
The Block’s Kyal and Kara on how to renovate with your partner and keep the peace!

I’ve always thought competing with your partner on The Block was asking for divorce (such the cynic!), however the Super Ks Kyal and Kara Demmrich are proof that renovating with your partner can be fun, you can make money and you can even become stronger from it!

Kyal and Kara - Renovating reno addict
Kyal and Kara Demmrich

So what are their secrets for successfully – and peacefully – renovating with a partner?

  • Spend time in the initial stages to plan and map out a time frame, but remember you need to be flexible
  • Don’t take on too much at once. It may be appropriate to tackle one room at a time.
  • Make sure you schedule time away from the renovation. Go to the beach or head to the 
gym, and get some exercise.

“Kyal and I have been together since we were 16 – so more than 10 years now! We were married in 2008, bought our first home together when we were 21, and we haven’t stopped renovating since,” explains Kara. 
“We love a good transformation and looking back to see what we’ve achieved but generally speaking, we don’t agree initially. We are always going back and forth with ideas and usually both end up loving the decisions we make.”

If the couple have varying ideas on a style or layout they throw ideas and suggestions around until a happy medium is found. Or they’ll sleep on it for a couple of days.

“I usually have the big ideas and Kyal is the one that logically thinks about these ideas and works out, from a building perspective, if they’re possible. But we always look back to the big picture and remember the goals of the renovation.”

The cost of renovating can be a tipping point for couples so clarifying goals and setting a budget and tracking it (through an Excel spreadsheet for example) will ensure spending doesn’t get away from you.

“For example, are you renovating your home to sell or is it your dream home you want to invest in? Thinking about these points will help to ensure that you don’t over capitalise or regret the choices you make. Don’t try and do too much of it yourself. This is usually when mistakes are made or corners cut. With a budget in mind, getting in professionals for certain trades will probably save time and money in the long run.”

–Kyal and Kara starred on The Block Fans vs Faves and are now Beaumont Tiles ambassadors.

By Olivia Shead

When she's not writing for Interiors Addict, Olivia is now a TV and radio news producer. She's a journalism graduate of UTS Sydney.

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