Expert Tips

Back to school organisation tips to save your house!

Half of Australia is currently on a tidying mission thanks to Marie Kondo’s new Netflix doco, as well as the usual January urge to clear out and get organised. But with the kids about to go back to school, how can we ensure all that hard work isn’t ruined when backpacks, paperwork and sports kits are coming through the doors every night again?

Houzz have a few smart tips to apply to the home for a smooth transition back to school:

Be generous with storage

Source: Houzz/Margaret Wright Photography

When the children return to school, a collection of school books, uniforms, toys and other knick knacks can quickly accumulate in the home. Readily available storage compartments are a nifty solution to this problem and easily hide mess. Storage units, boxes, baskets and food storage containers are all great examples, which we’ve seen on Houzz in various designs and colours to suit the style of each home.

In fact, in a recent poll* conducted on Houzz found that, 34% of respondents find food storage containers the most useful organisation tool in the home, while 1 in 5 voted storage boxes.

Create a studying area

Source: Houzz/Kaia Calhoun

A designated studying area is a great way to make sure your kids can focus. Younger children may prefer a more communal studying area, where they can easily access their parents for questions, and older kids may like an area that is closed off with no distractions. Images on Houzz show that homeowners are personalising the studying area with stationary, posters, and cushions so that kids feel more creative and comfortable in the space.

Assemble a command centre

Command centres are a great way to keep track of the family’s schedule during the term. Wall calendars, planners, pin boards and blackboards are popular choices in the images on Houzz, and can be accessorised nicely with family photos, magnets and postcards.

Allocate a drop off zone

Source: Houzz/Alexandra Crafton

A well laid out drop off zone will ensure that school bags, jackets, hats and shoes won’t get lost inside the home. Homeowners on Houzz have been quite inventive with their drop off zones, some installing cupboards or benches, others opting for hooks and baskets. Whichever way you choose to design your drop off zone, you can rest assured knowing the items you need as you leave the house, won’t go missing.

*The results from this Houzz poll was fielded between December 2018 and January 2019, and percentages were calculated as of 9 January 2019.

What are your top tips for keeping on top of school clutter?

Pantry organisation tips from Real Housewife Chyka


By Jen Bishop

Jen Bishop is our owner and publisher and an experienced journalist and editor. Interiors Addict has been her full-time job for more than 10 years. She is mum to two young boys and lives in Sydney.

One reply on “Back to school organisation tips to save your house!”

Thanks for sharing these tips, they are great! Our daughter is starting school this year, and only the amount of necessary items was enought to clutter our entire house. It would be good to find a way to organise all these things, so they’re not in the way all the time. We will definitely try to create a drop off zone for all her school possessions, and I have to consider some additional storage, maybe something under the bed that she can easily pull and push.

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