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How to: avoid common painting mistakes

We’ve all been there, midway through an exciting reno project only to realise that we haven’t done as much pre-prep ‘homework’ as we probably should have! Mistakes and stuff ups are common place with any reno, usually due to lack of knowledge, preparation and inadequate tools.

To achieve professional results and prevent mistakes when it comes to your pain job, Rod Bradey from Dynamic Paintware has offered tips on how to avoid the most common painting mistakes.

common painting mistakes

 – Preparation is best
Lack of proper prep and cleaning of a surface will impact the final results. Ensure the walls are properly cleaned with sugar soap to remove grease and grime, this will help paint stick better. A stain blocker will need to be used over existing marks to prevent them showing through the new paint. Once the surface is clean and dry, remove, scrape or sand off any flaky paint and fill in any cracks or gaps. The Dynamic Dyna Patch Light Filler is a great product for lighter duty, quick repairs as it dries quickly and requires no sanding.

 – Quality tools for professional results
Whether it’s a minor repair, repainting the interior walls or a small building project, to achieve professional results you need to invest in quality tools. Good quality brushes and rollers will give you better coverage and will minimise paint wastage in the long run – and will last for years. Also, be aware to choose the right brush for the right paint – synthetic filaments are best for water-based formulations.

The Dynamic Infinity 100% Dupont Chinex is crafted with Chinex filaments delivering the ideal balance of paint pick-up and release for high quality, high viscosity water-based coatings.
Brush size and style is also important, as each cut and shape is used for different tasks and surfaces. Wall painting brushes are the most standard type and are thick, flat brushes to hold a lot of paint which makes it faster to cover large surfaces. Cutter brushes have a specially shaped tip for accurate and straight brush lines most commonly used for painting door and window frames, or ceiling and wall corners.

Different projects also require different brush sizes. For example, a 12-25mm brush is best for small jobs and touch-up work, whereas a 50mm brush is ideal for medium sized painting tasks such as doors and furniture. For large surfaces a 100mm brush is best to help get the job done quickly.

common painting mistakes

 – It’s a crime not to prime
If painting over an old colour or painting on a surface that is plaster, wood, concrete, glossy paint or stained/porous drywall, it’s best to apply a primer beforehand to cover flaws in the surface, and create a smooth, long-lasting finish.

Another handy tip is to add extender to paints to eliminate brush strokes and avoid dry edges – maintaining a wet edge while painting is crucial for preventing brush and roller marks.

Dynamic Paintware offers a range of valuable and innovative products ensuring great results and long lasting performance.

Visit for more information

By Naomi Foxall

Naomi Foxall is a freelance writer, content and social media manager, living on the NSW South Coast.

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