Bathrooms Before & Afters Real Renos RENO ADDICT

Before & after: A fab bathroom reno for under $2000!

Located in the Melbourne suburb of Cheltenham, this dated brown bathroom received the makeover treatment recently at the deft hands of Amelia Boal from Soleil Styling and Design. Inspired by seeing our story on tile painting, Amelia was able to give the bathroom a dramatic facelift for less than $2000. Impressive!

Bathroom BEFORE
Bathroom BEFORE
Bathroom AFTER
Bathroom AFTER

The bathroom renovation was part of a whole home makeover that was undertaken before the sale of the home. “The owners had gone through the whole process of planning and seeking approval for a complete renovation and extension of their home, which they had outgrown. Then once plans had been finalised and approved, they realised it was a huge thing to take on with two busy careers, two young daughters and a big old Labrador, and decided they’d be better off selling and buying something to fit them,” says Amelia.

Shower AFTER
Shower AFTER

With just two weeks to transform the home, and a modest budget, Amelia set about transforming the bathroom from a dated brown space to a much brighter and whiter one. “When planning the vibe for the whole house I set out to add as much natural and artificial light as possible, as it was quite dark. But I didn’t want it to fall flat so we ran with a palette of white, grey, black and soft green and added in a lot of texture throughout,” says Amelia whose favourite design feature of the bathroom makeover is the soft green feature tile used on the front of the bath.


The new bathroom floor features new tiles laid over the original ones and the wall tiles were painted which helped keep the renovation within budget. “I was definitely inspired to try tile spraying thanks to a story on your site. I had heard of it over the years but always been put off by what I heard through others so when this project came up I jumped at the chance,” says Amelia who explains that the process did unfortunately suffer due to her choice of trade. “The contractor who did the work had some issues and had to come back several times and ended up stripping it back and doing it all again, but it ended well. I can’t say I’d use this particular gentlemen again but I’d try it again for sure though. Plus, he didn’t charge us due to the inconvenience,” says Amelia.

AFTER A fabulous result!
AFTER The project is testament to the power of white!

Breakdown of bathroom costs:
Tile resurfacing: $800 (this was waived)
Tiles and tiling : $427.25
Painting: $250
Tap/shower/bath fittings and towel rails and installation: $500

Total = $1977.25

Photography: Tahnee Jade Photography

Six easy ways to refresh your bathroom tiles | Another budget reno using just paint

By Amy Collins-Walker

Amy is our regular feature writer, an experienced journalist and interior stylist living in Perth, Western Australia. Find out more about her styling work at

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