Expert Tips Outdoor & Exteriors The Block

Block’s Greville Pabst on selling your home in the New Year

By Greville Pabst

As many Australians enjoy the festive season and summer sun, the real estate market goes into hibernation. That is until the New Year, when the market starts to pick up again. If you are looking to put your home on the market in early 2018, there are  a few things you can do to make sure your home stands out from the crowd and increase your chances of achieving a successful sale. Here are seven tips on how to prepare your home for a summer sale:

Garden is number one – When looking at a home during summer, many buyers will pay extra attention to the garden and outdoor areas, as this is where they will imagine themselves spending time during the summer. Make sure the garden is well maintained, green and lush, with no dead flowers or uncut grass. If possible, try and incorporate some shady areas in the backyard.

Credit: renoguide.comau

Inspection times – Running around and looking at houses when the sun is shining and the temperature is high, is not an ideal scenario for potential buyers. Try to schedule your inspection times earlier in the morning or later in the afternoon to avoid the heat during the middle of the day.

Inside retreat – The inside of your home should be a cool escape from the outdoor sun. Keep the air conditioning or ceiling fans on during inspection times, or open windows and doors to get a nice breeze flowing through the house.

Credit: Three Birds Renovation

Change up the colours – Remove heavy curtains, rugs and cushions in darker colours, and replace them with a brighter and lighter palette that is more suited to summer. These small things can give the home a completely new look that is more suited to summer and warmer temperatures.

Create an oasis – If you have a pool, this is the time to show it off by making sure it is well maintained and looks its absolute best. During summer, this is a great selling tool and you want it to appear as the perfect summer oasis.

Credit: Harrison Landscaping

Replace the old – Small things that are worth investing in include updating the mailbox, front door, fence and adding a fresh coat of paint to the exterior. This can work wonders for the front of the home, which is the buyer’s first impression. It’s important that the home has great street appeal and looks inviting.

Credit: Heartly Design

Outdoor dining – In Australia, we are lucky to be able to use outdoor areas the majority of the year, and during summer we really want to take advantage of our climate. Stage your alfresco or patio area with furniture to make it appear large and inviting. You want potential buyers to imagine themselves eating and entertaining in the space.

–Greville is executive chairman of WBP Group and one of the buyer’s advocates on The Block. He is a regular commentator on Sky News and the daily papers such as Herald Sun, the AFR and The Australian, helping everyday Australians make better property decisions.

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