
Foodie Friday: Eat Fit Food’s healthy summer omelette

We thought we had probably better publish this healthy recipe this week, before we all lose our willpower over the festive season! If you’ve already lost yours, save it for the January health kick, or that point after days of excess where you just want something light! This free range omelette with corn, goats cheese and asparagus comes courtesy of Eat Fit Food.

In just a few minutes, a nutritious meal can be whipped up, perfect for hectic weekday mornings. Showcasing crunchy asparagus, sweet corn and smooth goat’s cheese; this omelette is sure to put a spring in your step.

Serves 4. Gluten free.


  • 4 eggs
  • 200g corn
  • 80g goats cheese
  • 8x asparagus spears


Chop asparagus into small pieces.

Whisk eggs in a bowl and add corn and asparagus. Mix vegetables through mixture and evenly portion into 4 bowls.

Add to hot fry pan with oil and flip once cooked through.

Plate up and top with goat’s cheese.

Eat Fit Food pride themselves on nutritious and wholefood meal plans that are delivered conveniently to your door.

By Jen Bishop

Jen Bishop is our owner and publisher and an experienced journalist and editor. Interiors Addict has been her full-time job for more than 10 years. She is mum to two young boys and lives in Sydney.

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