Expert Tips Styling

Decluttering tips from professional organisers

The experts at Tidee share their top tips to make decluttering your home much less daunting!

Tip 1: Start small 

You have to start somewhere right? Think about the areas in your home that need attention, choose one space and tackle this first. In our experience, if you try and take on all the spaces at once you will likely become overwhelmed and demotivated. Start small to win quick! 

Tip 2: Have a vision 

Before you get started it is important to have a vision. Imagine how you want the space to look and function. Start building your bank of ideas, social media is a great place to start – lots of inspiration! 

Tip 3: It’s all in the planning 

Planning is key to your organising success. Before you go crazy buying lots of different organising products, measure the space first – this step is really important! There is nothing worse than buying a whole lot of organising products only to find they don’t fit or work in the space. 

Tip 4: Product is key 

Try to balance functionality and beauty. These are fundamental components to any space we organise. There’s no point using products that don’t work well for the space. The organising products have a dual purpose – they have to work well and they have to look beautiful. 

Tip 5: Lock in the time 

Organising requires commitment and part of that commitment is your time. Make sure you set aside at least 3-4 hours straight. There is nothing worse than not finishing the job and having to live with a messy space. Be prepared for things to get messy before they get organised! 

Tip 6: Give me some space 

Clear a space in the room you are organising so that you have plenty of space to put all the items eg clothes out of the wardrobe or food out of the pantry. To make the sorting process even easier, get 3 empty bins (bags, boxes or baskets) and label these: KEEP, DISCARD & DONATE and sort items into one of these 3 categories.

Tip 7: Moving on out 

Get everything out of the space – yes we mean everything! Once everything is out give the space a good wipe down. A clean space is the foundation of any organised space. 

Tip 8: So long, farewell 

Time for the sorting to begin. Group your items together into the same categories. Once this is done it’s time to get your Marie Kondo on. Do you love the item so much you have to hang onto it or are you better off saying so long farewell to it? Be ruthless otherwise you will simply end up storing things for the sack of it! 

Tip 9: Put it back baby 

Time to put back all the items you are keeping in their newly assigned homes. A basic rule of thumb is to keep the items you use regularly in prime real estate zones eg vegemite in an easy to reach spot and items you don’t use daily up high. 

Tip 10: Label label label 

The final step is to make sure your storage containers are labelled. This will act as a visual reminder to put things back in their new home and lets others know where things go. Labelling is key to the organising system being maintained.

Tidee are Melbourne professional organisation technicians Emma and Michelle with a passion for bringing calm to your space.


Marie Kondo mania: Declutter your life with Pinterest

There’s no denying that the world is currently in the grip of Marie Kondo mania. Not only was the book a best seller but the new Netflix series has beamed the diminutive Japanese dynamo into countless households and further evidence of the frenzy can be found on Pinterest where searches for the KonMari method are up a whopping 710 per cent! She was even invited to the Oscars this week!

And aside from specific KonMari searches, searches are also up for ‘minimalism’ and ‘decluttering’ with the Eastern Zen mindset of letting go (and living a less cluttered life) clearly resonating with people in the West. But I’m sure this won’t be news for many of you who have been using Pinterest to organise your life for years now.

Whether it’s Kondo’s hugely popular method of folding and storing clothes to decluttering the kitchen and organising books and paperwork, Pinterest is brimming with ideas to inspire your very own KonMari journey.

The ultimate pastel pantry
Gorgeous sorbet hues aside, the inspiration to be found via ‘From Great Beginnings’ has given me serious pantry organisation envy. There’s information on how to create a DIY command centre (the administrative hub of the home), a dedicated baking corner and an oil, vinegar and spice organisational set-up that is the stuff of OCD dreams.

Pinterest image
Image source: Pinterest/From Great Beginnings

The Organised Housewife
From a DIY compost bin to how to seriously organise a child’s wardrobe (think labels!), this board is full of countless ideas to inject some order into the chaos of home life.

Pinterest image
Image source: Pinterest/The Organised Housewife

Pinterest image
Image source: Pinterest/The Organised Housewife

Bathroom organisation
I don’t know about you but I feel like my bathroom cupboards are an organisational disaster. From random medicine to miscellaneous (and often old!) makeup and half used moisturiser I’m desperately in need of some bathroom organisational inspo which is why this board is rather handy.

Pinterest image
Image source: Pinterest/My Organised Home

Pinterest image
Image source: Pinterest/My Organised Home

For more | 2019’s top home decor trends according to Pinterest

Bathrooms Bedrooms Furniture Homewares Shopping

Storage solutions with style for your inner Marie Kondo

With the world currently in the throes of a Marie Kondo inspired mass tidy up (thanks Netflix!), we thought it was time to reveal our favourite storage options. From wall hooks to hanging rails, toy storage and stylish yet functional baskets, these amazing buys will help you kick off 2019 with an organised home.

Willow and Wood Lake House Panel: Jen has this set up in the entry to her home and it’s become an organisational workhorse that she couldn’t live without. It’s a great way to easily organise bags, shoes, mail, coats and more. $349.95

Willow and Wood mud room

Muuto The Dots wall hooks: Something of a design classic, the Muuto hooks are almost too pretty to use. The upside is that, depending on how they are arranged, they can look rather artful when not in use. $179 (pack of five).

Muuto hooks

Sketch Tokyo desk: Inspired by the secretaires of old, this modern iteration is no less functional. When closed, it looks like a stylish mid-century inspired storage piece but it also flips out and becomes a cute desk making it a fabulous option for a multi-purpose room. $1850.

Sketch Tokyo desk

West Elm Sweater Knit baskets: Handmade in India, these stylish storage baskets evoke a world-traveller vibe and will help with organisation anywhere in the home. $59 each.

West Elm sweater knit basket

H & G Designs leather strap shelf with hanging rail: Something of a one-stop shop for stylish storage solutions, this small Aussie design company make everything for the wall from ladders to ledges, rails, hooks and much more. From $220.

H and G Designs leather strap shelf

H and G laundry hanging rail
The brand do a fabulous laundry hanging rail too

Mustard Made lockers: We profiled these fabulous vintage inspired lockers when they launched last year and we still can’t get enough. Whether you’re after bedside storage (The Shorty) or extra wardrobe space or office organisation (The Skinny), the colour selection is divine too. From $199.

Mustard Made locker

Mustard Made locker

Kmart bamboo frame garment rack with storage basket: Simple and affordable, this clothes storage rack is great for a bedroom (ideal for renters) but it wouldn’t look out of place in the entry of a home. $39.

Kmart hanging rack

Numero 74 wall pocket: A multi-purpose vertical storage space, this handy item could be used just about anywhere but is ideal for organising small, fiddly children’s toys. $120.

Numero 74 wall pocket

Play and Go mini storage bag: I have a similar item and it’s the best Lego storage solution I’ve found. It opens out wide when the Lego is in use but the simple design makes the clean-up super easy. $39.95.

Play and Go Lego storage

One Forty Three guitar hook: One for the musos, this hook not only helps you display your favourite instrument but its ideal for when storage is in short supply. $83.

One Forty Three guitar hook

IKEA’s top decluttering and storage hacks

Expert Tips

Back to school organisation tips to save your house!

Half of Australia is currently on a tidying mission thanks to Marie Kondo’s new Netflix doco, as well as the usual January urge to clear out and get organised. But with the kids about to go back to school, how can we ensure all that hard work isn’t ruined when backpacks, paperwork and sports kits are coming through the doors every night again?

Houzz have a few smart tips to apply to the home for a smooth transition back to school:

Be generous with storage

Source: Houzz/Margaret Wright Photography

When the children return to school, a collection of school books, uniforms, toys and other knick knacks can quickly accumulate in the home. Readily available storage compartments are a nifty solution to this problem and easily hide mess. Storage units, boxes, baskets and food storage containers are all great examples, which we’ve seen on Houzz in various designs and colours to suit the style of each home.

In fact, in a recent poll* conducted on Houzz found that, 34% of respondents find food storage containers the most useful organisation tool in the home, while 1 in 5 voted storage boxes.

Create a studying area

Source: Houzz/Kaia Calhoun

A designated studying area is a great way to make sure your kids can focus. Younger children may prefer a more communal studying area, where they can easily access their parents for questions, and older kids may like an area that is closed off with no distractions. Images on Houzz show that homeowners are personalising the studying area with stationary, posters, and cushions so that kids feel more creative and comfortable in the space.

Assemble a command centre

Command centres are a great way to keep track of the family’s schedule during the term. Wall calendars, planners, pin boards and blackboards are popular choices in the images on Houzz, and can be accessorised nicely with family photos, magnets and postcards.

Allocate a drop off zone

Source: Houzz/Alexandra Crafton

A well laid out drop off zone will ensure that school bags, jackets, hats and shoes won’t get lost inside the home. Homeowners on Houzz have been quite inventive with their drop off zones, some installing cupboards or benches, others opting for hooks and baskets. Whichever way you choose to design your drop off zone, you can rest assured knowing the items you need as you leave the house, won’t go missing.

*The results from this Houzz poll was fielded between December 2018 and January 2019, and percentages were calculated as of 9 January 2019.

What are your top tips for keeping on top of school clutter?

Pantry organisation tips from Real Housewife Chyka



Stylish new wardrobe range: on trend & tailored to you

Are you looking to instil some order into your walk-in wardrobe? Perhaps you’re dreaming of hooks and hangers that cater for your partner’s trousers and ties that seem to endlessly accumulate on the floor…

A well-designed wardrobe can make a striking visual impact whilst providing everyday functionality. As Marie Kondo says, “keeping your physical space tidy allows you to tend to your psychological space” and couldn’t we all do with a little more self-care time and a little less searching-for-that-lost-shoe time?

Stegbar’s new range of built-in and walk-in wardrobes, the Galleria Series, optimises space with clever design and flexible storage options to suit any bedroom size or style.

The entire range is completely customisable, allowing you to take advantage of tall ceiling heights, small spaces and difficult corners. Clever features such as soft close drawers, adjustable shelving, pull-out laundry hampers, shoe and trouser racks help keep things organised.

But our favourite part of Stegbar’s new range is that it doesn’t forgo style for storage. The Galleria Series includes a selection of on-trend textured board finishes and polished or matte brushed handles in traditional or contemporary styles allowing you to integrate the wardrobe with your existing interior styling.

“No longer standalone pieces of furniture, exquisite finishes in timber prints and realistic subtle veneer embossing on decorative board has enabled wardrobes to look and feel like custom timber joinery,” explains interior designer Marylou Paino.

The Galleria Series offers three unique collections to choose from – Couture, Tailored and Essentials. You can mix and match between the collections, choosing from a variety of board finishes, hardware, accessories and drawers. The collections range from the luxurious Couture range of on-trend finishes and architectural quality hardware, to the everyday Essentials collection which offers simple yet stylish wardrobe storage options.

Get in touch with Stegbar’s Design Consultation Service who can help you create the perfect wardrobe to suit your space, style and budget.

How to create the perfect designer walk-in wardrobe by The Block’s Frank Valentic

Expert Tips Interviews

Organise your linen cupboard in five steps

While not the most glamorous of subjects, the linen cupboard is a life necessity and if yours is anything like mine, it’s a constant uphill battle to create order amidst the chaos. So when decluttering specialist (yes, there is such a thing!) Jo Carmichael, of All Sorted Out, reached out with some expert tips I was all ears.

Linen cupboard
The linen cupboard of my dreams. Image source: Pinterest/Fleecie

“An organised linen cupboard feels like you have an organised life, am I right? At one point or another everyone goes through the stress of a dreadful linen closet. You cannot find a towel or a sheet to save your life and somehow your husbands car parts have managed to find their way into a section of it,” says Jo who has identified five key steps in making your linen cupboard more functional and efficient to use.

The clear out
First things first you need to empty the cupboard of what looks like a disaster. Start in a small section, whether it be top to bottom and work your way down. Place all your items in an area that you can go through everything clearly like a spare bedroom or lounge room,” says Jo. This is also a great time to dust and wipe down the inside of your cupboards before placing your organised items back inside.

Do I really need this?
“Once your cupboard is completely free the fun begins, and it’s time to start sorting. Start by making different piles of things, such as towels, blankets, sheets and so on. This is the time to start clearing away items that don’t need to be there. For example, start throwing the old towels with stains and the blankets with holes,” says Jo. And this is where the more exciting part lies because decluttering your old linens makes way for the new and you will also find that you have far more space to work with too. “It’s great to have a linen closest that is not bursting at the seams and is far more visually appealing and practical too,” says Jo who suggests parting with anything that hasn’t been used within the last twelve months.

“The key to a neat and practical linen cupboard is all about coordination. Keep all elements together and not all over the shop. I like to organise my linen cupboard by placing items I use more frequently such as towels and sheets in the middle so it’s easily accessible, and the ones I use not as often up the top such as winter blankets. Make sure you fold all linens neatly before storing them because messy, thrown in linens will mean they are likely to tumble down on you while trying to jam the door closed,” says Jo. Ahem, guilty as charged!

Sheets stored inside matching pillow cases
Store your matching sheets inside their pillow cases. Image source: Pinterest/Emma Hillhouse

Label it
Once you’ve grouped the king or queen bed linen in a pile and single linen in another pile, be sure that everyone knows this by labelling. It really helps to adhere to placing things back in the correct spot and the kids love it too,” says Jo. This is something I have been meaning to do for an age – when beds need to be quickly changed, it’s pretty irritating feeling like nobody in the house knows where the linen belongs but me and I’m sure I’m not alone on this one.

Linen cupboard with labels
Simple and effective: Labels can save you a lot of time rummaging. Image source: Pinterest/Eden Traylor

Keep it neat
Baskets can help keep it neat and tidy inside the cupboard.  Face washers and flannels, while handy, can be contained in a small basket so they don’t get mixed up with the bath mats. Once you have finalised the placement of your cupboard it’s up to you to keep the space clean,” says Jo who believes you should only ever store what you really need. “Keep the space practical by having enough of what you need – not 30 towels for a family of four for instance,” says Jo.

For more | IKEA expert shares top decluttering & storage hacks


Bedrooms Expert Tips Kitchens

‘Decluttering’ is trending on Pinterest – check out fave inspo

While Spring wasn’t that long ago, there’s something about January that makes me want to immerse myself in home organisation in preparation for the year ahead. And, according to Pinterest, it seems I’m not alone. Compared to last year, the number of ‘decluttering’ ideas saved has increased by 225 per cent and ‘DIY organising’ ideas have seen 415 per cent growth.

The sort of pantry that dreams are made of. Image source: Pinterest/Renee

Possibly my favourite area of home organisation (I know, I’m tragic!) is the pantry. Not only does an organised pantry make cooking easier, but it’s something that gives me great joy every time I use it. Family life is hectic and it’s my little bit of control amidst the chaos. Aside from some uniform containers and baskets, a label maker is a must.

This pantry is small but perfectly formed. Image source: Pinterest/Patricia Soto

A clutter-free desk ensures a clutter-free mind – at least in my experience. And whether you’re working from home or simply paying bills, a clean, minimalist desk is just the ticket for productivity. Pinterest provides much inspiration on this front.

This home office is a minimalist’s dream. Image source: Pinterest/Alexis Brown

Long time readers will know all about my obsession with folding fitted sheets, but the linen cupboard is an area of my home that I am constantly waging war with. Given it is a bit small for my family of five, organisation is key – from matching baskets to precision folding and a neutral palette (obviously not always possible) the example below is pretty fabulous.

Image source: Pinterest/Lisa Marchese

Store your matching sheets inside their pillow cases. Image source: Pinterest/Emma Hillhouse

From shoe and earring storage to whipping your clothes rack into shape, Pinterest is full of fabulous bedroom organisation ideas.

This is someones’ ACTUAL wardrobe. Image source: Pinterest/Charlize Watches

The bedside table is a bit of a serial offender, such is the clutter that can accumulate on top – especially if you don’t have drawers.

The trolley bedside is a novel idea that allows you to locate items swiftly. Image source: Pinterest/Nicola Duck

For more decluttering ideas

Follow us on Pinterest!

Expert Tips

10-minute organising projects for your home

By Alicia Parsons

Hands up if you’ve ever said ‘I don’t have time to get organised’? {Raises own hand} Yep, even as a decorating and organising blogger, I still have moments days weeks where I throw in the towel just because I don’t have time to tackle everything.


I then have to remind myself that a little is better than nothing. So here are some 10-minute organising projects that you can squeeze in while dinner is cooking or over a couple of ad breaks.

Interiors Addict

Kikki.K branches into homewares

It was only a matter of time if you ask me! It’s such an obvious fit, from gorgeous stationery, to home organisation and photo frames, through to homewares, and here we have it: kikki.K homewares!

kikki.k homewares hero

Let’s face it, kikki.K products have been making our homes, especially our home offices, look good for years already. Now we can add a little Swedish design to our kitchens and dining rooms too!

Interiors Addict

Kristina Karlsson, founder of cult Aussie stationery brand kikki.K, shares her top tips for staying

Kristina Karlsson, founder of cult Aussie stationery brand kikki.K, shares her top tips for staying