There are few people in Australia more qualified to discuss all aspects of retail than Marguerite.

A visual communications expert with over 30 years industry experience, Grant Cunningham is the CEO of Sydney’s Allprint Graphics. Experts in creating printed visual communication materials using the latest technologies, Allprint Graphics produce everything from bespoke counter displays, freestanding display units, in-store signage, outdoor signage, decals, window displays and installations. Much of this is created using new digital equipment that allows for the production of bespoke point of purchase items that a few years ago wouldn’t have been possible. He is your go-to guy for everything visual.

Euan Wilson is the founder of Tap Media, a tech company that is changing the way that shoppers interact with bricks and mortar retail stores. Tap Media technology allows shoppers to tap their smartphone to retail displays of products and immediately launch critical information about the products (no app required). This puts general product info, online reviews and more in the hands of shoppers while providing valuable feedback to the retailer on the customer journey too.

Graphic designer Melissa Webber is the founder the Sydney based boutique design and digital agency Holy Cow! The company specialise in branding, environmental design and digital solutions with a customer-centric focus that has seen them work with many large retail groups including Lend Lease, The Perron Group, Dexus, Mirvac, Colliers and CBRE. Holy Cow! is renowned for its award-winning partnerships with retail brands including Dymocks, Mad Mex, Pie Face and Sumo Salad.

Reed Gift Fairs Sydney February | 23-27 February 2019 | ICC Sydney Exhibition Centre



New lead scan app & great prizes at Reed Gift Fairs

Sponsored by Reed Gift Fairs

Australia’s largest retail event, Reed Gift Fairs is back across not one but two huge venues, and there are plenty of extra reasons to visit next month, not least the chance to win a car! There’s also a new, free app to help you gather contacts for after the show, and the curated home living space to take a much needed seat and soak up some interiors inspo.

Expect to find all your favourite premium brands at the Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre spanning Halls 1-8, and balance this with new products from emerging and never before seen big brands at the Exhibition Pavilion, Melbourne Showgrounds.

5 reasons to attend Melbourne Showgrounds first

With a regular complimentary shuttle between the two venues and ample parking, you can start your day at the Exhibition Pavilion at the Melbourne Showgrounds, confident that you’ll get a free park. You’ll grab the opportunity to be one of the first to source from more than 150 amazing brands showcasing their latest products including Fratelli Guzzini, Bugatti, the Linen House, Swish Collection and AVA Studio:

Whether you’re planning, starting or growing your business, take advantage of an exclusive one-on-one FREE business consultation and or a full mentoring service from Small Business Victoria. Be it reviewing your website, unlocking value in your logistics costs, to getting the best results out of your marketing campaign, no question is too small or too crazy…. they are here to help you! Bookings are essential and only available at Melbourne Showgrounds.

With ample seating locations, your favourite spot will be in the curated home living space featuring the latest products on show from homewares to fashion, kids to kitchen, and everything in between.

Have a successful day sourcing and reward yourself at The Grazing Bar with a much deserved wine and cheese platter and know that you’re in the running for both these incredible draws:

Reed Gift Fairs are always looking to improve the visitor experience and this year is no different with the launch of the Emperia App. Forget about business cards that always get lost. Instead, download the app and make sure to get scanned so you can get a list of every exhibitor you’ve seen and connect with them post show.



What’s launching at Decor + Design Melbourne next week?

I can’t wait to get to Melbourne next week and check out Decor + Design. Interiors Addict is thrilled to be official media partner for another year. There are some great names speaking at the always-popular International Seminar Series including celebrity designer Martyn Lawrence Bullard and trend forecaster Victoria Redshaw, as well as Aussies Megan Morton, Jason Grant , Greg Natale and James Treble.

Plenty of brands will be holding off on their new releases until the show, but we got a sneak peek at what’s coming from one of our favourites, GlobeWest, who always have an amazing (and huge!) stand. It’s been a big year for the brand with a new website, the launch of its Find a Designer service and an expanded Brisbane showroom to name but a few milestones.

So what can we expect from their Collections 2019, being launched at the show? Marketing manager Kirsten Thompson says: “This is the debut of our new range and the launch of our major annual catalogue so it’s the pinnacle for us! In ascertaining the themes for Collections 2019, we applied ongoing research into colour, form, texture and materials and then combined this with our brand aesthetic and insights on how Australians live.

“I don’t want to be spoiler but can tell you that at D+D this year, visitors can expect to see around six interior themes communicated within our stand across core aesthetics: Contemporary, Modern, Classic,  Retreat and Global Eclectic. We also have a new dedicated outdoor living section where we’ll present a comprehensive offering of stylish and supremely durable furniture.”

GlobeWest, launched in 2004, is still run by brothers Stephen & Alan Mendel. The brand will be at Stands B11 and B12.

Check out the full exhibitor list

It’s not too late to register to visit

If you see me around the show, please say hi!


Melbourne Gift Fair’s exciting new buying experience

Sponsored by AGHA

Get ready for a new and exciting buying experience at the AGHA Melbourne Gift Fair. Each year, many homewares trade fairs promise their best yet, however next month’s AGHA Melbourne Gift Fair is packed with incredible changes and guaranteed to deliver a fresh new experience for visitors to explore.

Held from August 4-8, for the first time ever all exhibitors will be located in one premium venue at the newly-expanded Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre (MCEC) Doors 9-19.

Find Rayell at stand L27, Exhibition Halls Doors 11-19.

The new, bigger space (following a $200m redevelopment) means there are four new AGHA Melbourne Gift Fair buying zones to discover between Doors 9-19. Featuring Design Life Melbourne, Unique & Boutique and The Launch Pad, get ready to discover all the latest trends and thousands of innovative brands and products.

Enter the MCEC via the new main entrance at Convention Centre Place near DFO and you’ll find The Gift Hub Foyer. Featuring the AGHA Membership Stand, registration and information desks, and lots of exciting exhibitor displays throughout the hub, Eureka Room, and Concourse, this is a great place to kick off your new buying experience.

Find up and coming brands entering the Australian market from AGHA Melbourne Gift Fair exhibitors in The Launch Pad in the Courtyard Room. You can also grab a drink or bite to eat at one of the brand new cafés including Italian Kitchen and Goldfields Café.

Find Revolution Art & Design in Design Life at stand D4, Exhibition Halls Doors 9-10

Exhibition Halls
Doors 9-10

In an exciting industry first, Design Life will make its Melbourne debut this year, located in the exhibition halls between Doors 9 and 10. Previously only seen in Sydney, this is the AGHA’s premium buying destination where you’ll discover a carefully curated edit of brands and suppliers offering the best in high end gifts and homewares.

Feeling peckish after a busy morning of buying? Head to Bar Connect for a Parisian-inspired brunch or, if a quick bite is what you’re after, Express Café will make the perfect pit stop.

Doors 11-19

Thanks to the MCEC’s expansion, the 2018 Melbourne Gift Fair will feature hundreds of exhibitors in the new exhibition halls between doors 11 and 19. You’ll be sure to find all the brands and ranges you need to keep your store fresh and customers coming back for more.

Top tip: Don’t forget to visit the transport hub between 11am and 3pm to get your Freeway parking paid for by the AGHA (conditions apply).

Find Darcy & Duke at stand B14, Exhibition Halls Doors 11-19

Sovereign Room, Level 1

Another new buying zone, Unique & Boutique, will also make its debut in Melbourne this year. Enter the Sovereign Room just up the escalator from The Gift Hub foyer to discover an eclectic mix of products you won’t find anywhere else. Retailers after something a bit different can’t afford to miss this new buying destination, which was inspired by the creativity and authenticity of Australian design.

The AGHA Melbourne Gift Fair will run from 4 to 8 August at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre (MCEC) Doors 9-19. Visit to register to attend or for more information.


Reed Gift Fairs: the perfect post-christmas buying experience

Sponsored by Reed Gift Fairs Sydney

Over 500 wholesalers showcasing thousands of new product ranges across homewares, gift, fashion and jewellery, will come together at Reed Gift Fairs next week. And in a retail world that is constantly evolving, retailers will also have the opportunity to learn from some of the industry’s best minds with their Retail Therapy education series.

From social media bootcamps and creating digital content to smartphone photography tips and and getting your website front and centre, you’re promised affordable, practical, take-home tips to take your retail business to the next level.

Retailers come to Reed Gift Fairs for a multi-sensory experience, to source for their shelves’ (bricks and mortar or online!) next bestsellers. The show spans two levels categorised into Homewares on the lower level (Home, Furniture & Interiors; Kitchen & Dining; Body, Bath & Fragrance) and Gift on the upper level (including Books & Stationery; Kids, Toys & Games/Gadgets; and Jewellery, Fashion & Accessories), in a department store style layout.

Reed Gift Fairs Sydney is on from 24 to 28 February 2018 at the International Convention Centre (ICC) Sydney, Darling Harbour.

More than just a collection of exhibitors’ stands, there’s also wine bars, pamper massage zones, charging stations and multiple food and beverage outlets for the ultimate retail trade sourcing experience. It’s the perfect time for retailers to stock up post-Christmas.

Reed Exhibitions is the world’s leading events organiser with a growing portfolio of over 500 events in 40 countries, including trade and consumer exhibitions, conferences and meetings, across 43 industry sectors – from retail and aviation to beauty and cosmetics to sports and recreation.

Reed Gift Fairs is a trade-only event, and admission is free upon validation of the necessary trade credentials (company website and/or ABN) and completion of the registration process.

Getting there

Located in the heart of Darling Harbour, ICC Sydney is easily accessible by public transport, including light rail, ferry and train and is only a 10-minute walk from Central and Town Hall train stations. Secure parking is available and conveniently located within the Darling Harbour precinct. A free shuttle will operate between Reed Gift Fairs (Door 2, Level 1, ICC Sydney Exhibition Centre) and Life Instyle (Moore Park) on Saturday 24 and Sunday 25 February only. Reed Gift Fairs offers a complimentary airport shuttle service during the fair, available to visitors travelling interstate to and from Sydney Domestic Airport and ICC Sydney.

You don’t want to miss this event – Register Now!

Questions? Email their Customer Service team at [email protected]

Expert Tips Homewares

How to survive your next trade fair: advice from the pros!

Sponsored by Sydney Gift Fair

Trade fair season is well and truly here, for those of us in the gift and homewares industry. Events like Sydney Gift Fair, at Sydney Olympic Park from from 24 to 27 February, are the ideal place for buyers and designers to find new stock and suppliers, meet the people behind the brands they love and see what’s new for the year ahead. But they are big events and, if you want to avoid getting to the end of the day with blistered feet, faint from hunger and with a messy bag of disorganised leaflets and business cards, unable to remember what you saw and at whose stand, pay attention to the following tips from those who have been there and done it!


Retailer Jayde Leeder from Little Paper Lane, says: “It’s a good idea to have a bit of a plan. All the fairs send out a catalogue of all the suppliers and they’re on their websites, so it’s essential to go in having an idea of who and what you want to see. Pre-registration can help with the lines at the door.

“One thing I see so often is people walking around in really high heels. They’re going to kill at the end of one day! My Nikes get a workout! Make sure you use the fair’s hashtags so you can keep an eye on the fair. It’s a good way to find suppliers’ social media accounts and keep in the loop online.”

Zoe Bristow, owner of The Print Emporium, has plenty of genius advice for buyers:

  • Get a good night’s rest the night before the shows.
  • Eat a good breakfast before you arrive.
  • Coffee lines can be huge in the mornings at the venue, so if you spot a cafe near the entrance or outside it can be wise to buy your coffee hit there.
  • Pack a few pens, ideally one that has a clip to attach to your lanyard around your neck for easy access.
  • Bring a notebook & stapler, and write notes on the brochure or cards you receive too.
  • Bring a mobile phone portable battery charger, a bottle of water, a snack or two and plenty of business cards.
  • Wear a comfortable handbag or shoulder bag. You will receive a carry bag but make sure your own handbag has a long strap too.
  • Take a photo of the stand’s business card with your phone to remind you, as it makes things super easy to find later.
  • Take a few breaks during the day so you don’t become exhausted.
  • When back at your accommodation each day, whilst things are fresh in your mind, try and file away the key brands you are interested in, so you don’t get confused later.
  • Network! Trade shows are a great opportunity to meet fellow industry buyers and exhibitors.

Interior stylist Emma Blomfield, says: “Remember to eat! I forget this one sometimes and wonder why I feel faint halfway round the exhibition hall. Don’t hog the suppliers’ time. They are there to wheel and deal with loads of important people; if your conversation could be had with them over the phone or email at a later date, pop your head in to say hi and let them know you’ll follow up with them later.”

Sydney Gift Fair is presented by leading industry body the Australian Gift & Homewares Association (AGHA). Located centrally in Sydney’s retail heartland at Sydney Olympic Park, it is easy to get to AGHA Sydney Gift Fair. AGHA are providing free shuttles and free P5 parking. Simply start each day at AGHA Sydney Gift Fair and take your P5 parking ticket and entry badge to the Transport Hub in Hall 3 between 11am and 3pm to validate your parking.

Find all the transport and accommodation information you need for AGHA Sydney Gift Fair.

Register for Sydney Gift Fair.


Sydney Gift Fair: your first & best sourcing event for 2018

Sponsored by Sydney Gift Fair

Sydney Gift Fair is less than four weeks away and it’s proving trade fairs are still very much relevant in the industry with more than 80 new exhibitors, including 40 first-timers! Whether you’re sourcing for gifts or homewares, you’ll find plenty in the interiors space, including a few of our favourites. And they’ll all be showcasing their latest exciting products so it’s a great place for designers and retailers to spot trends too.

Joan Pereira from homewares brand Madras Link, says: “AGHA provides a wonderful environment to connect with retailers across Australia. They provide an engaging experience for even the busiest of buyers who are looking for new and exciting products. It is also an opportunity to see the ranges in full and meet with designers who are behind the story of the products and to feel inspired by the stunning trends, colours and designs of the season ahead.”

Madras Link

Amongst their locally designed cushions, napery, decor accessories, furniture and rugs, Madras Link will be showing bright prints to see you through the remainder of summer, beautiful rust and green tones for autumn and then a luxe, moody palette for winter with tactile textures.

Madras Link

Hannah Gordon from beautiful ceramics brand Robert Gordon, says: “The fair’s an exciting opportunity to showcase all our new product. In this world of ever changing technology there is something very special about stepping onto a stand and experiencing the feel of the product first hand.”

Robert Gordon Australia

She adds: “We are excited to introduce several new ranges, both Australian made and imported. We feel there is something for everybody in this new offering, from the simple clean lines in our new hospitality dinnerware to beautiful hug me mugs with butterfly decals originally hand painted by Robert’s sister Annie.”

The Sydney Gift Fair is Australia’s largest industry-led gift and homewares trade exhibition and it takes place at Sydney Olympic Park from 24 to 27 February. There’ll be hundreds of well-known and brand new exhibitors showcasing a huge range of new products and innovations to tens of thousands of retailers from across the country. This free trade exhibition is the most important sourcing opportunity for retailers seeking new seasons ranges and products to sell.

Wayne Castle, CEO of the Australian Gift and Homewares Association (AGHA) and organisers of the event, said: “For more than 40 years, the Sydney Gift Fair has been the essential vehicle connecting both wholesalers and retailers in the industry. In light of the ever-changing retail environment, never before has this marketplace been more important to the industry. An encouraging indication as to the buoyancy of the market, the Sydney Gift Fair is welcoming more than 80 new exhibitors, including more than 40 first time exhibitors, which will give retailers the opportunity to expand their ranges in upcoming retail campaigns.”

Fab Habitat, known for their amazing indoor/outdoor rugs, have been exhibiting at Sydney Gift Fair since 2010. Ruchin Gupta says: “Independent retailers as well as emerging online retailers continue to visit trade fairs, since they provide the only real opportunity to meet the largest cross section of vendors as well as to feel and experience new products first hand. Every fair we try to bring new styles in existing categories as well as adding completely new categories.” This year, they’re adding furniture, baskets and cushions.

Fab Habitat

Sydney Olympic Park, the home of the Sydney Gift Fair since 1998, is located conveniently between the Sydney CBD and Greater Western Sydney retail centres and serviced by extensive transport and parking options. Held on a single level and under one roof, this event provides visitors with the ideal sourcing experience.

Returning again this year is the highly anticipated “Design Life Sydney” feature which presents the best aspirational and premium products that the industry offers. This premier display section will attract traditional and online retailers seeking top-shelf products to sell next season.

The Launch Pad will also return with an array of emerging entrepreneurs showcasing original and innovative products, offering retail buyers an opportunity to source cutting edge designs that are normally hard to find, all in one location.

For further information on AGHA Sydney Gift Fair including free registration, free parking options and transport services provided by the AGHA, visit or call 1300 441 384.

Designers Homewares

Introducing The Retail Quarter: the modern trade fair

Sponsored by Reed Gift Fairs.

Reed Gift Fairs is set to re-launch its annual September event in the form of The Retail Quarter, a modern twist on the traditional fair. And it’s just in time for your pre-Christmas inspiration and buying!

With four distinct floor districts – Abode, Galleria, Boutique and Runway – the event will set up at the ICC Sydney Exhibition Centre from 23 – 26 September, just in time for the festive season.

Abode will offer retailers the chance to explore the most on-trend furniture, interior, kitchen, dining – even body, bath and fragrance products will be on show. Galleria will sport an eclectic collection of gifts, stationary, toys and games, while Boutique shares an array of Australian-made, ethical, handcrafted and artisanal brands. As the name suggests, Runway will present opulence, indulgence and glamour with the latest in fashion, jewellery and accessories.

Future Classics Furniture

“Retailers have indicated what they are looking for from Reed Gift Fairs Sydney September, and we’ve listened. A total re-imagination, the Retail Quarter has been designed to offer an exciting new shopping experience to retailers, at one of the busiest times for the industry,” says event director Louisa Theobald.

Mediterranean Markets

It’s not all about the shopping either – Business of Christmas education sessions will delve into the latest changes within the industry and help retailers plan for one of their busiest periods. Industry experts will cover topics from social media planning and design-led trend forecasting, to immersive hands-on workshops to plan your best Christmas window display yet.

Then there’s the Tapas Bar, a contemporary eating experience in the centre of the show floor, perfect for a little time out.

Go to the Retail Quarter Sydney to register.


The latest ways to display your greenery at home

There’s no doubt that greenery is a very cool trend right now – PANTONE did make it the colour of the year, didn’t they? However, the chic style goes so much further than just a swatch, with vases and planters hosting gorgeous green plants the coolest addition to any room.

It’s not all about aesthetics though, indoor plants have health benefits too – they use your expelled carbon dioxide and turn it into oxygen, have been proven to sharpen focus and reduce airborne dust levels.

Planning your indoor garden yet? Well, make sure you’ve got the best in indoor plant style by checking out some of the best in planters and vases, brought to you by Life Instyle. The boutique trade fair is happening next month, with some of the country’s coolest creatives and designers showcasing their latest wares. The show is all about creative excellence and innovative style, so take a cue from these examples on what your indoors should be looking like:

Petite planters from Hammered Leatherworks 

These porcelain and leather hanging planters from Hammered Leatherworks come in a variety of colours, so you’ll know they’ll work with whatever aesthetic you’re after.

Brass vases from Urban Eden

Urban Eden’s main aim is to get people into gardening and reconnected with nature – these brass vases look to do exactly that!

Teardrop vase from Stix & Flora 

Stix & Flora is a family business run by mum Jules and daughter Em – these teardrop vases are bestsellers, and we can see why!

Glass vase by Koa by Kaitlin 

Each of Koa’s pieces are all ethically hand carved, making your vase a unique place to host your greens.


Expressing their appreciation for nature through industrial design, Lesley Williams and Simon Zappia established Botanica, a collection of objects that highlight both the tiny and delicate to the large and wondrous of the plant world. Inspired by vivariums and Wardian cases of the 1800s, their products deliver a tribute to nature’s most delicate botanical offerings with a contemporary feel. This year’s product collection includes: Sanctuary S, Sanctuary M (in Rainforest, Temperate and Arid) and the newly released Biodome.

For more information on the trade-only event. 

Bedrooms Kids Rooms

What’s new in kids room interiors for 2017?

By Amelia Coote-Harris 

When asked to picture a typical kid’s room, most people likely summon the classic pieces or themes – blue for boy, pink for girl, a rocking chair, a desk, and maybe a toy box. That would have been accurate a decade ago. Now, as we enter 2017, I’m pleased to say times have changed and kids’ rooms are no longer just about basics but are instead all about beautiful interiors.

Image: Taylored Dots

The last decade has seen children’s bedrooms go from necessities to a designer’s dream space. Kids’ rooms have become extensions of a family’s excitement for their little ones, and their rooms are no longer forgotten as part of the greater home design. The dynamism of children’s rooms is especially exciting – whether it’s statement pieces hung from the wall, bold new art, or a twist on something vintage, kids’ rooms today are sophisticated representations of the bright minds living in them.

Key trends in the space will be on display at this year’s Life Instyle, Australia’s boutique trade event for anyone working in the interior design and retail space. With a whole section dedicated to the little ones, Kids Instyle, the event will showcase emerging trends, brands, and products on the cooler side of style and design. The following are a few trends bound to be big business in the next year – so count this as your sneak peek into the next big thing in the playful world of kids’ rooms!

Classic pieces, with a difference

We’re seeing a lot of designers holding on to the classic pieces you’ll find in nurseries or kids’ rooms, but adding a modern twist to them. Rocking chairs are a great example of this. This furniture item is still well adored, and incredibly practical for many nurseries, but they’ve undergone a transformation over time. No longer boring wooden pieces, rocking chairs are now modern staples, with a reinvention in style and comfort that provide a playful but perfect addition to any room. Hobbe Home create rocking chairs perfect for the modern home; made with longevity in mind, the style is elegant and fit for a kids’ room from toddler to primary school. This type of range proves that style is priority, and with matching ottomans and cushions, the most comfortable seat in the house will also, easily, be the most stylish.


Once maligned for being boring, grey is very quickly becoming one of the coolest colours to feature. It’s the ultimate neutral, not so stark as white, still with warmth to it, and absolutely modern. It provides a base for colour combinations to brighten up the room for smaller ones with pops of or yellow, and can progress to a palette of black and white, or modern navy and white – to will grow with children. Also a perfect gender-neutral tone, grey provides limitless design possibilities. 


Animals have been, and always will be, a fun way to accesorise a child’s room. Each child has a favourite – the lion, giraffe or even a hippo, and featuring these majestic animals automatically brings excitement into a space. 2017 is all about animal expression, but the modern twist is to feature them as sophisticated images. Taylored Dots is the perfect example of this – with their handcrafted animal motifs the colours are neutral, but sophisticated enough so as to keep each feature modern and clean. Whether they’re statement pieces or the base for pairing complementary colours into the room, animals have never been more in style when it comes to creating a truly exciting room that will last until the little one is a lot older.


Health and wellness has been a prevalent trend in the adult world for a long time, and while a child’s health is always a parent’s first concern, the ethos is moving from physical wellbeing to décor too. Accessories such as candles with relaxing scents, natural fibres for linen, and even crystals are accessories parents are choosing to build a child’s room. With more accessibility, these methods of restoring wellness are becoming increasingly popular. Stoned Crystals is a great example, offering an entire range of crystals to help centre energy, with display stands and jars too, bringing the dated concept of crystals into a modern room design.

–Amelia is event director for Life Instyle, in Sydney from February 16 to 19. 


Hear Jen speak at the 2016 Home & Giving Fair in Sydney

Taking place this weekend, the Home & Giving Fair is the ideal trade event for retail buyers, store owners, interior designers, stylists and event planners.

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With over 350 exhibitors across the gift, home, fashion, jewellery, kitchen, outdoor and stationery categories, it promises to be an exciting event filled with the latest and greatest in interiors.

“As the only industry led gift and home trade event in Australia, retail buyers can expect the best buying environment possible to source new season ranges,” says Wayne Castle, CEO of the Australian Gift & Homewares Association, the company running the event.

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Popular in past years, visitors can expect to see the Design Life Sydney exhibition and the Fair Trade Zone where retail buyers can source handmade and artisan items from across the globe.

Plus, our very own Jen Bishop will be imparting her expertise with two sessions in the Retail Seminar Series tomorrow (Saturday) and Monday. Other presenters include stylist Megan Morton, Di Swinbourn of COLOURDOT and the Sydney Design School and Marketing Funnel Specialist Grace Lever.

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From PR to e-commerce, business growth funding, visual merchandising, trends, marketing, styling and customer service, the sessions are a great offering for small to medium businesses.

A trade only event, the Home & Giving Fair runs from tomorrow until Tuesday at Sydney Showground, Sydney Olympic Park. You do not need a ticket for the seminar series. Click here for more.


All you need to know in preparation for Sydney Indesign 2015

With only six days to go until Australia’s premier design event kicks off, we give you all the information you need to know in order to be prepared come Thursday 13 August!


So, what’s happening?

At Sydney Indesign they’re all about serving up a whole buffet of design related events and creative activities! The industry-savvy editors of Indesign, Habitus and DQ magazines will be on the scene, as well as some seriously cool events held by the exhibitors. For a sneak peek of what’s to come, check out the program.

The ultimate design kit!

Sydney Indesign 2015 is literally the biggest event they’ve ever done. So to make your event journey easier, they’ve crafted the ultimate design kit so you can master your very own #SID15 experience. They are giving you the lot: custom handbook, interactive app, hot-spot map, bus routes and timetables, timed-event schedule and much, much more! Head to the event guide for more information.


Design hot-spots

In 2015, Sydney Indesign’s extensive network of exhibitors take over the city, forming a vivid constellation of iconic touch-points, spread across six major design precincts. Sydney Indesign’s showrooms are the real coup of the event and it has never been easier to get amongst your favourite movers and shakers.

Hop-on Hop-off shuttles are running between Alexandria, Chippendale, Darlinghurst, Eveleigh, Redfern/Waterloo and Surry Hills to make it easy and simple for visitors to circulate among Sydney’s showrooms and immerse themselves in the design culture of each prized location.


Are you on the invite list?

Tickets are now on sale for the design party of the year. The industry’s most iconic bash returns, giving you a chance to let your hair down and rub shoulders with 500+ of Australian design’s most iconic players. Want an invite? All you need to do is pre-register to secure your Official Wrap Party ticket and receive 25% off!

Designers Furniture Homewares

New trade fair DEN announces first exhibitors

The new design show on the block, DEN Furniture + Design Fair, has unveiled its first confirmed exhibitors.

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Showcasing the latest collections of the best Australian and international furniture, lighting, textile and interior brands, the event will span a 4,500m2 open space in Melbourne’s Convention and Exhibition Centre.

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Exhibitors include the likes of Great Dane Furniture, Armadillo & Co, Hunt Furniture and Paper Empire. The fair will be held from 14–16 May as part of the 2015 Design Matters: Melbourne International Design Week.

The first two days will be trade only, while the third day will also open to a limited number of non-professional design enthusiasts.

Registration is now open.

Designers Expert Tips

Colin & Justin share design tips as they visit Australia

I absolutely LOVE Colin & Justin and I’m really excited the TV stars and interior designers recently landed in Australia! They’ve shared these top design tips exclusively with Interiors Addict.

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  1. To increase the feeling of space, use cool colours and paint all aspects of the room – including skirting boards etc — the same shade. Painting a low ceiling two or three shades lighter than the walls will increase the feeling of height while dark flooring and light walls will have a dramatic effect on the feeling of floor space.
  2. If the proportions of your room feel like a corridor then you can ‘square’ things off by painting the two end walls in a slightly darker shade. Doing this will make them appear to come forward and will help balance the overall perspective.
  3. Choice of colour is an extremely personal thing so look at shades you’re already attracted to in clothing, for example, or in your car etc. before making those all important decisions.
  4. Before you splash out on all your paint requirements, buy some testers and use the whole pot to paint a sizeable section of card that you can move about the room to mimic how the wall colour would look close to and away from natural light sources. Basing your decisions around a patch the size of a postage stamp never works. Look at the colour and carefully consider it at all times of day when lighting is different. If you are still undecided and want to try out several shades, avoid striping the walls by painting onto sections of lining paper and tacking them around your room.
  5. To increase space and light you must allow natural light to flood through windows without obstruction. As such, it’s goodbye to clusters of windowsill ornaments and heavy curtains and hello to clear surfaces with smart blinds or simple drapes. Use mirrors to reflect and intensify the amount of natural daylight and place them opposite windows for maximum effect.
  6. Transform a dark dingy room into a bright and fresh space by keeping conflicting patterns to a minimum. If you just have to have patterned elements then try sticking to one style – stripes for example — and use them sparingly on perhaps one wall or an accent area. Easier still (and far simpler to change at a later date) use pattern on window dressings, cushions, rugs and throws.
  7. Lighting should be used to create atmosphere so opt for something more versatile than a single pendent hanging from the centre of the ceiling. A spread of spotlights can add a modern touch to the dowdiest of rooms and should be installed with a dimmer switch to alter the mood from flood lit to cosy cool. Lighting can also be used to highlight architectural features, paintings and furniture to dramatic effect.
  8. If you’re a dedicated follower of home fashion but balk at the thought of ripping out and starting again every time you change your mind, then choose larger elements, such as flooring or sofas, in a neutral colour. Changing the mood further down the line will be far easier and will involve minimum fuss and expenditure: all you’ll need to do to ring the changes is alter the colour of walls and accessories as and when your mood dictates.
  9. Finishing touches make all the difference so splash out on uniform door handles throughout and attractive electrical switches. Like gold buttons on a Chanel suit, quality additions add an understated air of elegance and individuality.
  10. Any works carried out to your home must conducted to a high standard or else they’re simply not worth doing. Botched DIY jobs create irritation rather than appreciation and could even damage the value of your property. Remember that while it’s good to have an eye on profit for a later date, the biggest return you can get from your home should be on a daily basis.

Colin and Justin will shortly be appearing on two episodes of Ten’s The Living Room.

The popular pair will be appearing at Life Instyle and Reed Gift Fairs in Sydney this month and are the MCs at this year’s Life Instyle GALA Awards. Purchase tickets to the GALA awards (I was a judge!) online.

Designers Furniture Homewares

Make way, there’s a new design trade fair in town!

Committed to promoting both Australian and international design, DEN Furniture and Design Fair will be a three-day event offering only the best in contemporary furniture, lighting, soft furnishings and homewares. Held in Melbourne from 14 – 16 May 2015, forming part of the 2015 Design Matters: Melbourne International Design Week, the event is the brainchild of Thibaud Cau-Cecile, the founder of Life Instyle and The Wearer’s Right.

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The vision for the show is to place Australian design firmly on the international agenda. It also aims to hold events in Australia and beyond, with DEN planning to take place in major overseas design pavilions such as 100% Design, Milan Furniture Fair and Maison&Objet (Paris and Singapore).

“For the first time, you will be able to see the best in Australian and international design under one roof,” said Thibaud. “We want to show well-known original designers, plus unearth new and innovative designers from all over Australia and beyond.”

Designers must apply to be selected to exhibit at DEN and organisers are taking expressions of interest at [email protected]

“We are asking those in the industry to nominate businesses who are designing and manufacturing amazing objects but are lesser known,” said Thibaud. “The combination of having the best in the industry with some extraordinary surprises will make DEN a standout global design show.”

If you know a design business you would like to nominate, send an email to [email protected]

The first two days will be trade only and the third day will also open to a limited number of non-professional design enthusiasts. For more information.

Interiors Addict

A wrap up of the key trends from New York Design Week 2014

By Linda Delaney

If almost three weeks in New York City without the blissful accompaniment of my gorgeous husband and utterly delightful children wasn’t amazing enough, New York totally turned it on whilst hosting NY xDesign – the city’s version of Milan’s Salone de Mobile.

The eight days or so of inaugural events around the city’s flagship showrooms, together with the annual International Contemporary Furniture Fair (ICFF) and its related offsite shows such as Wanted Design and Sight Unseen, are a global forum for the launch of new products, by both established and new designers. It is also where the industry turns to identify interior trends for the coming year, influencing product design, colours and styling.

Tom Dixon showcased The PIVOT collection, a series of drawn and sharply upholstered silhouettes, consisting of high and low-back chairs and a bar stool, all made with internal metal frame, moulded foam upholstery and rotating die-cast aluminium base.

The ICFF alone, sees over 600 exhibitors from all points of the globe (including an Australian contingent) and displays contemporary furniture, seating, carpet and flooring, lighting, outdoor furniture, materials, wall coverings, accessories, textiles, and kitchen and bathrooms for residential and commercial interiors. This year was by far the largest display and number of participants by suppliers, proving the industry is not contracting but rather growing in size and stature.

Bikini modular island sofa for Moroso. Available in Australia through

The theme or trend that featured most prominently at this year’s fair was one of inherent irregularities and imperfection of natural materials: cracked, crumpled and crushed textures; geological textural references; flaking surfaces; woven, knitted and tapestry textures; molten, eroded and oxidized effects; hammered, stamped and chiseled techniques. Interesting textural experiences and irregular shapes can be soothing and comforting, and even give a pleasing feeling of nostalgia. It seems, the more complex our lives, the more we crave the simplicities of life.

Themes to emerge were:

  • Soft, curved shapes and organic forms in sofas and chairs.
  • Motifs were also soft, curved and organic in their shape and structure.
  • Perfect proportions and classic lines with lots of movement.
  • Splayed legs on all furniture types: tables, sideboards, bedsides etc.
  • Extensive use of solid timbers with distinctive grains, some almost in their raw form.
  • Materials mostly in timber, metal, bronze, copper, brass (both dull and shiny) and marble. Glass as a primary material in furniture did not feature.
  • Outdoor products were mostly in powder-coated steel.
  • Textiles were a mix of bold textured colours blended with earthy and natural tones, with felt textures featuring heavily.
AxorWaterDream is a concept by Philippe Grohe that has formed the basis for several new Axor collections and bathroom products. Axor products available in Australia through

From our fast-paced tech innovation age, emerges a strong need for the built and constructed; something solid we can rely on that provides clarity and control. The antidote to stressful information overload is a new minimalism, one that creates order. It’s a paring back of things, rather than the stripping back that characterised Minimalism in the 90s. Impersonal interactions also mean we yearn for tactile and sensory experiences. This year’s furniture fair saw product designers address many of these challenges.

-Linda Delaney is founder and principal at interior design and decorating company, North Shore Interiors (Sydney). Linda describes her freshly inspired outlook as one of customising the multiple elements of the designer’s palette to transform spaces that directly engage her clients on both a physical and emotional level.

Interiors Addict

Decor + Design Sydney cancelled

Harvey Stockbridge, managing director of Informa Exhibitions Australia, yesterday announced the cancellation of Decor + Design Sydney, scheduled to be held at the Royal Hall of Industries in February.

“After consulting with key industry stakeholders and partners who all support Decor + Design, it has been decided to consolidate both the Sydney and Melbourne events into a national annual showcase, to be held at the Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre from 16-19 July 2015. This provides the Australian market with a unique, must-see trade show specifically designed for the furnishing and interiors market.”

The decision to consolidate Decor + Design into an annual showcase based in Melbourne is strategic in its approach to further reinforce Decor + Design’s position as the leading Australian event. Harvey says the event is excited to deliver a more comprehensive face-to-face platform, providing exhibitors with the ultimate opportunity to further enhance their experience, drive business objectives and grow market reach.

Decor + Design will be held at the Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre, from 16-to-19 July 2015 alongside Furnitex and Flooring & Finishes with ATFA.